I'm Sorry 4

Song Fic: Baby I'm Sorry (MYNAME)

a/n: There's a hint of mpreg here. I hope it doesn't bother you. Yes , you. Also, I have no idea how election campaign and press conference works so please bear with me.





"I'll tell my story first, questions later."

Everything fell silent. Heechul smirked. He knows how to keep the crowd interested. After deciding that he had enough dramatic pause, he continued his much awaited revelation.


"You see, Hankyung-ssi and I knew each other even before we even learned how to speak. Both of us practically grew up from poverty." Heechul crossed his feet and sat comfortably on the sofa. "We were best friends to be honest. No, I think we were more like brothers. We had each others back through ups and downs. Everything seems perfect." Heechul paused. Everyone in the room can feel how pleasant those memories were by just looking at his face. However, Hankyung can see more than what Heechul is trying to show. He could also see how fake it is, or was it because he loathed Heechul for something he had done in the past. He loathed him to the point that whatever wonderful memories that they shared, seemed fake.

Heechul could sense that reporters were itching to ask him questions, so he immediately continued his story.

"Something happened in the past that drifted us apart, and made us what we are right now." Another dramatic pause. "I accidentally had a child." Cameras started shuttering, reporters started shooting questions, but all of those were ignored by Heechul as he continued.

He was looking lovingly at Hankyung. It is as if his next words were directed to him, and only him.

"I love the person who gave me my wonderful child. I had to runaway to protect that person, but Hankyung-ssi misunderstood it and took it in a bad way. I never thought that protecting the person you love would start a war between us." He took out his phone from his coat and typed a message, and the stood up. "Before I answer any of your questions, I want all of you to meet my son. Please wait for him to come."


It was all that Hankyung could take. After all of his sacrifices to keep their relationship strong, Heechul had another girl on his side. He even got her pregnant. But what he could do? Their relationship was forbidden at the first place.

They grew up in a run-down area divided by two growing clan. At first it was just a single group, founded by both of their parents. Their intention was to protect families, especially those with small children. The two families were doing fine, until it happened. The two were caught in the act during one of their adventures in the bed.

Being homoual was a taboo at that time, even now. Both of the patriarchs were blaming one another for the "filthy act" that they saw. The only solution that they came up with, was to separate the two lovers. Their love created a division not only with their family, but with the whole community. As the clan separated, it created conflict, confusion since they never really knew the reason behind the separation. Some joined the Dragon clan, Hankyung's parents, some joined the Frozen Sakura clan, Heechul's. But even if they were physically separated, they were connected at heart. They would still secretly meet and show how much they long for each other.

And an eventful thing happened. Unknown to all, Heechul got pregnant. He needed to run away and hide to protect both Hankyung and their baby. He stayed in Japan where he met Sungmin, and they became best friends. When the baby was born, he decided to come back. But when he returned, he discovered that his parents were killed by the Dragon clan. If he only knew that his parents destroyed half of the city to look for him while blaming Hankyung and his family.

Hankyung got up and headed for the door followed by Kyuhyun and Kris. This was very outrageous. They never expected this coming. What's the point of introducing your son, or telling the people about their past relationship. At least Heechul was smart enough to leave the critical detail that would ruin both of them.

Hankyung thought that he just wasted his time just to get another heartache. He should have listened to Kyuhyun. On the other hand, he should have just endured a little bit more. Just when they closed the door, Heechul revealed the real reason behind that conference.


"Oh and one more thing," Heechul said while trying to regain the media's attention, for they were looking at those three who just left. "Before I forgot, I would just want you to know that Hankyung's real name is Han Geng. A Chinese born and descendant, who immigrated here in Korea with his family. They never got to change his citizenship until now, so that only means there's only one candidate left for governor's position. That's all." And he successfully took the spotlight once again.


The trio left without a word. However they froze when they saw three people heading their way; Sungmin, Chanyeol and Tao.

Hangeng knew Sungmin as Heechul's right hand. He doesn't really care about the tall dorky figure walking behind, what he's looking at, is the male whom they were guarding. A young man, old enough to be Heechul's son. He could see the boy's resemblance to Heechul as he was giving Sungmin a hard time fixing his suit. But what strike him the most was he could also see his own resemblance in this young man. You could say that the boy looked like his own son.

They had a small eye contact, and Hangeng knew by then that this is really his son.  Heechul did not impregnate another woman, he got pregnant. He wanted to hug the boy, to look at his face, to talk to him, but all the emotions he's feeling right now paralyzed him. He also can't believe that Heechul would be capable of bearing a child.

The other three people were still heading to the conference room when Sungmin stopped. He felt someone staring intently at him. The same one he always feel whenever Kyuhyun stares at him. He looked up and saw three attractive looking men in which one of them standout the most- Kyuhyun. He could see everything in his eyes like an open book. He could see love, longing, self-control, regret, confusion, anger, and sense of protection. Sungmin frowned, but he got it. Kris was there, and he was with his lover and best friend. He hurried and tried to guide Tao and Chanyeol who were shocked to see Kris too.

Kris was no better. He was in the verge of crying. "Tao was the son Heechul was talking about?" He thought. To rub salt to his wound, Chanyeol, his best friend joined the mafia. The rival mafia of his boss that is. He froze and was not able to walk any further. Being unable to do antyhing else, he just averted his gaze somewhere else and pretended not to see them.

Since Kyuhyun was the only one with a clear mind during that time, he put his arms over both his companion's shoulders and dragged them away. Sungmin mirrored his actions until they were out of each others view.


"Come on, your father is waiting for you." Sungmin coaxed. He grabbed Chanyeol's arm who was trying to chase Kris back. "We don't want Heechul to wait that long, and you two know that." By mentioning Heechul's name, the two boys enlarged their eyes and hurriedly entered the conference room.

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Shutup98 #1
Chapter 5: I read it and I really love it so please finish it soon
syran-night #2
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for updating! If no one else is reading I still am. (PS: Having Kyu use Hangeng as a puppet was pretty hilarious to imagine.
syran-night #3
Chapter 4: Oh that was awesome! You have to finish this! Please! For the love of everything that is awesome, finish this!
Chapter 2: I love that MV. And I love how you are now doing an EXO fanfic version of it. I think I'd need a big box of tissue soon...