*~Chapter 4~*

Forever Yours


~~~~~~Jihae's POV~~~~~~~

 I just stood there frozen. I honestly, did not know what to do. Luhan, EXO LUHAN, was kissing me. I knew I had to act cool and not freak out. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Chanyeol just smirking and laughing, and then see SunHee and Sehun blushing like mad. They were probably really jealous of us because I knew that SunHee and Sehun liked eachother. But then Luhan pulls back, smiling at me. FANGIRL MODE. I just blushed as red as a tomato because, I had just lost my first kiss. And now, this is the second time we kissed IN ONE DAY!!! ALFAJOIFSJDOIGJAOWEIHASOIFJS. But honestly, I didn't regret it. This was just like my dream. To have Luhan as my boyfriend.

 Exo was hooting and whistling, while SunHee just giggled. I felt a bit embarrased. Then I hear Luhan whisper," Wasn't that a better kiss?" I blushed again as he laughed at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we just stood there while Exo was teasing us with a childish rhyme. " LUHAN AND JIHAE SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Then SunHee pulls me away from Luhan giving Luhan a pouty face. I look at her, and she looks at Luhan. Giving him a playful glare, she pouts and said," You can't have JiHae, I found her first and she's mine." She hugged my neck and I hugged her back, just to be a bit playful. She turned around and gave Luhan a rasberry. Seriously, what am I going to do with SunHee's cuteness.

 We finished and we were heading back to class when I suddenly forgot to get my English book. "I'll be right back." I said to Luhan as I ran down the hall to fetch my book. Then I see Geum Di giving me a death glare and she comes up to me. " What now Geum Di? Don't you see if you and me fight here, we'll both get in trouble and we'll both be late?" I complained. She quickly pushes me to the wall and grabs my tank. " Look here JiHae, I really don't want to do this but, you leave me NO CHOICE." she says as she takes out a pair of small scissors. My eyes widen as she gets opens the pair but I thought fast. Before having her scissors 2 inches from my cheek, I quickly kicked her at her thigh. But not lightly, oh ho ho, I gave her an -whooping kick. Then I ran to get my book, and ran back as fast as possible. I see her on the floor with her hands on her thigh, giving me a watery glare. I just shook my head at her and was really disappointed in her. She will never change back, I thought.

~~~~~~~Luhan's POV~~~~~~~

What's taking JiHae so long? Jeez, she better not get in trouble again, it worries me. I just stare at the door waiting for her to show up. It was at least 19 minutes into class and the teacher is constantly asking for her. I would always say to him," She's here!" or "Her stomach is feeling well!" FINALLY, she pops up and the teacher asks her," Are you feeling better now?" She looked at me with a What-da-fuq-is-he-talking-about face and I just mouth,"PLAY ALONG!" She looks at the teacher and gave him an innocent smile,"Neh seongsennim gwen chan na yo." She quickly takes her seat and starts to draw. Jeez, rude much? Not even saying thank you for saving your sorry bum? But then she looks up at me and smiles. "Thanks Luhan." she sings.

 After school was over, I decided that it's finally time to go to the library, after so many friggin delays. I ask her for a tutor session and she agrees. We walk towards the library and I suddenly look down at her hands. They look lonely... I thought to myself as I smirked. I grabbed her hands and laced my fingers with her fingers. She looked up at me suprised and I told her," They looked lonely." She smiled at me and smacked my arm playfully. We were walking towards the library hand in hand. I hear some girls whisper at the sides ," Oh my God. Why her? She's soo not his type and she dances to hip-hop." Another girl said,"Why not? I think hip-hop is cool, and plus she's prettier than you and me. I heard that she didn't even recieve plastic surgery." I smiled and looked to see a girl smiling at me. I gave her a nod and she squealed. Jeez, girls get excited easilyy.

 We finally arrived at the library to see it very empty. I find a table near the window and ask to sit there. We arrive at the table and she puts a stern look on her face. "Well Luhan, please take out your books so we may start our session." I look at her, suprised and nodded. We start our math lesson and even though I knew what it was, I just pretended to act dumb. She sighed and something told me she was a bit frustrated. I look at her and she says to me," I'm not mad, and don't look at me, I can't focus on the question then." That gave me an idea and a childish instinct went off in my body. I was just staring at her, making her blush madly. It was so adorable. Then she looked at me and cocked her head," Luhan, seriously try and do the problems I gi-" I never let her finish. It was really boring and I wanted her to give me some attention. I kissed her for the 3rd time today. It's probably one of the most fastest habits I started to get caught in. "HONESTLY LUHAN! ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION?!" She shouted at me ignoring the kiss. I just look at her, at first very shocked, but later realize that she is trying to cover up her happiness. I just laugh and laugh until she finally gives in and laughs with me.

"I already know this chapter, I just wanted to spend some time with you." I said to her between laughs.

" Jeez, you're so hard to take care of," she replied with her shaking her head.







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Aishahje #1
wahhh..so sweet!
I like ur story! I just found it
Kpop_Lover_98 #3
Ne,author nim!!!
This story of yours rocks!!!! Please make the firsr chappie!!!! ^-^