The Rest of Hell Breaks Loose

Because of The Accident

The person who I saw could have been a hallucination. I saw him standing right there. Looking at me. Jongin. He had his hand still in the air from when he pushed open the door. I look behind him and KyungSoo is standing there with a fae that read,what should I do? I must be seeing a ghost. This can't be possible. Can it?? I mean, what happened with Key was different than how this feels. It doesn't feel like he's gone anymore. It feels like he was never gone. 

Then it snaps. He never really died. It was the only way it could be possible for me to see him since he didn't look dead. He looked. Normal. I started to walk towards him. We met face to face and I could see that D.O. was still by the door where as Kai had moved inside the house a little. I didn't know what he was going to do until he did it. A punch straight to my face. 

"Kai!" I heard D.O. yell to Jongin.

He rushes over to help me up. He asks if I'm ok

"D.O. What are you doing??" yells Kai to KyungSoo.

"Hey. You both stop!!" D.O yells, but at no point. 

I push him to the side and lunge at Kai. I throw a punch which hits him in the jaw. I get on top of him and am about tho throw another punch at him when something hits me in the head. I turn around, startled to see D.O. holding a broken picture frame. He's panting just as hard as we are. I assume it's because he's angry. He drops the picture frame on the floor and It's him and Kai. Smiling once again with KyungSoo holding onto Kai. 

"Living room. NOW!!" He's pissed.

"Get off of me." Kai says to Jonghyun while pushing him off of him.

We follow him into the living room. I find myself stealing nasty looks at Kai. We sit down on the couches and it is just plain awkward. 

"How the are you alive?? You disappeared. You should have stayed that way!!" I yell at Jongin.

"Shut the up you . Why the hell is D.O. even hanging out with you?? D.O. You have no idea what your getting yourself int-"

"Kai. Stop." D.O sounds calm now.

"D.O. Where did you go for the in past 3 days?? I go back outside with our drinks and your gone. Without so much as a goodbye. You had me freaking out. I didin't sleep or eat. It was killing me." Kai say slooking deeply at D.O.

"Yeah, appearantly the car didn't finish you off." I don't know where that came from but I didn't really care.

"Kai, it's complica-" 

"Stop saying that!!" Kai looks mad and is starting to loose his temper.

"It was my fault." I blurt it out.

"What are you talking about??" Kai stands up and faces his body towards me.

"Look. I was still distressed from Key and I wanted to get revenge. I thought you had died in the car crash and the closest person to you was him. Jongin, he helped me see my mistakes but it wasn't until after.." I need to tell him. I don't care what the outcome is. 

"Until after what???"

"I him." 

The entire room goes quiet until Kai throws a punch at my face. D.O. grabs him and pulls him back before he can get another punch in.

"YOU MOTHERF*KER. JUST WAIT TILL' WE'RE ALONE. YOU'LL SEE!!!!" Kai was yelling at me while D.O. held him back.

I had a felling he didn't want to play house. He meant buisness.

"JongHyun. GO!!!!!" I heard KyungSoo scream and I obeyed as perfectly as I could. I turned and ran out of the house, slamming the door by accident. I ran for what seemed like ages. I ran and ran and ran. I had so many feelings surging through my body at the moment. 

"No wonder he didn't want to kiss me." I thought to myself. 

It made sense. KyungSoo is very loyal. No matter how mad I am, D.O. wouldn't just let anybody kiss him. I'm still ing tormenting myself for doing what I did to him.


As promised. Here you are. HAHahahhhahHhaHhahHa. Alright night guys. Love You All. SARANGHAE.<3



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