| Chapter 23 |

He's A T-!

Kyu Ri glanced at the mirror in front of her and stared at her reflection. She carefully analyzed her features and saw that the person in the mirror was not her. This wasn’t Kyu Ri, the cold-ruthless-, now gone. Kyu Ri thought back to what Kai had said earlier when they were getting her hair done.

“I’ll change you Kyu Ri, into something people will gawk at, wished they were you. Make them realize that you aren’t the ‘cold-ruthless-’,” Kai said while curling the girl’s new locks. Her once black hair was now light brown.

“How do you...” Kyu Ri looked in the mirror at the boy.

“Jae Hyo told me about your past,” Kai smiled and placed her hair down on the sides.

“...I don’t need your pity. I don’t need this treatment from you,” Kyu Ri muttered emotionlessly.

“I’m not pitying you. I want to do this because you are beautiful Kyu Ri. People need to understand that you are you,” Kai smiled at the girl. Kyu Ri looked at him and didn’t understand at all. “Now, Kyu Ri - I understand your pain,” Kai whispered.

“How can you understand...?” Kyu Ri looked at him. She saw his eyes turning stoned and this made the girl curious.

“When my mother died, my dad blamed her death on me. I was abused by my dad when dad plans on drinking. I still have the scars on my back if you want to see?” Kai took off his pink shirt and showed the girl his marked back.

Kyu Ri let out a silent gasp and reached out for the boy’s back. She ran her fingertips over his back. As her fingers ran over the boy’s back, she felt his warmth and that made her soften. Kai shivered slightly at her touch and blushed.

“Then what happened?” Kyu Ri asked.

“Dad committed suicide so I’m parentless as well,” Kai bent down to the girl. “You’re not alone,” Kai brushed her light brown hair out of her face. He ran his hand over her cheek and smiled.

Kyu Ri spaced out while standing in front of the mirror. Kai knocked on the door and that made the girl snapped out of her trance. Kyu Ri let out a breath and patted the black laced dress. “Kyu Ri? Are you ready?” Kai asked while standing outside. Kyu Ri bit her lip and went out of the changing room slowly. She rubbed her hands together and looked down. Suddenly she saw a pair of shoes that belonged to Kai.

Kai took Kyu Ri’s hand and this caused her to look up. Kai’s lips formed a smile and he gave the girl a slow twirl. Kai brushed the girl’s hair back into place and he smiled. “Simply beautiful,” Kai commented while chuckling.

“Not because it’s written on your wrists either,” Kai tapped the girl’s tattooed wrists. Kyu Ri smiled slightly  and chuckled.

“About all of this Kai...” Kyu Ri began while looking at the boy.

“Don’t say anything Kyu Ri,” Kai hushed the girl.

“But I want to say...thank you,” Kyu Ri blushed slightly. Kai bonked his head lightly against the girl’s. Kyu Ri flinched and stared at the older boy with pink cheeks.

“Alright, let’s go show the world the new and improved Kyu Ri,” Kai wrapped his arm around the girl’s waist. As the two were getting ready to leave the store, something held them back.

“Omo,  isn’t that...that from school?”

“Huh! Seems like the rumors were right after all! She did cheat on Niel with a new boy!”

“What a !”

“She doesn’t have any shame at all,”

“Such a ,”

Kyu Ri heard the group of girls talking about her. Kyu Ri’s fists shook as she felt low about herself. Kai sensed the distressed girl and grabbed a hold of her hands. Kyu Ri looked up at Kai and suddenly a single tear fell from her eye. Kai’s eyebrows furrowed up and he snapped a head over at the group of girls.

“Yah! Shut the up! Who gives you the right to talk about my girlfriend like that? And who’s this Niel boy you are talking about? Huh?! Kyu Ri is my one and only girlfriend - she isn’t in a relationship with anyone else besides me! If I hear her tell me that any single one of you is bothering her from school - I will have you all expelled for student harassment!” Kai demanded while pulling Kyu Ri close to him. He held her warmly in his arms and glared at the group of girls.

“Y-you’re her boyfriend?! Not Niel!?” One of the girls shrieked.

“Do you want proof? A thesis statement that she is my girlfriend?” Kai huffed out while the girls all gasped in horror. Kyu Ri looked at Kai and then the group of girls. Kyu Ri looked away and didn’t say anything. Suddenly she felt her head being tilted up and she looked at Kai with her sad eyes. Kai bent his head down and gave her a soft peck on the lips. He pulled a few inches away and stared into her eyes. Kyu Ri’s eyes widen at the boy’s action and she didn’t know what to do but went with the moment.

“AHHHHHHHH! THEY ARE GOING OUT!” One of the girls screamed.

“Well...they do make a cute couple now thinking about it,”

“Yeah, Kyu Ri looks pretty with her hair like that now,”


|Next Day|


BtoB walked with Hyo Rin towards where the group was supposed to meet for the buses for the field trip. Hyo Rin walked with Peniel and Chang Sub. She often glanced around to look for her black haired friend but could not find her anywhere. She frowned slightly and took out her phone.

To: Kyu Ri

Kyu Kyu, where are you? D:

Hyo Rin sent that message and waited for a response back and she got it quick, faster than usual. She read the message aloud, “Turn around,” Hyo Rin turned around and saw a new light brown haired girl standing there with a playful smirk upon her lips. Hyo Rin blinked a couple of times and recognized that smirk. As for the rest of the BtoB, they were quite surprised at the new girl. They couldn’t tell who that was at all.

“Umm...who are you?” Eun Kwang confusingly asked the girl. The girl just simply let out a chuckle and strolled over to the group.

“Wouldn’t you like to know Eun Kwang? Can’t even tell that it’s me after I went for some new changes,” The girl hissed out while tossing her brown strands aside. Min Hyuk looked at the girl and let out a gasp. The girl's eyes closed slightly and she let out a chuckle.

“No way, are you serious?” Min Hyuk questioned while the girl turned around and smiled at Min Hyuk.

“Kyu Ri noona?” Sung Jae finally caught on and knew that this girl was Kyu Ri.

“Kyu Kyu?” Hyo Rin giggled out while looking at her. Hyo Rin skipped over to the girl and took a good look at her transformation.

“Kyu Ri?!” Hyun Sik and Il Hoon gasped out.

“That’s Kyu Ri?!” Chang Sub’s mouth flung open.

“The one and only,” Kyu Ri smirked while everyone was gawking at her.

“You changed! You are looking good...” Min Hyuk smiled at the girl. Kyu Ri went over to Min Hyuk and nudged him lightly. Min Hyuk’s cheeks flushed pink.

“When he said that he will transform you, I didn’t think he would change this much. You must be happy with him to let him do this,” Hyo Rin giggled out while playing with her new brown locks.

“Heh, sure - I could be happy with him,” Kyu Ri rolled her eyes with a light chuckle.

“Who is he?” BtoB all asked while staring at the two girls for answers. Kyu Ri felt Sung Jae tugging her hand.

“It’s no one important,” Kyu Ri stated.

“Kyu Ri, don’t say that, I bet Kai would be disappointed if you said he isn’t important,” Hyo Rin giggled out.

“He isn’t important,” Kyu Ri muttered out.

“But he’s your boyfriend,” Hyo Rin blinked.

“Hyo Rin,” Kyu Ri hissed out. Hyo Rin curiously shrugged her shoulders.

“WHO’S YOUR BOYFRIEND!?” BtoB all demanded while their eyes widen from the sudden info.

“Noona?!” Sung Jae looked horrified.

“...I don’t have a boyfriend,” Kyu Ri said.

“But Kai?” Hyo Rin innocently questioned.

“Kai was being a piece of when he said that. He was just teasing - he is not my boyfriend; he is my new annoying neighbor - if he is my boyfriend I will commit suicide right now,” Kyu Ri stated while rolling her eyes.

“So...he’s not your boyfriend?” Min Hyuk asked while raising an eyebrow.

“No, he isn’t my boyfriend,” Kyu Ri replied. “Now let’s get a move on before I suffocate myself with all these questions,” Kyu Ri walked up into the bus. BtoB all paired up in the back meanwhile Kyu Ri and Hyo Rin were sitting in separate columns close to BtoB.

“So...Kai lied?” Hyo Rin asked while blinking and tapping her chin.

“Yeah, heh, but you know I got revenge,” Kyu Ri chuckled.

“Though I have to admit Kyu Kyu,” Hyo Rin began while staring at Kyu Ri. “Kai did a great job on transforming you. You look outstanding now, brown hair does seem to fit you Kyu Ri,” Hyo Rin winked at the girl.

“I’ve been told that multiple times,” Kyu Ri muttered quietly. Suddenly a blue haired boy smiled and waved at Hyo Rin.

“Hyo Rin~” Ricky sang while taking a seat beside Hyo Rin.

“Ricky!” Hyo Rin cooed while hugging her boyfriend. Ricky gave her a soft peck on the cheek. The two laughed and enjoyed each other’s company. Kyu Ri, who was sitting across with an empty seat  just looked at the two and chuckle.

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?” A voice made the girl snap out of her thoughts. She looked up to seeing a straight dark brown haired boy with a pair of oversized sunglasses. He was wearing a huge trench coat. Her eyes traveled down to his lips and remembered those lips.

Kyu Ri moved aside for the boy to have seat beside her. Kyu Ri glanced out of the window in silence. Kyu Ri looked in the corner of her eye and saw him taking off his sunglasses. Suddenly her lips formed a smirk.

“A sudden wardrobe change huh, Daniel?” Kyu Ri questioned.

“I could say the same to you, Kyu Ri,” Niel chuckled out. Kyu Ri sensed a sudden change in his tone. He sounded brave and more bold.

“You look amazing with brown hair,” Niel whispered for the girl to hear.

“Thank you, ...I like your new style,” Kyu Ri commented while looking out of the window. Niel looked over at the girl and wondered if she remembered what she had promised. Kyu Ri turned over at the boy and saw the look in his eyes.

“Kyu Ri,” Niel began while Kyu Ri held up a hand.

“Don’t say anything - I remember,” Kyu Ri said calmly. “I didn’t forget at all,” Kyu Ri continued while nodding. “You have to prove to me first,” Kyu Ri stated.

“Prove to you?” Niel raised an eyebrow and smirked.

“Yeah, prove to me that you can handle me,” Kyu Ri smirked deviously.

Seunii's Love Letters: Kai's appearence - poof. Short update ^^ 

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Updated, 'He's A T-!' Hope you enjoy the updates. ^^


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Thankies for the upvotes and comments ^^
Much love to all of you <3
Chapter 23: what the- kai kissed kyuri </3
aww niel :(
strangegirl #3
Chapter 23: *Niel (sorry had a typo)
strangegirl #4
Chapter 23: So good! I can't wait to see what happens between Neil and Kyu Ri.
Chapter 19: errrrr as a fujoshi, i like this!!!! >< i like kyuri's characters! hihihi
but for me ricky-hyorin scenes is predictable :/ but oh well i still like this~
i will look forward to this ;;;D fighting!
strangegirl #6
Chapter 13: This is amazing. I can't wait for the next chapter! It is so well written!
Annyeong!! I barely read the forward, but it looks interesting :D I can't wait to start reading!! ^-^ Hwaiting, authornims!!!