I'm Sorry 2

Song Fic: Baby I'm Sorry (MYNAME)

Still Flashback:


The day after the fight, they decided just to hang-out in a tent restaurant, so no one needs to buy drinks alone. Kris was still thinking about what the man told him. He was being awfully serious and quiet. His friends don't mind him when he don't pay attention to them since he always reason that he don't understand much Korean, or he's too cool to laugh at their jokes. But that was not the case that day. A certain person was also awfully quiet that time; he was also thinking the same thing as Kris did.

"Hey Jongin, don't tell me you're cheating on Kyungsoo." Baekhyun said which made Kyungsoo enlarge his eyes from confusion and embarrassment.

"What are you talking about?" Kai spat, obviously irritated. "We're not even together." He whispered, but it was loud enough to be heard by Kyungsoo. The shorter male did not hide his disappointment.

"Well you were also quiet when Kyungsoo was late-slash-beaten by those bastard yesterday. Well, he's here now." Baekhyun patted Kyungsoo's back. "He's safe and sound. No need to worry." Kyungsoo blushed, unfortunately no one noticed.

"Yeah! We should celebrate and not sulk. That's the reason we're here." Chanyeol cheerfully added. He also slightly winced in pain from yesterday's brawl.

"Are you all sure we should not worry? Do you really think that we are safe?" Kai asked.

The three person did not understand his question, but Kris was frozen by that statement. He looked at Jongin and saw him glaring at him. It doesn't need a genius mind to know that Kai overheard the conversation that day. He was thankful that Kai was smart enough to keep it as a secret. Kris just doesn't know for how long Kai would help him hide it.


The tension was spreading among the friends. They all could feel the sudden shift of the aura around their table. Good thing someone's phone rang. The ringtone was an annoyingly cute one, so they shifted their attention to Kyungsoo who immediately fished his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh eomma... I'm with Kris hyung and the others." Kyungsoo told to the other person on the line. He slightly covered the mouthpiece and excused himself.

Kyungsoo hurriedly left their table to avoid being included in whatever conflict they were having. Unfortunately, because of his haste, he accidentally kicked the table of another group of customers. Kyungsoo was out of luck these past two days because he just spilled the drinks of these scary looking and angry guys. He didn't need nor want another beating or fight, so he apologized profusely. However these guys did not want to settle this in a civilized way.

"Yah! What do you think you are doing?

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." 

The guy snickered. "That would not solve anything. You see, you can't really pay our beers or clean my pants with an apology." Kai immediately raised from his seat, but Kris motioned him to sit down. Kai complied unwillingly.

"He apologized already. Aren't you being immature for not accepting it?" Kris said. The guy walked to Kris direction to intimidate him. Kris stood up and showed that he was not backing up either. After sensing their height difference, the guy stepped back a little which prompted his company to stand up and assist him.

"What's this commotion all about?" A loud stern voice interrupted their heated stare. Two feminine looking guys approached them which made everyone on that table to rise from their seats and bow to pay respect. Though both feminine looking, their aura screams authority. 


Kris narrowed his eyes as he tried to recall the person in front of him. He froze in his spot as he remembered the taller male as his boss' nemesis, Kim Heechul. It will be dangerous not only for him, but also for all of his friends if he rub the wrong sides of these people. His mind was thinking of ways to avoid further confrontation when the shorter but bulkier feminine guy whispered something to his boss.

"Stop slacking around and come with me now. I have an election to prepare for. I don't pay you waste my precious time." Heechul said which earned a round of 'yes' from his people.

Heechul left, but not without looking intently on Kris. Kris hoped that they were not able to recognize his friends. But he knows it's no use. On that very moment he decided to to leave everything behind. He can't risk his friends' life anymore.


"Whoa! Did you see that! It was this close to get some action again." Chanyeol said excitedly while punching the air. He winced again for moving his bruised muscles.

"Yah! If you want to be beaten again, do it alone. I don't want to sport another scar. Besides you're still hurting. You actually look funny when you wince." Beakhyun said while exaggeratedly imitating Chanyeol's face.

"Yah! For your information, I wince handsomely."

"Handsome your face. You look like a panda right now. In speaking of panda, Kris hyung why you did not invited Tao to celebrate with us?"

"It was better this way." Kris replied without looking to his friends.

"You have a point." Chanyeol thoughtfully said. He added, "but if he was here, we could've beaten those guys easier with his Wushu."

Kris glared at Chanyeol and left without saying anything. Chanyeol looked at his friends worriedly while asking 'what?' They did not realized that that was their last peaceful moment together.


"So who will pay for our drinks?" Chanyeol timidly asked.

"Oh look at the time! Kyungsoo do you need to go home now? Come on I'll come with you. We need to think about an excuse for your bruises. I think I have one already." Baekhyun blabbered while dragging a confused Kyungsoo to avoid pitching in money.

Chanyeol desperately looked at Kai who slowly shook his head. "Your on your own hyung." Kai said and walk to catch up Beakhyun and Kyungsoo. It took a moment for Chanyeol to realize that he was alone.

"But I did not bring my wallet! Guys wait for me!"

"Ahem!" Chanyeol flinched and turn arounded to see an ahjuma waiting impatiently.







Thank you for reading and subscribing!!! I'll try to update faster for those who put up with me and my story. :)

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Shutup98 #1
Chapter 5: I read it and I really love it so please finish it soon
syran-night #2
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for updating! If no one else is reading I still am. (PS: Having Kyu use Hangeng as a puppet was pretty hilarious to imagine.
syran-night #3
Chapter 4: Oh that was awesome! You have to finish this! Please! For the love of everything that is awesome, finish this!
Chapter 2: I love that MV. And I love how you are now doing an EXO fanfic version of it. I think I'd need a big box of tissue soon...