Sharing You


When Jongin finally cornered Lay and got word of if Kyungsoo was okay, and for that matter where he was it didn’t help matters.

What he learned from Lay was that no, Kyungsoo isn’t sick, yes I promise he isn’t sick, and no I can’t tell you where he is, why?, because I like being alive, well apparently since either way I don’t get to live he got invited to some idol auditon, yes it really is an audition and not some weird thing.

Jongin had never really thought that Kyungsoo would ever want to become a real professional singer. Sure he did tons of competitions but it was for fun. Right?

It wasn’t that Jongin wasn’t happy for Kyungsoo it was just that he was scared like he’d never been before. If he got accepted as a trainee all of his time would be wrapped up in that. And he was terrified that this was the reason why he’d been so distant lately, that he was just getting Jongin used to the idea of him not always being around anymore.

Jongin had forgotten what life without Kyungsoo was like and he never wanted to remember. And so after badgering the address out of Lay he skipped school intent on seeing Kyungsoo and finding out what in hell was going on.

While on the train Jongin came to a realization as he was trying to figure out what exactly to say to his best friend since forever. It was a realization that nearly made him fall down from the sheer immensity of it and because of it he knew exactly what to say. Only there was one last loose end to tie before he could put his epiphany into effect. Pulling out his cell Jongin wrote a short text to his girlfriend that he know would end in heartbreak but just couldn’t bring himself to care about that as much as he probably should.

All that mattered now was getting to Kyungsoo. It was that single minded determination that made the rest of the journey to his best friend seem like it too no time at all yet at the same time felt like years had passed from long it had taken to get there.

Jongin hit a small roadblock when he tried to enter the building, the door was locked with a sighed taped to it that said: Sorry Auditions are in progress, if you were late better luck next time.

He immediately hated that sign because it prolonged him seeing Kyungsoo. And so he waited, and waited, and waited as slowly one by one people began coming out of the building, but none of the them were Kyungsoo. Jongin waited nearly two hours for Kyungsoo to emerge from the building and once he saw him he took no chances.

Leaping up he grabbed Kyungsoo by the shoulders and rather artlessly kissed him.

Not giving Kyungsoo any time to think he immediately pulled back and practically shouted, “For all my life I’ve loved you, first as a friend, now as something much more, so what I’m asking is do  you love me like I love you?”

The smile the decorated Kyungsoo face made Jongin’s heart skip a few beats.

“I love you too you idiot.”

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wolfiester #1
EerinKaialovers #2
AHHHH...i Love this...i think it's is not given enough credit for how awes it is...i love kaisoo..too much sweetness...
EerinKaialovers #3
AHHHH...i Love this...i think it's is not given enough credit for how awes it is...i love kaisoo..too much sweetness...
Willyounoticeme #4
Chapter 19: So freaking sweet.
Thank you for making a very good fic for Kaisoo.
Simple and beautiful. ^^
This story really made my day! You deserve more upvotes :)
nominwoo #6
Chapter 19: this is so heartwarming and fluffy and asdfjksksksk ugh love it so much!
simple short beautiful fic..! love it... ^^
voracious #8
Chapter 19: so sweet :') just beautiful, great job ^^
semi-vegetarian #9
Chapter 19: This fic is <3