I'm Sorry 1

Song Fic: Baby I'm Sorry (MYNAME)

*Bang!* *Crash!*

Tao kept trashing the cheap hotel room where he and Kris are staying right now. He wanted Kris to stop him, to tell him that he was just lying, and that he will not break up with him. "I love you,' 'I`m sorry,' 'please stop,' any of these phrases would calm him down, but Kris just kept on staring at him with a blank face. What Kris was doing just made him more angrier, so he threw a lamp harshly on the floor. Unfortunately, a sharp piece from it came in contact with his skin. Tao stopped his outburst when he saw blood trickling down his arm.

"Are you done acting like a child?" 

"Shut up!" Tao said while clenching his fist which made the cut bloodier. "You... you lied to me." Tao almost whispered.

"It's not my fault that you are so gullible."

"But I gave you everything. Why?"

Instead of answering, Kris stood up and approached Tao. He was looking intently at the bloodied arm, but Tao still can't read his expression. Tao flinched when Kris gently raised the injured arm. His anger would have evaporated by the carefulness and tenderness Kris showed while raising his arm, but the evil smirk that Kris was sporting only added fuel to the fire.

"Because you're so dumb and easy to play with."


Tao lost it then and there. He harshly pulled his arm from Kris' hold and slapped him hard. Tao walked away crying, but he stopped to look back. "I wish I never met you. Don't ever show your face to me again." 

At last, Kris was able to breathe now. That is, if only his heart was not aching so bad. He loves Tao, even now, but he needed to do this. He was not sure what and when it would happen, but he knows it would never be pretty. Working with a mafia is never pretty, but he was already in too a deep situation, that quitting was never an option.




There were four high school boys sitting on the beach.

"Uwwaaa last day of school!" Chanyeol screamed like a child. "All those studying hurt my head."

"You... you studied?" Baekhyun sarcastically asked. "Do you know the saying that when your tummy is empty, it hurts?"

"What's the connection of tummy and head?" Chanyeol dumbly asked which made Baekhyun roll his eyes. Turning to Kris, he asked the same thing. "Hyung, what's the connection of the empty tummy and my hurting head?" 

"Connect the first and last words." Kris said nonchalantly.

"Hyung-head? I still don't get it!" Argh my head hurts now!" Chanyeol said with a pout.

Baekhyun patted his back, "it's okay, don't overwork your brain. I could smell it burning."

"Yah! Stop making me think!" He looked around, "anyway, where's Kyungsoo?"

"I don't know. He said he'll buy us some drinks. He probably went overboard again and bought half of the store." Baekhyun said.  "Yah Jongin, you've been awfully quiet this whole time, you got problems?"

"Even if I have, you don't care anyway." Kai replied.

"You got a point there. But still, what are you thinking?"

"Kyungsoo... he never leave me this long."

"Leave you?" Chanyeol asked.

"I m-mean us! He's a scaredy and shy person. He prefers to be with us rather than be alone."

"Oh come on! Just admit that you miss him that much." Chanyeol said while trying to hug Kai sideways.

"Aish! Get away from me."

"Yeah, only Kyungsoo can hug him." Baekhyun said.

"In speaking of Kyungsoo, here he comes!" Chanyeol beamed.

Both Kai and Chanyeol ran towards Kyungsoo. Chanyeol grabbed the plastic bag that supposedly carry their drinks, but it was empty. Kai immediately noticed the bruised face of Kyungsoo.

"Yah, what happened?" The two guys both asked in concern. Baekhyun and Kris then stood up and went to see what was happening.


Kyungsoo didn't reply, instead he just pointed where he came from. As the oldest, Kris immediately ran towards that direction. He didn't need to ask where he should go; he already knew where low-life goons in that area gather. How did he know? He was sent to that place before to teach those hooligans not to mess with his boss. Now, he'll go there to teach them not to mess with his friends. 

"Wait, did anyone see where Kris went?" Baekhyun asked once he noticed that there's only three of them who is worried about Kyungsoo's condition.

"No! He can't go there alone!" Kyungsoo said fearfully. "There's too many of them."

"What are you talking a- aish!" Kai did not finished his question when sudden realization hit him. "Kyungsoo, where exactly was it?"

They ran as fast as they could to the site. It was an unfinished construction site. They could already see some people brawling a lone person on the floor. They were alarmed when they saw that person wearing the same school uniform they were wearing.


"Isn't this a little unfair?" Kai interfered with a smirk.

"I'm not a mathematician, but all of you against one is not equal." Beakhyun added.

"What? Are you just going to stare at our pretty faces?" Chanyeol taunted which angered the gang members.

"It won't be pretty for long." One of the members said, and then they attacked the boys.


It was a pretty bloody and unsightly fight, but in the end they won.

"Who wants to grab some beer?" Chanyeol asked, but Beakhyun poked his side. "Ouch! It hurts."

"Well then the beer could wait. We need to clean and dress this wounds. I don't want to have an ugly scar."

"You know, I could have handled it alone." Kris muttered.

"Yeah sure hyung~." All of them sarcastically replied.


When they were about to leave, a hand suddenly grabbed the hem of Kris' pants. Kris was kind enough not to kick that bastard on the face, so he crouched down to remove it. However, the owner of the hand was persistent.

"Let go." Kris commanded.

"Haha! I'm being nice to you young boy. Listen here, or you'll regret not doing so." Kris didn't have a choice but to stay and listen.

"Okay, I'm listening."

"Won't you help me sit up first?" Kris helped him carelessly.

"What now?"

"Getting impatient are we?" The guy snickered. "I get it. I won't mess with you, your boss or your friends anymore. We're just low-level gang. We only do this for fun. I'm afraid that's not your case. You see, I didn't know he was your friend. If I knew, I wouldn't let him walk away that easily. You did messed us up pretty badly before. You know what I'm saying?"

Kris clenched his fists and was ready to punch the life out of the "concerned man," but he halted at the man's next words.

"You are not allowed to live a normal life when you are part of a mafia. I was almost like you boy, but I backed out before it was too late. I still have the heart to save my family and friends from unnecessary harm. Leave them or the mafia. You never know who could harm them and how far they are willing to go just to bring you down. You're still young, you and your friends. That's all."


Kris was stunned. He was being careful all this time so his friends would not find out that he's part of a mafia, but it never occurred to him that he's getting them in danger too. Not only his friend, but also Tao. He needed to break away from them. It will not be easy, but he needs to do it. He must cut all his relationships in order to save them. As he walks away from the area, he was thinking of ways and reasons to get away from his friends and his boyfriend without letting them know his connections with the mafia. However, he did not realize that one of his friends was listening to the entire conversation.





a/n: Woot! Sorry... Super late update. I was low on inspiration, and also I was thinking of many other stories to write.

*runs away*



I feel bad for Leeteuk and Super Junior, but I'm not losing hope on them. I hope they could withstand and handle this tribulation in the same manner with all the things happened to them before.

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Shutup98 #1
Chapter 5: I read it and I really love it so please finish it soon
syran-night #2
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for updating! If no one else is reading I still am. (PS: Having Kyu use Hangeng as a puppet was pretty hilarious to imagine.
syran-night #3
Chapter 4: Oh that was awesome! You have to finish this! Please! For the love of everything that is awesome, finish this!
Chapter 2: I love that MV. And I love how you are now doing an EXO fanfic version of it. I think I'd need a big box of tissue soon...