I'm Sorry 3

Song Fic: Baby I'm Sorry (MYNAME)

Back to the Present:


Kris woke up covered with several blankets in the bathtub since it's the only safe and clean place after Tao trashed the hotel room. He sighed. He wished that the ground would just open up and eat him alive, but he knows that it was just a wishful thinking. Those things rarely happens in real life, and he was sure that sink holes doesn't hear people's prayer.


Kris was going to close his eyes again when his phones rang. He ignored it once, twice, but it seems like the caller was not going to give up soon. He stood up, leaving the comfort the blankets and reluctantly walked to answer his phone on the nightstand. Right beside his phone was his gun.

A thought came to his mind. He could grab his phone and answer Kyuhyun, his boss' right hand, or he could grab his gun and end his life. In his state right now, freedom sounds better than money. He closed his eyes, picked up the gun quickly and shot.

"Whoa! Easy there." Kyuhyun said while raising an arm in the air since the other one is keeping his phone on his ear. Kyuhyun ended his call and Kris' phone stopped ringing. "I was worried. It took you a while before answering my calls; I thought you were dead."

"What do you want?"

"You're not even asking how did I find you?"

"Does it matter?"

"I'm just thinking that you should be careful on whom you sleep with, unless it's just a one-time thing." Kyuhyun looked around the hotel room. "This surely needs to be just a one night stand. I wonder how many hotel room you need to trash if you keep this person around." Kyuhyun slung his arm on Kris and continued speaking. "You remind me of my old self. I think my partner and I trashed around 20 different hotel rooms before we were banned on staying on any hotels around the city." Kyuhyun chuckled at his own memory.

Kris narrowed his eyes then asked, "You keep a partner while doing this dirty job? I wonder how easy it was to be part of a mafia in your time."

"Correction. It's kept not keep. I broke up with him a long time ago. Additionally, whatever "dirty thing" you are doing right now, I did it also back then. I was promoted, you too. The only difference is, you have to do my old job and I get to boss you around."

"Him? Your partner was... a guy?"

"Yeah. I don't think you're in the right position to judge me. I saw him left yesterday. Your boy looked the same when I first did it with my bunny; hurt, betrayed and vengeance. Eventually he grew tired of crying, so in time we just have , hit each other, then have again, and then leave. One thing is for sure. I don't look like after he left me." Kyuhyun ruffled Kris' hair.

"You... y-you saw him?" Kris' asked wide-eyed, not minding the insult a bit.

Kyuhyun let go of Kris and walked towards the door. "I told you, you remind me of my old self. If you decided to keep things the way they are right now, I'll keep my mouth shut. Now is not the time to sulk and be sentimental. The Dragon needs to see you right now, something about the election thing." Kyuhyun then left him alone. Kris was not sure whether to trust his hyung's words, but as long as Tao is safe, he'll keep Kyuhyun alive.

'Of all the people you fell in love with, you chose the forbidden one. You really remind me of my old self.' Kyuhyun told himself.



"That bastard would do anything to win. Even if it means cheating." Hankyung calmly said, though you could feel the venom in his every words. They were having an emergency meeting at Hangeng's mansion. Just him and few of his trusted people, namely Kyuhyun and Kris.

"A press conference to reveal something about the past, concerning you? I'm pretty sure it's about your citizenship. Yup! That's hitting below the belt." Kyuhyun muttered while reading the announcement on a tablet. "Heechul is really hungry for power." He added.

"He knew people are more inclined to vote me as their governor, so he's using his last card. Unfortunately, this time his not breaking the law. Hell! He's using the law against me. We should stop this before it's over, or he'll gain more territories and connections." Hangeng gritted his teeth.

"So, how do you plan to stop this?" Kris asked, not really interested, but he needs to show that he's paying attention.

"I'm planning to attend the event myself." The two subordinates was shocked by the bold decision.

"Hyung it will be very dangerous! Besides the press would be present. We cannot compromise your clean reputation." Kyuhyun said as he disagreed.

"Exactly, the press would be present, so he definitely can't  lay a finger on me. Who knows my background better than me? I need to help him disclose facts truthfully to the people." Hangeng said as if he already calculated everything.

"You know him better than that. He's a dangerous person, I have a feeling that this is just a trap."

"That is why I only talked to you two. We're going to attend discreetly. We're going to remain silent as long as Heechul doesn't drop the bomb. You don't have to do anything, just make sure the we're still whole and alive when we leave the conference."

"I'm still not convinced." Kyuhyun said.

"You can trust our safety on me." Kris volunteered.

"Then it's settled. This meeting is adjourned."


 The event was held in a conference room of a prestigious hotel in their area. The three arrived the same with the media, so they blend in with the busy crowd. There was no security check, but the guards were spread around the entire building for safety and show-off purposes. Inside the room, you could see that the event was prepared be Heechul himself. Every thing looks expensive, and it portrays his personality very well. The venue itself looks expensive with its high ceiling, decorated with crystal chandeliers. There were rows of rectangular tables and chairs draped in black cloth with red sash as a motif. It looks like they were going to hold a ball rather than a conference meeting.

As the press were busy preparing their lightning, sound and camera settings professionally, the trio discreetly sat at the middle row on the side near the exit door. Kyuhyun took out his tablet and started playing while Kris took out a pad and a pen and started drawing things he found amusing inside the hall. Even if they were doing things irrelevant to the situation, they really blend with the crowd.

It took a while for the media to situate themselves and to settle in their seats. As they were waiting, the lights suddenly turned off, except for the spot light on the small elevated stage.

"Very Heechul." Kyuhyun scoffed.

Three seconds later, a very beautiful man wearing an expensive suit appeared before the anticipating crowd. His medium length hair looks formal enough for the event and venue. But the said person is Heechul, so he also wore a stylish sunglasses to protect his eyes from the brightness of the lights and flashes.

"What? Just sunglasses? I was expecting he'll wear something close to Lady Gaga's costumes." Kyuhyun whispered which the other two people with him, caught.

Hangeng supposed to discipline his underboss, but he was also expecting the same thing. In the end, the whole people could hear their not-so-soft giggles. Since the whole room was dark, no one can really recognize them. Well, except for Heechul of course. He knows Hangeng's voice very well. 

A reporter from their behind was going to stop them when Heechul decided to talk.

"Seems like everyone is present. I'll begin my revelation now." He took off his sunglasses and sat on one of the two red single European sofa on the stage. "I'll start with my old relationship with my rival candidate, Hankyung-ssi." Heechul said while looking intently at the mentioned guy.

The giggling stopped, but the camera shutter sound and the voices of the questioning reporters replaced it. Many were raising their hands, while some just asked their questions simultaneously. Heechul raised his hand and everyone became quiet.

"I'll tell my story first, questions later." He smirked; Hangeng clenched his fists.

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Shutup98 #1
Chapter 5: I read it and I really love it so please finish it soon
syran-night #2
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for updating! If no one else is reading I still am. (PS: Having Kyu use Hangeng as a puppet was pretty hilarious to imagine.
syran-night #3
Chapter 4: Oh that was awesome! You have to finish this! Please! For the love of everything that is awesome, finish this!
Chapter 2: I love that MV. And I love how you are now doing an EXO fanfic version of it. I think I'd need a big box of tissue soon...