Silence is sometime a jealousy

I fell for a girl
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What was your favorite mistake?



Gee: wow, a dongsaeng
-Lil-Jess: XD

-Lil-Jess: ikr?? Yul’s dongsaeng sounds awezums lol

Gee: haha


While I was having self-thoughts of how unfortunate this event was, Yoona’s answer popped out on the screen and my smile disappeared at that instant. I had never have the urge to force my friends to stay online when they have to go offline. This was the first time I ever, ever wanted someone to not leave. I wasn’t sure yet at that time if i wanted to say, “Don’t go yet,” or was it a “Don’t leave me.”


Gee: Sooyoung are you gonna play for long?

Gee: I think I’ll go offline

Gee: Lots of homework

Shikshin: oh really


I panicked. Thinking what went really wrong with Jess appearing and calling me Oppa. What was my wrong or crime? It wasn’t like I did something to this 17 years old girl, right? Then what made me this guilty? Was I always this insecure towards someone I just know? Why was Yoona able to pull so much emotion within myself?


[Shikshin:Yul: trouble trouble trouble]
[Yul>Shikshin: I know]
[Yul>Shikshin: but she is a poor liar]
[Shikshin>Yul: Glad you notice that! She is a very poor liar]

Shikshin: offline like right NOW?

Gee: yes

Shikshin: ... okay?

[Yul>Gee: Yoona, don’t go]

I pushed aside all my anxiety and just focused on preventing Yoona to go. The clock ticked, but no response yet from her. I tapped my foot endlessly, feeling the fear growing second by seconds. At this time I wanted to eat my nails and probably pull them out and died of bleeding.

[Yul>Gee: Please stay?]

After waiting for some time, she finally replied my whispers. She probably was mad. Or angry, or upset. She has never informed  us she wanted to go offline. The only force that could triger her sudden log out was her dad’s presence. This has somehow made me a bit happy despite her anger issue right now. To know that there was possibility that she has a bit feeling towards me.

[Yul>Gee: why so sudden to go offline Yoona ya?]

[Gee>Yul: well, i have lots of homework]

[Gee>Yul: i’m a busy girl]


Despite smiling for Yoona’s cutess, my heart was beating rapidly like I just finished a 2 KM marathon in one go—and she was like the water, by how desperate I was to her presence. And I didn’t want her to go. At least, not in this way.


[Yul>Gee: can’t we play for a little bit, Miss Busy?]

[Gee>Yul: K]

[Gee>Yul: Why should I be here? You, Mr. Popular already have lots of friend]

[Yul>Gee: come on Gee Gee Gee, play with me L]

[Gee>Yul:you already have your dongsaeng, I don’t want to interfere you both]

My smile grew wider and wider. Was this real? She was bothered by Lil Jess that she wanted to go and disappear from Audition?

-Lil-Jess: Oppaaa

[Gee>Yul: See, your dongsaeng is calling]
[Yul>Gee: I don’t care. FYI, i only met her today and she’s not my dongsaeng.]
[Gee>Yul: Thanks for the info, but what if she cries? Answer her]
[Yul>Gee: I won’t. And she’s only a junior]

-Lil-Jess: Oppaa r u there?? :3

[Gee>Yul: Look she is pouting now]
[Yul>Gee: I don’t care]

Shikshin: Excuse me, your name is Jess?
-Lil-Jess: Yeah kind of but not really XD
Shikshin: Seems like Yul is away from his pc
-Lil-Jess: How did you know?
Shikshin: Well he didn’t answer you
-Lil-Jess: Aww. I see. :'(

[Yul>Shikshin: Thank you Sooyoung]
[Shikshin>Yul: how’s Yoona?]
[Yul>Shikshin: I am trying my best]

I really should distract her to other things.

[Yul>Gee: Yoona]

5 sec

10 sec

[Gee>Yul: What]
[Yul>Gee: Yoonaaa]
[Gee>Yul: What]
[Yul>Gee: Yoona yah]
[Gee>Yul: …]
[Yul>Gee: Yoona]
[Gee>Yul: what]
[Yul>Gee: Yoonassi]
[Gee>Yul: Yulssi]
[Yul>Gee: Yoona]
[Gee>Yul: Yul]
[Yul>Gee: Yoona, are you mad?]
[Gee>Yul: What makes you think so? I am not]
[Yul>Gee: Really?]
[Gee>Yul: Yeah]
[Yul>Gee: You are a bad liar]
[Gee>Yul: Duh.]
[Yul>Gee: Hahaha. Cute]
[Gee>Yul: I’m not cute, I am cool]
[Yul>Gee: Okay, Miss Clubber]
[Gee>Yul: When will I reach clubber title…]
[Yul>Gee: Soon]
[Gee>Yul: You think so…]

Look at her cuteness, she purposely put on the three dots just to tease me back.


[Yul>Gee: Alright stop the three dots, my stomach hurts for laughing, Yoona]
[Gee>Yul: Kekeke. I thought you’d get embarrassed if I use it ]
[Yul>Gee: So you planned it?]
[Gee>Yul: Well… Kind of…]
[Yul>Gee: Yah, you sure are a dork]
[Gee>Yul: Grin*]

-Lil-Jess: Oppa is taking a looong time~
Shikshin: You should try other room
-Lil-Jess: Umm…
Shikshin: Don’t use three dots in this room
-Lil-Jess: Why is that? 
Shikshin: Just don’t, someone might get upset
-Lil-Jess: Aww, I see. Okay
Shikshin: Good lol


[-Lil-Jess>Yul: oppaa~ who is this shikshin why is she so scary?]

-Lil-Jess: I see your costume is the same with the girl beside Yul oppa?
Shikshin: She’s my friend. Speaking of costume i’m going change mine.

Shikshin: BRB.
-Lil-Jess: Oh… Okay
Shikshin: Remember the dots ^_^
-Lil-Jess: I am sorry -3-

Shikshin left the room

[Yul>Gee: So, still want to do your home work?]
[Gee>Yul: Now that you reminds me of that... I think i will sign out now]
[Yul>Gee: I take back my words!]
[Gee>Yul: Too bad, too late...]
[Yul>Gee: Oh, come onnnn. Play with me for a little while longer?]
[Gee>Yul: I'll think about that]
[Yul>Gee: Don't think, just say yes to me]
[Gee>Yul: well, seeing how desperate you are to play with me,i will play for another hour]
[Yul>Gee: Just one hour?]
[Gee>Yul: Why? Want a longer one?]
[Yul>Gee: Of course]
[Gee>Yul: Quite stubborn aren't you? Kekeke]
[Yul>Gee: Yes] 


Shikhin joined room 30


Shikshin: baaack

-Lil-Jess: welcome back :D

Shikshin: oh you’re still here, hello

Shikshin: you’re not going to play?

-Lil-Jess: i wanted to play with Yul oppa :(

-Lil-Jess: he’s really gooood at combo


I was hoping that  Little Jess could stop talking about me. As much as I appreciate how she helped me for knowing a bit Yoona’s feeling, I still felt like I was cliff diving every time she mentioned my name. So I decided to distract Yoona’s attention again.


[Yul>Gee:So do you like bread]


Shikshin: oh he is good yeah

-Lil-Jess: are you his friend?

Shikshin: kind of?


[Gee>Yul: What?]


-Lil-Jess: I see!  so have you met him irl?

Shikshin: not yet, not yet.

Shikshin: have YOU?

Shikshin: sorry caps lol

-Lil-Jess: i’d like to XD


[Yul>Gee: do you like bread?]

[Gee>Yul: kekeke why so sudden. i like bread]
[Gee>Yul: you?]

[Yul>Gee: Me too. Do you like Bread Pitt or real Bread?]

[Gee>Yul: kekekeke why are you like this]

[Gee>Yul: please stop being funny]

[Yul>Gee: i’m born like this :P]

[Yul>Gee: Do you like western food?]

[Gee>Yul: I like them, but i prefer korean food better keke]

[Gee>Yul: why are you asking about bread?]

[Yul>Gee: just curiouss, why can’t i ask?]

[Gee>Yul: do you often whisper than type in general chat?]

[Yul>Gee: nope. I rarely whispers]


-Lil-Jess: ah i need to go now @_@ my friends are waiting for me

-Lil-Jess: bye bye Shikshin sunbae~ please say hi to Yul oppa for me


[Gee>Yul: Really]

[Yul>Gee: really hahaha]


[-Lil-Jess>Yul: oppa you went AFK for so long~ T^T]


-Lil-Jess left the room


Shikshin: okay can you two stop playing hide and seek now?

Shikshin: lol

Gee: I wasn’t playing hide and seek

Gee: i just went silent

Shikshin: way to behave

Yul: sorry for the trouble!


And then at the same time, both Yoona and Sooyoung’s questions were thrown to me. I giggled and smiled. I liked that she was saying, or rather, implying stuf that i don’t like little Jess. It somehow amused me more than it should have.


Gee: you don’t like her?

Shikshin: so you’re annoyed with that Jess?

Gee: yah

Shikshin: lolololol 

Yul: not that i hate her but i’m just

Shikshin: justtt not that into her?

Yul: it wasn’t like i was attracted to her

Yul: i’m just not that fond of people i dont like clinging into m

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Chapter 7: Hi there author~shii, kekeke I'm your new reader here :) One of my readers recommend your stories to me so yeah I read this one... and it's awesome!! :D Kekekek. I know audition online when I was in high school but I at playing it and forget about it then I knew it again because of your story and it's cool having yoonyul play it :D Anw, that last sentence is heartbreaking :( Like when will they meet author? :( Can't wait! I love your storyyy! ^^ update soonnnn
Chapter 7: thank you for the update <3 i've been waiting for this story <3 i love it so much :3
fairylust #3
Niceee. I have read and finished IFFAG on SSF, some time ago and no joke author, it'! And so, when I stumbled upon on "this" IFFAG...I don't know, might as well read it too/again. Hohoho ^^
Chapter 4: ohemgee ! I wonder if I meet Im Yoona maybe my reaction is worst than yuL reaction in the story. Maybe i'll coLLapsed -_- LoL :)
Chapter 7: I really want them to meet already :D
Chapter 7: long time no see :D hope yoona will know soon and doesnt mind about the fact that yul is a girl. when will they meet? cant wait >.<
xVVhite #7
Chapter 7: Author you updated ! Keke. I hope that yul wont make a bad mistake... i wanna see yuri and yoona meet though, i wonder what their reaction might be.
Trackstar #8
Chapter 7: Seems like yuri is in a bind right now! Who would have thought of that just being pretending can have big mistakes? Yuri seems unsure but I think she able to realise her mistake sooner and will correct it at the right moment...
Chapter 7: O por todos los cielos me gusto este capitulo autor actualiza mas saludos
imkrysyoonjung #10
Chapter 6: Author-ssi please update soon. I so love your story