*~Chapter 2~*

Forever Yours

~~~~~~JiHae's POV~~~~~~~

Ever since I met Exo, SunHee and I have been growing closer to the boy band. We hang out with them during breaks and after school. They have so much more free time now that they are on school. The more I spend with Exo is the more I get to be closer to Luhan. We always go to the practice room and always learn new dance moves. It's a dream come true. I always knew he was perfect but not this perfect. And on special hot days, I can see him shirtless. The detail is incredible and I always tend to faint. We always dance to Exo songs and laugh together. Seriously, these are the best moments of my life. 

Sehun has been trying to get SunHee's attention lately. SunHee thinks of it as a flirt, but I know deep down she likes him. Ever since Exo has entered our lives, we've been getting better at our dancing and SunHee's singing has been improving. We also know how to speak chinese from the Exo-M members. Although it has been fun , SunHee and I have been getting hate messages on our lockers, or having our P.E. shirts ripped or covered in mud. One time, I almost put my foot in one of my shoes filled with PINS. On the bottom of my shoe it said," STAY AWAY FROM EXO ." Although, this doesn't really bother us much, I still feel bad for the Exo members. They always have to protect us and get detentions. I asked them if they are really okay with this and they said that this is nothing for protecting friends. I was touched. These are really the best friends you could ever have.

The next morning, after me and SunHee got called all these words, we entered our seats getting glares from the girls (as usual) and took our seats. The teacher comes in and says to the class," Well class, it's getting closer to that time of the year. Prom night. It will be 3 days from now so please remeber the rules." I just sighed because Prom is where two particular girls never get asked (me and SunHee). Although we get that we're prettier and was told that, most of the boys are too scared to ask us because of fear of getting rejected. I'm not bragging or anything but really, you need to man up men. SunHee turned around and mouthed," Are we going to do the same thing again?" I gave an okay with my hand. What SunHee means by this is that SunHee and I go as friends. We have fun, for sure, but it gets boring after 1 hour and we just go to the kareokee rooms and sing our hearts out. Ever since Exo came to our school, I really hope he would ask me to Prom. But of course that won't happen because there has been this one girl. Her name is Baek Geum Di. She is known to be one of the prettiest girls in our school. She is also the most popular and has many men has asked her out. She has her eyes on Luhan and I'm sure that Luhan will ask her because she is so pretty. She's really mean to girls though, and because of my glasses (that I wear when i dont have my contacts on) she tends to pick on me alot. Whatever. I shouldn't be thinking this, I have some classwork to do.

~~~~~~~Luhan's POV~~~~~~~

Prom huh? That's interesting. I wonder who the guys are going to  ask. I will definitely not ask that Geum Bi or whatever her name is. She's too desperate for me. She's a ., honestly. Buttoning her shirt so that her cleavage shows is plain disgusting. And her nails are so long, it's disgusting. I don't know how she is the prettiest but I was considering asking JiHae. She's so cute and adorable, and I honestly think I like her. The way that she dances, and her singing is so cute. She's so pretty and what am I saying right now?! I looked at her for some time. Her hair was covering her face. I moved it for her. Her eyes got wide and she blushed. " I was going to ask you a question about the classwork." I made an excuse. I'm pretty sure the guys know I like her, but seriously how could you not? "S-sure, which one?" she stuttered. " All of them~" I said smiling. "Luhan-ssi, you need to try harder. You didn't even try one." she pouted. Then I thought of an idea. "JiHae, how about you can be my tutor? It'll be fun and I'm already teaching you how to dance so it's a fair trade." I was so sure I was going to get a no but I had hope.

"Fine. I'll meet you at the library after school." She said finally.

"YES!!! I'll see you then okay?" I said as the bell rang for it's next class to begin.

I looked at the other side to see Sehun and D.O. shaking their heads at me. I smiled innocently and was solving the problems. Then the next teacher came ina nd began his lesson.

*skips to the end of school.*

"Go wait for me at the library, I have to get my other books from my locker." JiHae said to me. "Sure~ I had to use the restroom anyway~." I whistled. She left before me and Sehun and D.O. said to me," Danggg Luhan. You're so obvious. But lucky you huh?" I chuckled," Stop, Sehun I know you like her friend so shut up. It's quite obvious you're going to ask her anyway." We laughed. Then Chen came running to our classroom. "GUYS THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE LAUGHING YOUR ASSES OFF, JIHAE IS GETTING BEAT UP RIGHT NOW BY THIS GROUP OF GIRLS." We ran straight to where she was. 

We saw her, surrounded by at leaset15 girls. JiHae's glasses got knocked down on the floor and I saw some bruises on her face and her hands in the air. Her hair was a mess and her books were all over the floor, along with some papers. The girls were spitting on her and pushing her. Exo tried to calm them down, but it was kind of hard to do. SunHee was over there yelling at the top of her lungs," YOU ES, GET AWAY FROM JIHAE!" They pushed her hard across the floor and she was knocked out.Sehun ran to her aid. Apparently they had a leader, none other than Baek Geum Di. " Stay away from Luhan and Exo you . We all know you're seducing them." She pushed her shoulder. I saw a little closer that there were pins on the floor. She was wearing no shoes, because she was probably changing them to outside shoes. I couldn't take it anymore. " WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU DOING?!" I shoved my way through to see her even in worse shape. Bruises and cuts on her legs arms and bleeding on her feet. Geum Di said to me," Oppa! Stay away from that , she makes you look bad!" I turned around and yelled at her," What did you say? Makes me look bad? Well let me tell you, at lease she's modest about her body, doesn't flash her s every 5 minutes, and always has way more better dancing skills then all of you guys! LEAVE NOW BEFORE I REPORT ALL OF YOU GUYS TO THE PRINCIPAL!!!!" I shouted. Exo was shaking their heads at all the girls and walked passed them helping SunHee regain conscious. I turned to see JiHae cry. She fell on the floor, scraping her knees even more from the pins, but it didn't look like she cared. 

" JiHae, are you okay?" I asked her. When I asked her this she said," I'm fine. It happens all the time anyway." "MWO?! EVEN BEFORE WE CAME HERE?!" I said in shock. She nodded," But, I'l be fine again in a few weeks all cuts healed and stuff. Don't worry I'm not emo." She smiled weakly. I fell on the floor and hugged her. " I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry I wasn't here to protect you." I kept saying this. She started sobbing. I hugged her warmly and we stayed like that for a long time. The Exo Members walked towards us with SunHee on Sehun's back. "Luhan Hyung, we're going to take SunHee to the hospital. We'll be right back." I didn't reply. They left us alone and I let go of JiHae. She looked terrible. "Let's pick up your stuff okay?" I gave her a smile and she nodded. We picked up her stuff and walked to the nurses office. No one was there so I just went to fix her wounds. 

" And Done~!" I said as I put on the last bandaids on her wounds. "Thanks Luhan-ssi." she said gratefully. "Hey, JiHae, can you not put the -ssi when you say my name?" "Why?" she asked. " Well, it makes me sound old." I said and chuckled. I sat next to her on the bed and there was a silence.

Then I looked up and asked her," Did you ever see the TV show on where I said I never expirience first love?" I asked her. " Yeah, I saw that." she replied. " Well as the days past, I think I finally expirienced it. And I think I'm going to expirience my first kiss too soon." I said to her and looked at her. She looked confused. Then, I leaned in closer and let my lips touch her soft lips. "Will you go to prom with me?" I asked  her.



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Aishahje #1
wahhh..so sweet!
I like ur story! I just found it
Kpop_Lover_98 #3
Ne,author nim!!!
This story of yours rocks!!!! Please make the firsr chappie!!!! ^-^