*~Chapter 3~*

Forever Yours


~~~~~~JiHae's POV~~~~~~

I looked at him, stunned. He tilted his head. I'm pretty sure I look really stupid right now. Probably blushing mad, and also heating up. Gawd, this is fricken embarrassing. He smiled," Aww, JiHae, your blushing~" “Shut up..." I said as I turned my face. "So, what's your answer?" He asked me. I didn't know if I should accept or not. Then he added," To both of the questions." I looked at him confused. “My prom question, and if you like me back." He said it very seriously. I sighed. This couldn't be happening. It's just too good to be true! I turned to him," Well, I hope this answers your prom question." I gave him a kiss on the cheek. He looked startled. “And this is answering you're other question." I kissed him on his other cheek. "And this," I said finally," Is saving me from those girls." I kissed him on the lips. Of course, he was startled and frozen, but quickly caught on and started kissing me back. Then , we heard footsteps and immediately stopped. The door opened, and we can see Exo, with a conscious SunHee laughing at us. We all went home afterwards. 

The next day, was amazing. Luhan always came up to my desk and sat in front of me. We would always laugh and Sehun and D.O. looked at us like," What in the world happened with them?" We would laugh at this and he would go back to his seat, and stare at me for the whole time. Today he asked me," So, when's my lesson gonna happen?" "What lesson?" I asked him confused. “The one where you never got to see me at the library." he said dazzlingly a smile at me. Man. Why was he so cute? I told him," I'll give you the lesson today, for sure." He smiled and went back to his work. During class, instead of drawing the tree, I kept drawing Luhan. Every minute or so, he would look over my desk and smile. “JiHae~ you should concentrate on your work!"

After class it was extended lunch break. Exo, SunHee and I went to get our lunch and head to the dance room. As we were heading there, we heard music in the room. We looked through the room, and in front of our eyes we saw Baek Geum Di with her groupies. She was dancing. Oh No. I said, and then turned to Luhan. He was shaking his head.

~~~~~~~Luhan’s POV~~~~~~~

What is this girl doing? I thought as I was staring at her. Her moves are all wrong, and also if this is what she’s trying to do to get me, it’ll never work. I looked down at JiHae. She was looking up at me worried. Jeez, she’s so cute. “Don’t worry~ Those moves won’t take me away from you.” I said to her smiling. She sighed in relief, but then a worried look crossed her face. I looked at her confused, but instead of saying anything to her, I said to everyone,” Let’s go in shall we? It’s basically our room.” They nodded and stepped inside.

We interrupted her practice, and her face lit up when she saw me. “LUHAN OPPA~ WERE YOU STARING AT ME THE WHOLE TIME, AND THEN CAME TO HELP ME?” she cooed. I looked at her in disgust. “Hell no. After what you did to JiHae, I don’t think I would come to see you. And really, those dance moves were terrible. JiHae is way better than you’ll ever be.” I rolled my eyes and back-hugged JiHae. She gasped. “Plus, she’s going to prom with me~” I said it out loud for everyone to hear. It was an awkward silence, and I thought I regretted saying it. Then behind me, Exo and SunHee cheered and clapped. “YAY!! FINALLY!! WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG!!” they would all say. Geum Di just looked at us in disbelief and walked up to us. She gave JiHae a death glare and said to her,” If you think you’re all that great, then let’s have a dance battle. Right here, right now.” JiHae gave me a look and I nodded at her confidently. “Fine Geum Di, but are we allowed to dance in pairs?” she asked her. “Why? You scared?” Geum Di mocked. “Nawh, it’s not very nice to steal the spotlight, so I’ll dance with SunHee. Luckily, I brought the CD we were going to practice today, so you’re on. Use whatever music you want.” She said confidently.  “Ah, I forgot to mention, if you lose, you have to give up Luhan and he HAS to come to prom with me.” she winked at me. I gagged. “Well, that’s not going to happen, so~ GG. (GG- good game)” “You’re on loser.” she rolled her eyes and said,” I’m going first. Heather, let’s do this.”

They Wonder Girls, So Hot. What an ironic song. They were dancing, which was terrible. I saw that Heather girl slip a few times, and Geum Di missing beats. I shook my head in disappointment. I looked at JiHae and she had a worried look. “Don’t worry JiHae-ah. You’ll do fine~” I encouraged her. After the 3 minutes of the song were done, she looked accomplished. She gave JiHae a “beat that ” look. JiHae ignored her and walked toward the radio. She put the CD on and started playing the CD. Then she and SunHee were getting into place. The music began playing and they began their hip-hop choreography. It was wonderful, and JiHae’s popping was so fricken amazing. I turned and saw Sehun stare at SunHee as she was dancing part of History’s chorus. She was really good, but JiHae stood out more. This girl, can get into SM entertainment, I thought.

"Well, I think we know who the winner is." I said as I was walking toward Geum Di. She looked hopeful, and then I took a turn and wrapped my arm around JiHae's shoulders. "Congratulations Chung JiHae, You can take me to prom!" I cheered and smiled. Geum Di just stared at me as if she couldn't believe it. "WHAT?! BUT MY DANCE WAS MORE IER, AND MORE FEMININE! WHY HER?! HER DANCE WAS SO MASCULINE AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN LOOK COOL!" She shrieked. "The reason is, you were off beat, slipped and totally did not look attractive enough." I smirked. "B-but-" she stuttered. " Shut up already. You're annoying us." JiHae snapped. I never saw this side of her and smirked. The real y girl is the one infront of me with her sweat pants and an EXO- tank. Man, those curves though. " Girls, let's go. This was a waste of our time." Geum Di said as she pushed JiHae aside. Then JiHae looked at everyone and smiled bubbly," So? Ready to eat our cold lunch?!" she asked. We all laughed.

~~~~~~~Geum Di's POV~~~~~~~


~~~~~JiHae's POV~~~~~~

Well now, finally that's over. I sat close with Luhan, back against back. We were separated by the Exo members and SunHee. "I'm tired and sweaty." I complained. "I don't mind." Luhan said to me and kissed my cheek. We faced each other and ate our lunch happily. Then he suddenly hugged me. I could just melt at that moment. Then I heard a flash. I turned and saw Chanyeol take a picture on his phone and smirked evilly. "HEY! DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW!" I said as I tried to grab his phone back. He was too quick. Luhan just sat there and was thinking. "Hey Chanyeol, while you're doing that, take a picture of my kissing JiHae!" He said. "Sure Hyung~" Then Luhan grabbed me and kissed me on the spot, and Chanyeol took the picture. I blushed madly

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Aishahje #1
wahhh..so sweet!
I like ur story! I just found it
Kpop_Lover_98 #3
Ne,author nim!!!
This story of yours rocks!!!! Please make the firsr chappie!!!! ^-^