The Tasks

Because of The Accident

I got home pretty early in the after. Probably before 12:00 p.m. I sat at my couch and I kept thinking bout WooJin. I had chickened out again and was trying to tell myelf that he was someone I liked. That is was possible to like someone other than Key. I can still picture him earlier, standing there in the underground graveyard room, looking at me with those beautiful eyes. thoes perfect lips. 

I have to stop. Key is gone and he said himself that I had to move on. I didn't want to live alone and I sure as hell didn't want to die alone. I decided to give WooJin a try. I took my phone out of my pocket and took out the piece of paper and put them on the coffee table. I must have stared for a long time I guess. I was about to reach for the phone, when it started to ring. I take a look at the caller ID

Caller Unknown

I never liked these numbers. They were always for promotions and surveys. I honestly didn't know why they kept on calling. I would always end up yelling at them to leave me alone at the end of the call anywyas. I picked up the phone and slid my finger across the screen to answer.

"Look. I know you're calling for prmotions and stuff but, ltet me tell you that if you don't stop calling, I will-"

"Listen here. You must be JongHyun. Am I right?"

This wasn't a promotion person. This guy had a scary voice. Freightning, that scarred you to the core.

"Who is this??" Is all I manange to say.

"That, is not the important thing here." 

"Umm.. You're calling me and you know my name. I canask for you're name if I want to. Got ??"

"Look at you. Brave like your friend. Lets see fro how much longer that lasts."

"How do you know me?" I ask waiting for his answer.

"I have people...well, you know,'keep an eye on you.' Although that little trick you did bringing KyungSoo to the grveyard restricted me from being able to watch you, I have my eyes on you again. Maybe right now, maybe not."

I look out of the window and am relieved to see that there are no shadows or anything thaat would indicate there is a human there.

"What is it exactly that you want from me??"

"I need you to do something for me." I didn't understand what he meant.

"What do you mean-"

"There is something you must do and you WILL do it unless you want your dear friends to go crashing down along with you.

This guy had the nerve to try and threaten me.

"If this is some sort of game, well then it's not working."

"Oh but what is fun without a game???"

"Listen up creep. I don't care who you are. If you even think I'll do what you ask me to do then, you're crazy."

"Hey that's up to you. It's just what you decide that determines if your closest ones get to live or die."


Ohhhhhh. So it wasn't just KyungSoo who got a phone call. Hmmmmm. What does that mean, huh???

Love You All, SARANGHAE.






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