
The Forsaken Lover
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The art of suppressing.





If there is something that you won't expect Chanyeol has, what will it be?


Well, believe it or not, Chanyeol has an Eidetic memory. I'm sure all of you know that, in the form of photographic memory. Yes. Chanyeol has a photographic memory. Our Chanyeol holds something precious that he isn't even sure if he wants to call it a gift or a curse. He excels academically in his University days. He graduated last year and is currently enjoying his free time before looking for work. He's shamelessly using his parent's money but it's not that they care or anything. They'd do anything to spoil Chanyeol.


But if he has a photographic memory, then why does he forget things and think of them as if they are just his nightmare? To be quite honest, Chanyeol does not forget things. He, indeed, has a photographic memory and having one means that you'll always remember. Whether you like or not. It's more like, Chanyeol blocks his unwanted memories from being accessed in his head. Unfortunately, dreams (or what he calls nightmares) can still access to it. Although not really clear, the whole yet vague memory comes back to haunt him.








This whole fiasco of suppressing his memories started two years ago. When Kris forgot their anniversary. Chanyeol was excited. It's their first anniversary, and the younger one wants it to be perfect. Although he had a hard time juggling his time as a third year university student and a part-time worker, Chanyeol managed to make the dinner happen.


But Kris didn't remember. The latter went to a party his friends threw, without telling Chanyeol of course. Kris was a graduating student back then. He's almost free from college so he's kind of enjoying it. He knew Chanyeol doesn't like crowded places so he didn't invite his lover to come with him. Chanyeol called Kris fourteen times. He messaged him twice; asking where is he and when is he going back home. They'd been living together ever since their fifth month of being together because Kris decided he couldn't live without Chanyeol.


Chanyeol was thinking of reasons why his lover wasn't answering his messages and calls. Maybe he's with his parents? Maybe he's overworking himself again. Right. Kris will never forget about today. B-but what if he does forget? Nah, that's not true. Kris will never forget. Unfortunately for him, Kris decided to sleep over his friend's house. The younger one slept with his head on the table on the night of their anniversary, waiting for his lover to come home. Waking up; he found himself on the couch, his head on Kris' lap.


"Yeobo, why where you sleeping on the table?" Kris tutted.


Chanyeol thought about it for a minute. "I--"


"And there were so many food! Why are there so many food on the table? Are there new neighbors on the floor?" Chanyeol stared at his lover in bewilderment. Oh my God. He forgot didn't he? B-but... Nah. Kris was just busy with school works. Right. He didn't forget. He didn't.


And it repeats. Kris coming late to their dates. Kris leaving early during dates. Kris never comes to their planned dates. Chanyeol was getting tired of Kris' bull. But Chanyeol held on. He loves Kris too much to actually let him go. And look at them right now. Going stron--, Well .


Chanyeol wills himself to forget his lover's shortcomings. For the sake of his feelings – for his own satisfaction. The art of suppressing. Chanyeol suppresses Kris' shortcomings and faults in a seperate room in his mind and locks it away. Blocking it and removing any access of remembering those s. And maybe, Chanyeol unconsciously hates himself for that.












Because right now, he can't think of any faults to give Kris except his inappropriate relationship with his lover's best friend, Baekhyun. Staring at a concerned Kris, Chanyeol can't help but feel a bile rising inside of him. Is this Kris pretending or is this concern real? He doesn't even know what's real anymore.




He wants his voice to sound firm, but it came out nothing but a pathetic whimper. He wants to be tough and actually wants to fight for his feelings, but having Kris in front of him made his confidence retreat and surrender. His whole tough pretense crashes down and breaks like a thin ice that's tapped lightly. Chanyeol can't help but feel ridiculous and pathetic.


"Yeobo? What happened? Why were you crying? Ah ! It's those nightmares again huh?" Kris panics, his face shows sadness, alarm and (something Chanyeol doesn't want to see but sees anyways) guilt. So it is ing true. How could I be so blind? Chanyeol screams inside his head. Why am I not functioning as well as I thought I can?


"Yes. It's those nightmares" But maybe, Chanyeol can get an upperhand in this argument. Even without Kris' faults; his unlawful act of being in a relationship with someone other than Chanyeol. It was enough. Even without Kris' shortcomings, Chanyeol will be able to... What does Chanyeol want? Does he want to break it off between them? Of course he should. But his heart can't take a day without Kris. What outcome does Chanyeol want if he starts the argument?


To be quite honest, he's willing to forgive the two right there and then. But something inside his mind tells him things don't just go that way, that he needs justice and all those s for his faithfulness. Chanyeol may not be the perfect lover one would have; but he's everything anyone could wish for. He's understanding and lovable. There are times when he's very stubborn and childish, but that's his charm. Everything about Chanyeol comes together like a perfect fit in every puzzle.


"What about them Yeobo? Did they bother you again?" Kris decides to lean in and press a soft peck on Chanyeol's lips. Usually, Chanyeol will encircle his arms around Kris' neck. But today, is very different. Today, Chanyeol will make a change. A change that he himself is sure that it would scar both of them.


"Yes, actually he did. He did bother me today. My nightmare told me things yo

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The Forsaken Lover: Epilogue. Posted. :) Krisyeol ♥ x


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Chapter 10: I really enjoyed your 1st set of short stories of KrisYeol as well as this story. I liked the continuation of the Kris cheating on Yeol story with Baek. And when you suggested listening to VIXX's Love Letter for the part of Kris giving Yeol a letter confessing what happened I was originally in the middle of listening to Adam Lambert's newest album "The Original High" then came his "Underground" and oh my God, it fits perfectly the feeling I thought that Yeol may feel reading the letter. Some of the lyrics go like this
(When you're gone
When you're gone, it's like I'm in one second in time
I'm frozen
When you're gone
When you're gone, it's like I lost one half of my mind

Cause nobody feels you like I do
Nobody kills me like you do
Nothing I take can ever cut through
I'm in trouble
I look at myself and I don't know
How I'm stuck to you like Velcro
Can't rip you off and go solo
I'm in trouble) This is how I imagined Yeol would respond to Kris while Kris would be singing him another Adam song "Can't Let You Go" (Oh.... yeah

Guess it was not meant to be
But it's not as bad as it seems
It only burns when I breathe, yeah

You saw the way that I fell
But I'm better off by myself
That's the tale I like to tell, yeah

But it's not that easy for me to say goodbye
And everything in me, wants you back in my life

Can't let you go
Can't let you go, oh)
Thanks for sharing this amazing story with us. I really enjoyed it. Sorry for this long comment.
Sekitani #2
Chapter 10: It was so well write, I'm so happy that I have read this story, it mades me sad but it mades me happy, thank you for writing this story. I enjoyed reading it. ^^
Chapter 1: Aww poor chanyeol ><
TheShinyWobbuffet #4
Chapter 11: So... ... when's the epilogue coming out??? :D
Chapter 5: hello! I just read your story and kinda impressed with the psychological dynamics that you put in this story :)

true tough, in psychoanalitic, suppressing one's own thought into unconsciousness mind is called "repressing", and it's one of the way to defend one-self in what's called as self-defense mechanism. at first when chanyeol's happened to see kris in baekhyun's house and he kinda had a 'strange' reaction over what he saw, I thought that he might suffered a little bit from acute stress disorder, but later I found in this story that he was actually in denial ^^
KasaiFates #6
I like reading the comments and watching people switch from krisyeol to kaiyeol
Chapter 9: Ahh... I can't hold so much angst for my krisyrol feeling... so hiks, please make krisyeol a happy ending okay, sobs.

By the way, i love this story. It has a different vibe on cheating (?) I mean that the way Chanyeol found out about it and how hard he denied it just held too much feeling. <3
Chapter 11: Wae no happy ending....</3
Chapter 7: I was rooting for kaiyeol but then i read kris' letter YEP i'm hella confused now
Chapter 2: yeah kaiyeol because why noooooooooooot yeaaaa h~ i like that aurthor-nim <3