| Chapter 35 |

He's A T-!

Kai sat Kyu Ri down on a bench and raised both hands. “Stay here, I’ll be back,” Kai said while walking backwards.

“I’m not a dog, I’ll be here,” Kyu Ri dryly said. Kai smiled and hurried off; he turned back one time to see if she left. When he turned back he saw Kyu Ri staring at him. He smiled and waved at her. Kyu Ri returned the motion and shook her head. Kai rushed to the ice cream stand.

Kyu Ri sighed and sat back in the seat. She pulled her furry hoodie over her head. She looked down at the floor until she saw a pair of shoes in front of her. She gazed up and saw a casual clothed Niel. He had his hands in his pockets and stood there in front of her.

“...hello,” Kyu Ri simply said.

“Hey,” Niel nodded his head. “You...here alone?” Niel asked even though he knew that she was here with Kai. Though Kyu Ri doesn’t know that he and their friends have been following the group of four.

Kyu Ri shook her head and scooted over for Niel to sit down. “I’m here with Kai,” Kyu Ri said. Niel took a seat beside the girl.

“Ah...him, I see,” Niel murmured quietly. Kyu Ri looked over at him and saw him fiddling with his shirt.

“So are you here alone?” Kyu Ri asked.

“Uhh yeah, I’m actually here with Min Hyuk,” Niel blurted out.

“Min Hyuk? Lee Min Hyuk?” Kyu Ri raised an eyebrow.

“Mmm, Min Hyuk went to the game stands so I was wandering around and I saw you,” Niel said slyly while looking at her.

“Ah I see, for a second here I thought you were stalking me,” Kyu Ri smiled. Niel’s eyes widen and then shook his head. “Calm down,” Kyu Ri chuckled.

“Kyu Ri...” Niel began while placing a hand on the girl’s hand. Kyu Ri looked back into his eyes and saw that he was leaning in closer to her. Kyu Ri sat still and didn’t move. Suddenly the boy beside her was jerked away. Out of nowhere, Kyu Ri felt a wet impact from the side.

“You ! I knew it! I knew you were cheating on your beloved boyfriend!”

“How dare you take advantage of Prince Niel!”

“You ! Go back to the hole that you rotted in!”

“Freaking doesn’t know where she stands!”

Kyu Ri sat there soaking wet and looked up to seeing four girls who were giving her nasty glares. Kyu Ri stared at them with emotionless eyes.

“Yah! Don’t do that to Kyu Ri!” Niel shouted at them.

“But-but Niel!” The girls all whimpered to the boy.

“Get out! Just leave!” Niel screamed.

With what they had just done, they walked away with happy grins. Niel on the other hand rushed over to her side and tried helping her.

“Kyu Ri...let me he-” Niel reached out for the girl but she slapped his hand away.

Don’t! Don’t touch me,” Kyu Ri hissed out while getting up from her seat. The water trickles down her cheeks and without knowing tears fell down her cheeks. Niel watched her movements and saw her shoulders trembling. Niel looked and saw her eyes turning red along with her cheeks.

Niel, without saying anything, took off his big jacket and wrapped the clothing piece around the soaking wet girl. Kyu Ri didn’t flinch or move a muscle. Niel wrapped his arm around the girl and escorted her away from the area. He took her to a uni restroom. Niel took her inside and locked the door. Inside, Kyu Ri fell to the ground and burst out in tears. She covered her face with the palm of her hands.

She let out a gasp and cried to herself. Niel went over to the paper towel dispenser and grabbed a stack full. He walked back over to the girl and crouched down to her. Niel gently took her hands off of her face. Kyu Ri trembled at her weak state. Niel took a paper towel and began patting against her cheeks. He dabbed the tears away. Kyu Ri watched as he took care of her gently. Afterwards, he began dabbed her wet hair - he tried to make it as dry as he could. Kyu Ri didn’t say anything.

There was a knock against the restroom door. Kyu Ri looked over and Niel got up. He went over and opened the door slightly. There was a paper bag handed to him. Niel muttered a thanks and shut the door.

Kyu Ri looked at him in silence. Niel went back over and placed a bag in front of her. Niel looked distressed and said, “Change into those, I’ll wait outside for you,” Kyu Ri watched as Niel walked out of the restroom. Kyu Ri looked inside and saw a new pair of clothes. Niel exited the room and locked the door.

“...do you like me this much?” Kyu Ri asked while looked down at the bag in her hands. Kyu Ri changed out of her wet clothes and placed on her new clothes. She placed the wet clothes in the bag and fixed her shirt. She gave the mirror one last glance and went out of the door. Outside, without lying stood Niel against the fence. Kyu Ri went over to him and Niel took the bag of clothes. Kyu Ri was holding onto his jacket but Niel took the jacket from her. He once again placed the jacket back on for Kyu Ri.

“You just got wet from those mean girls, now I don’t want you getting sick - wear my jacket,” Niel firmly stated. Kyu Ri simply nodded and pulled the jacket closer to her. “Good, now come on,” Niel gripped her hand and led her down the amusement park path.

“Where’s Kai?” Niel asked.

“He went to get ice cream,” Kyu Ri muttered.

“What kind of guy leaves his girl alone like that...” Niel angrily asked.

“We’re not dating,” Kyu Ri looked away.

“What..?” Niel questioned.

“We’re not in a relationship,” Kyu Ri uttered out.

“But yesterday...” Niel blinked.

“That was lie so Chun Ji could just shut the hell up,” Kyu Ri murmured.

“So...you’re...single?” Niel suddenly brighten up.

“Yes,” Kyu Ri answered. “Kai is a guy that I used to be friends with. He is just...really touchy,” Kyu Ri explained. “And emotional, he says we're in a relationship but we aren't.”

“So...I have a chance?” Niel questioned again while shyly giggling.

“...yes, yes you do,” Kyu Ri secretly smiled. Niel grinned and led Kyu Ri over to a gamestand. Kyu Ri sat in a stoll and Niel took a seat as well. Niel looked around at the rather large stuffed animals.

“Do you want one?” Kyu Ri looked around and saw a large alpaca in the corner. Kyu Ri stared at the large alpaca. Niel looked over at where she was staring at and smiled.

“I’ll win you that,” Niel beamed.

“..really?” Kyu Ri blinked at him. Niel nodded happily and began grabbing the darts. He needed to pop five balloons for the large animal. Kyu Ri watched as Niel played the carnival game. She watched his facial expressions and smiled without thinking. Niel turned over and saw her smiling. Niel smiled at her and Kyu Ri blushed.

She looked away and pretended to be interested in something else. Niel chuckled and threw the last dart. Popped went the balloon and he chosed the large alpaca in the corner. The game man handed Niel the animal and he held it out to Kyu Ri.

“Alpaca,” Kyu Ri said while squeezing the stuffed animal’s cheek.

“Told you I’ll win it for you,” Niel reassured.

“Thank you...Niel,” Kyu Ri shyly whispered.

“Anything for you,” Niel chuckled. “Let’s go,” Niel ushered while holding the girl’s hand. Kyu Ri felt a vibration in her pocket and took out her cellphone.

“Are you thirsty?” Niel asked and Kyu Ri nodded.

“Let me go get you something to drink,” Niel said while dragging her over to the vending machine. Niel took out his wallet and made sure Kyu Ri was next him. Kyu Ri took the chance to look at her messages.

From: Eun Kwang -_-

Omo~ You look so cute! <3 Omo are you going to be known as Ahn Kyu Ri?!

From: Min Hyuk <_<

...hope you are okay Kyu Ri. :c those girls are dead in my hands now

From: Chang Sub e_e

Kekekeke - Kyu Ri and Niel sitting in a tree~

From: Hyun Sik e_o

K. I. S. S. I. N. G!<3

From: Sung Jae

Noona, are you okay? D: Min Hyuk hyung called the police on those girls for harassment. Noona ;A; WAE?! D: I’m just glad Niel hyung is there to help you :3

From: Yo Baby Kai

I see that you are having fun with Niel. He seems to love you dearly. He cares about you from what I see too. You should let him warm your heart Kyu Ri. Let him love you because I can see that you are slowly loving him too. Heh, you seem to have more fun with him than you do with me. So...what I’m saying is, let the boy love you.

“Here you go, Kyu Ri,” Niel handed her a water bottle. Kyu Ri tucked her phone away and smiled at him.

“Thank you Niel,” Kyu Ri said while taking the water and his hand. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” She held his hand in hers.

“It-it’s nothing,” Niel blushed.

“Niel...you love me right?” Kyu Ri asked. Niel’s cheeks flushed pink and he let out an awkward cough.

“Kyu Ri, you know that I love you - why are you asking me again? I mean...it’s okay to ask me if I love you because I do love you. I mean...why did I say that so casually? Oh god I’m rambling now,” Niel nervously stammered on about the topic until Kyu Ri pulled him close to her. Niel’s eyes widen at the sudden movement. Kyu Ri pressed her lips upon his. The two lip locked and began kissing each other. The kiss was sweet and simple.

“You talk a lot when you are nervous,” Kyu Ri murmured against his lips. Niel kissed the girl back and kept it nice and clean. Kyu Ri pulled away and pressed her forehead against his.

“I love you too Ahn Daniel,”

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Updated, 'He's A T-!' Hope you enjoy the updates. ^^


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Thankies for the upvotes and comments ^^
Much love to all of you <3
Chapter 23: what the- kai kissed kyuri </3
aww niel :(
strangegirl #3
Chapter 23: *Niel (sorry had a typo)
strangegirl #4
Chapter 23: So good! I can't wait to see what happens between Neil and Kyu Ri.
Chapter 19: errrrr as a fujoshi, i like this!!!! >< i like kyuri's characters! hihihi
but for me ricky-hyorin scenes is predictable :/ but oh well i still like this~
i will look forward to this ;;;D fighting!
strangegirl #6
Chapter 13: This is amazing. I can't wait for the next chapter! It is so well written!
Annyeong!! I barely read the forward, but it looks interesting :D I can't wait to start reading!! ^-^ Hwaiting, authornims!!!