Sweet Love

I Regret...


Chapter 2 – Sweet Love


Jinki’s POV:

After some years, I haven’t been over it yet, I think this love will stay with me forever and can’t be removed from my heart whatever I will do. By accident, I saw her. I wanted to run towards her and hug her so tightly, like there was no tomorrow. But something stopped me from doing it, I saw her..I saw her with someone else. Never did I thought I’d be this much heartbroken. I thought that if I had the courage to go talk to her, maybe I will feel a little bit better. I tapped her shoulders and she turned her head towards me. “Oh Jinki-ah!,” she said while smiling. Man, those pretty smiles, I want to hug her, but I can’t and I shouldn’t. I saw this one man, she introduced me to the guy beside her, it was her fiancé. Hearing those words made me want to go and kill myself, but never did it. I need to smile and be happy for her, but the pain I’m feeling, I can't hide it, it’s just so painful, it’s like I’ve been shot by a bullet.

Why does she have to leave me, she must know that I can’t live without her, she’s already a part of my life that couldn’t be taken away. She’s my darling, my baby and my only love.

 “I see you’re a very close friend of Minyeon, why don’t you come to our wedding?,” her fiancé said. I was getting teary-eyed already but I have to keep on smiling for her. “Oh, yes, Jinki, come on, I hope you won’t say no,” her fiancé added. “Our wedding’s on the 15th  already,” Minyeon said while smiling.

“I’m sorry, but I think I have a very important appointment on the 15th, but I’ll think about it.” It really hurts saying words you never mean, I don’t have an appointment, I just don’t want to go to their wedding. “I’ll call you this week to confirm, ok? Jinki, I’m hoping you could come,” Minyeon said.

After some time, I still can’t decide if I’m going or not. Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate, oh I wanted to ignore it but it’s so annoying. I answered my phone, “Oboseyo?,” I said angrily.

“Oh, I’m sorry, am I disturbing you?,” the caller said, the voice sounded familiar, I was shocked, it was Minyeon. “Oh Minyeon-ah, how have you been?” I asked excitedly. “Everything’s fine, so, are you going? Well I hope you do,” Minyeon asked.

There was a long pause, I suddenly said YES. I don’t know if I was happy or not, don’t know if I regretted saying it or not.

“Oh, that’s perfect, Jinki-ah! I love you, Jinki! I have to go now, Bye!” she said then hung up the phone. I was shocked, she said “I love you” to me, does she have feelings for me too? That night I couldn’t sleep, I kept thinking about what she said to me, hoping that she meant those three sweet and meaningful words. The next day, I got a text message  from her, saying “Jinki-ah, Good Morning!  My fiancé’s having lunch with me, he said that he wanted to invite you to our lunch, are you busy later? Ok, bye now!” I texted her back and said yes, well I do want to spend my lunch with her, she’s getting married soon, and I think it’s my last chance to be with her.

It was past 12, I immediately put on my coat and went to the restaurant were the three of us will meet. I saw them waiting for me outside the restaurant.  Finally we got in and had our lunch. I miss being with Minyeon, if she could only be mine.  I envy her fiancé, that was all I could think of while having lunch with them.

 “So, Minyeon, Jinki, I really have to go now. I’m Minyeon, I can’t take you to the mall today, I have a meeting. Jinki, can you take Minyeon to the mall? Since you’re her close friend, please?”

“Uh, ok, fine.” I mumbled.

“ But Jinki has work too” Minyeon said. “No, I already have finished it, it’s ok,” I interrupted. 

“I really have to go now, Minyeon, I’m sorry, I’ll make it up to you some other time,” Her fiancé gave her a peck on the cheek and said goodbye. I wish I could say, “Stop that! She’s my girl!,” but she was never mine.

“Uh, Jinki-ah, sorry for that, but don’t mind me, you can go to work now,” she said while pouting.

“No, it’s ok, didn’t you hear me a while ago, I already have finished my work for today,” I answered with a smile on my face.

“So, come on now” I smiled. “What are you going to buy anyway?” I asked

“Honestly, I’m not going to buy anything, just wanted to go out for a while,”


After Minyeon was already tired, I decided to take her home. “I’m going to take you home now Minyeon, you look so tired from walking,” I said.

While I was driving, I saw her sleeping, I can tell she was very tired. I wanted to look at her all day, but I can’t do that, we may have an accident. We already reached her house. I stared at her for awhile, she really looks cute while sleeping, brings back the memories we had.

I felt my heart beat again.  I tried waking her up, but she’s really sleeping well. I didn’t want to do it, but I have no other choice, she’s not waking up so I just carried her and laid her to her couch. I wanted to stay until she wakes up, so that I could still spend my time with her even just for an hour, but I have to go. I brushed her long straight black hair and put on a blanket for her. I got on my car and sighed.

“Am I really a fool? Why did I say yes, I don’t want to go to her wedding, I’ll just be hurt, aish!” All I could do now is sigh and nothing more, if I take back what I said, Minyeon will really be hurt, I guess I’ll just sacrifice again. While I was driving, I decided to stop by the nearby park to get some fresh air. The breeze was really cold so I decided to buy a coffee.  What a shock when I saw Minyeon’s fiancé, I was going to greet him and tell him that Minyeon’s already at her house, but I was shocked to see a girl approaching him. I thought it was Minyeon, but her face looked too far from Minyeon. That girl hugged him, I was kind of curious who was that girl but I just went back to my car. I saw them went out of the coffee shop and got in their car. I followed them and saw them went to a restaurant. I was about to go home but I saw Minyeon’s fiancé kiss that girl, I was kind of feeling that her fiancé was cheating on Minyeon.

I was really worried about Minyeon, they can’t get married like this, Minyeon will only be hurt, but I’m not yet sure though. I’ll try following her fiancé tomorrow first thing in the morning. That morning, I texted my colleague that I will not be able go to work because of my high fever, but the truth is I’ll follow Minyeon’s fiancé. I got up and went to drive my car, I tried going back to the restaurant where I saw them last night. I felt my phone vibrate, Minyeon was calling me, I answered my phone.

“What’s up Minyeon?” I asked

“Are you busy? Can you do me favor, Jinki?”  “Oh, what is it, Minyeon?”

“I was calling my fiancé, but he wouldn’t pick up the phone, I have something to tell him, it’s very important, can you help me?”

“Alright, what will I do?” “Can you go to his office and tell him to meet me at the restaurant where we had lunch yesterday, it’s really important “

“Ok Minyeon,” I answered.  “I’m really sorry for asking you this, but if you’re busy working, don’t mind it, ok?”

“It’s nothing, Minyeon, and I don’t have work today, so I’m free, keke”

“Oh wait, thank you for bringing me home yesterday, why didn’t you wake me up? I was heavy, wasn’t I?”she said while giggling.

“I did wake you up but you were really tired. You were bit heavy than I expected” I answered.

“Thank you Jinki, you still haven’t changed.” Then she hung up the phone.

Hearing her say those words to me makes me blush, oh no! My feelings for her, its coming back. I still need to follow her fiancé, or Minyeon will only end up hurt.

I went to Minyeon’s fiancé’s office, but the secretary there said that Minyeon’s fiancé hasn’t been working these last two weeks, and the secretary thought that it was because he might be preparing for his nearing wedding. I then asked if Minyeon’s fiancé did attend a meeting yesterday but the secretary said there was no meeting yesterday, and Minyeon’s fiancé didn’t go to work. She added that there was a girl always visiting Minyeon’s fiancé. I asked the secretary is she knew the girl’s name, but she didn’t know, she only knew that the girl was the girlfriend of Minyeon’s fiancé before, based from the rumors she heard.

I called Minyeon and told her to meet me at the nearby park 1 block away from her house. I thought that I need to tell this to Minyeon before it’s too late, I’m not wasting this opportunity.

“Minyeon-ah, here!” I shouted. “Did you get to talk to him?”

“Apparently, no. His secretary said that he was out of the office for a moment. Minyeon. I have to tell you something important.”, 

“Alright, but make it fast, why is it so cold here?” “ Uh ok, but take my coat first, before you freeze to death there.” 

“Oh, thank you Jinki-ah, by the way, what’s that important thing you’re saying?”

I hesitated to say it, I have no courage, and I’m not sure yet. So I just didn’t say it. “Ya, never mind?! Well, ok then,” she pouted at me.

“Minyeon-ah, let’s go to that coffee shop, I’m really cold now,” I said while smiling.

“Haha, that’s what you get for giving me your coat!,” she laughed at me. “Come on now, ok?”

“Oh wait, you go first then I’ll follow you, someone’s calling” “Oh ok, who is it?” I asked “It’s my fiancé, wait I’m just going to talk to him, ok?”

I wanted to listen but I know it’s something between them so I just waited for her at the coffee shop. “So, what did he say?” I was curious.

“Well, he said he won’t be able to see me tonight because he’s gonna be working late, he said I could just hang out with you for a moment,” she said while sighing. I knew that guy was lying to Minyeon, I just have the feeling. “Here, take a sip,” I offered her to drink the coffee.

“Why am I getting this feeling that he’s running away from me these past weeks,” she complained. “Don’t worry about that, Minyeon.”

“I hope so.”

Alright, I wanted to comfort Minyeon but I don’t want to, I don’t want to fall for her again. I still love her, but I don’t want my feelings for her to be strong again.  It’s going to be hard for me. I went outside of the coffee shop to call my colleague again because I won’t go to work again tomorrow. I’ll keep my eyes on Minyeon’s fiancé until I’m already sure. Once I was about to turn and go back to the coffee shop, I saw a couple coming to the shop, it looks like Minyeon’s fiancé. I thought he’d be working late, oh no! I ran to the coffee shop and hurriedly took Minyeon out of the shop. “Ya, Jinki, what’s wrong?” she asked. “Palli, we have to go now!”

I let her get in the car and drove her home. She didn’t know I saw her fiancé with another woman, I didn’t want to let her know so I just told her that we should get going. I took her to the park again, and we strolled there. “Ah Jinki-ah, you’re really weird, eh?” she said.

I grinned at her. “Jinki-ah, why are you uneasy, is there something wrong?” she asked me, I don’t want to say it. I let her sat on the bench, when I was about to talk, I saw Minyeon getting teary-eyed. “Minyeon-ah, why? What’s happening?”

She then got up and walked away from me. I turned and I saw her approaching her fiancé. I was really shocked, I thought we wouldn’t see them here. I followed immediately followed Minyeon to stop her. “How dare you! How dare you cheat on me?” she shouted.

She slapped her fiancé and the girl who’s with him.and was pouring her anger towards the girl. “Why, why would you take a man that’ll be married soon?” The girl pushed her and responded harshly to her. “Who do you think you are? I’m his girlfriend, he just proposed to you because he had no other choice, he doesn’t even love you, so stop saying such things and shut up, leave him, there’ll be no wedding!” the girl said. I couldn’t stop Minyeon from doing such things. Minyeon slapped the girl again. Her fiancé came up “Minyeon, stop it! She’s telling the truth, I don’t live you and the wedding’s off! I only proposed to you because your family is rich, my mother said so and I don’t have any choice. Just leave us and go back to your bestfriend, go back to JINKI!” I went to her fiancé and punched him, I was so angry, Minyeon’s hurt, I knew that guy would cheat on him. Minyeon ran away, I followed her but she was gone like a wind. I wasn’t able to find her, I couldn’t give up just like that and it was raining., she’ll be all soaked up and wet so I must find her. I ended up seeing her sitting on a bench, crying her eyes out.

I sat beside her and comforted her. “I’m so sorry Minyeon.” That’s all I could say.

“Sorry for what, huh?”she whispered. “I should’ve told you this earlier, I hate myself for not telling it to you”

She lifted her head up and looked at me, there were still tears on her cheeks, I wiped them away. “I’m really sorry Minyeon, please forgive me.” She said nothing and continued crying, I hugged her until she stopped crying. “I’d be here Minyeon, always and forever by your side, I’m sorry,” I whispered to her, she was crying her eyes out for so long and eventually she got tired and fell asleep. I let her sleep in my car and drove her home.  I let her sleep on her couch, I slept on the other couch, I had to stay with her that night or she might do something bad.

I woke up early and prepared a breakfast for her, I woke her up. She didn’t say a word and just ate. I’m worried for Minyeon, I’m really hoping she’s fine.


Months have passed and Minyeon changed, she barely talks and just stares at one thing. When I talk to her, she just nods or sometimes, she would suddenly cry. She doesn’t fix herself up anymore. She doesn’t eat much too. She wasn’t the Minyeon I knew before. I always prayed for Minyeon, so she could move on. I’m doing all that I can, but it seemed that it wasn’t enough. I always took care of her, she may be unaware of it but I was always by her side. One day, she called me, I was shocked to know she called.  “Meet me at the nearby park,” then she hung up the phone. I went to the park immediately.

I saw her standing under the tree, there were leaves falling. “Minyeon?” I asked. She then turned around, she lifted her head up and smiled at me. She was wearing a nice dress, she fixed herself up and all. She looks pretty. She took a step and hugged me.

“Minyeon, what’s wrong?” I asked. She whispered to me, “Jinki, I’m ok now.”

I never lost hope, Minyeon is back, my sweetie Minyeon is back.

“Well I thought about it Jinki, getting all upset and crying over that stupid man isn’t the best solution at all, I was like a crazy girl that was lost before.” She smiled once more. “Then what was it, Minyeon?” She held my hand, I felt like I was going to get a heart attack, she then looked into my eyes, tiptoed and said “It’s my Jinki Oppa.” My jaw fell, and did she just call me “my Jinki Oppa?!”

“Really?!” I asked her with excitement. “Palli oppa, let’s go to the double-seat swing near that tree. Palli, palli.” she pulled me. I followed her to the swing and sat next to her, we then talked. “Oppa,” she said. “Ne?”

“I’m glad you were there for me, when I needed someone to lean on, it was only you, Jinki oppa,” she giggled. She looked at me once more and leaned on my shoulder.

“Minyeon-ah,” I said. She looked at me but I didn’t notice I was just three inches away from her. My heart skipped a beat.The atmosphere became awkward, she stood up. “Ya, Jinki Oppa!”  She started running, I can tell she was very happy, we even played. Minyeon, it’s like she became a little pure girl again, which made my heart jump.

“Ah, I’m tired already Minyeonnie, let’s rest for awhile, ne?”

“There, let’s sit there Jinki Oppa, you can rest your head on my lap for a moment,”

I closed my eyes for a moment, then I fell asleep for a moment. I heard someone speaking, but I couldn’t hear what was the person saying.

“Jinki, I just have to say this before anything happens. Did you know Jinki, I never loved that man, but I just thought I need to move on from you so I did accept his proposal. I wish I could turn back the time and said it earlier, said that I love you too. You are the only one I loved, Jinki, no other than you. After all, you are my man, all mine. I hope I’m still yours, de?” she giggled. I felt she kissed my forehead.

I opened my eyes, all I could see was her pretty face, long hair and her beautiful smile. “Oh Jinki oppa, come on now?”

“Wait, did you mean it?” I asked her. “What did I mean?” she asked, she was clueless. “You love me too?”

Her eyes got bigger and suddenly giggled, “You heard it?” I nodded.

“Yes, I do.”  I was shocked and because of that, I stood up and went to the center of the park. I was jumping because of happiness and was screaming crazily. All the people thought I was a crazy man but I didn’t care. “Saranghaeyo Saranghaeyo Lee Minyeon, just her!”

 “Ya, Jinki Oppa, stop that” she shouted. I ran back to her and hugged her so tightly, all I could think of now is that I’m happy, satisfied and loved. “Saranghaeyo Lee Minyeon!”


Minyeon’s POV:


“Jinki, I never loved anyone else but you” I kissed his forehead. I was wondering if he was really sleeping. I looked at him, he really looked cute while sleeping, his chubby cheeks, and when he smiled at me, those moon-eye shape of his eyes, it was perfect. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and was staring at me. Did he hear it? I have no idea. “Jinki Oppa, come on now?” I asked, I was nervous if he heard me or not.

“Did you mean it?” he asked me. Omona, I think he heard it. “Mean what?” I asked, he thought I was clueless. “You love me too?” he asked once more. “Yes I do,” I thought I needed to say it now. I was happy that he was happy too. Honestly, he looked like a crazy man, he shouted my name, “Saranghaeyo Saranghaeyo Lee Minyeon, just her!” I was touched. For all you have done for me Jinki, thank you, I love you too.


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exoticshawol125 #1
I can't believe this is your first fic ever it’s soooo good!
Chapter 6: Wow i am in 2012 now and I am so thankful to find this story! AWESOME
Hm...yup! I LOVE THIS! Please update soon! <3
AKreiko #4
Love it...I wonder who the "stupid girl" is? XD hmmm, better update unnie!
i am going to read this...im going to read this ><<br />
chapter 1 is so awesome!!!<br />
><<br />
i hate tht i dun hav the time = = <br />
erughhhhh!!!!!! TT<br />
sorry....(im on chapter 1 >< mental note ><) <br />
ill read l8r ><
@rinkarin unnie thanks^^ XD @reiko-chi, hey thank you for commenting! indeed, it is i myself want to taste it too, so badly wanna make a cookie house too t_T LOL
AKreiko #7
Waah, i can imagine the cookie house, seems tasty...but whatever! awesome fic nee-chan!^^
AKreiko #8
hahah finally i have an acount, now i can comment on all of your stories nee-chan! ^^...
rinkarin #9
hmmmm for me, it would be nice if yeona end up with jonghyun maybe? XD
wahhh ~~~<br />
that was adorable !!<br />
u write really good !<br />
u write wayyyy better than me ..<br />
i get so many ideas at once that even i , the author , gets so confused .<br />
haha !