Im Queen

Our World


"Hey Minghyun, you wouldn't mind if I walk you home. I can help you with some of the questions you have, you know..with your homework."  Kai asked me a question only we can understand.
"Huh? Uhh, sure."
Through the whole day all I could think is that there's more..and J-hope is a part if it?. I wonder what Kai is thinking right now.
"Minghyun, do you remember what happened. When you was younger."
"No, my childhood life is kind of a blur. Why?" He sharply turned towards me and looked at me..but his eyes were different. They looked sad and sincere. I stared til I could feel my body falling.
"I got you. I won't let you fall..not anymore." As he held me there in his arms we looked into each other eyes. The world became white noise, his face became my target. We stood there so graceful. He pulled me up and held me close. I felt the warmth of his fingers wrap around my waist.
"Hold on to me. Don't get scared." I began to look around and the world is gone. We were floating in the white warmth and let it blow upward into our faces as he held me closer to his body. A white circle started to surround us and beautiful blue white lights came out fast as string of lights. The lights moved in an x shape and one ringed shaped one cutting the a planet. I looked into his eyes and reached my hand out to his face. It was so soft.
"Minghyun, when you were five, your father hid something from you. Your not of this planet."
"Then neither are you..or J-hope."
"Also Amber and Jimin. But there's more than us four." He voice swung through the air like a song. I was into his eyes..his beautiful brown eyes.
"Who else is there?"
"You'll find out soon enough." He was pulled. I was being pulled from his grip. "Dont be scared." he said his last words as my body fell through the white into the dark and my heart stopped. All I could do was reach out for him but couldn't touch him. I felt restrained.
"What was, my head hurts. Why did I have that dream? Was it even real?" My chest stared to hurt. Scared to look down I closed my eyes and turned my head downward and the same colors that surround me and Kai was coming out my chest. I poked at it, hopping my finger touch won't make it go away. The door slammed wide open.
"Minghhyuunn! I brought you some tea!"
"No ma! Don't look at me!" I threw the sheets over me. I have to hide the light. 
"What are you talking about Minghyun? I know you don't have on make up but you don't look that bad." Okay, that is not what I was talking about. She ripped the sheets off of me and I shivered as the air engulfed me in coldness.
"Ma, I wanted to tell you but - you look fine Minghyun..I just wanted to bring you some tea so you can feel better."
"Huh?'s gone?"
"Minghyun..are you okay? You need some rest." I turned with fierce sharp eyes.
"No, rest is the last thing I need right now." I jumped out of bed knocking the tea down.
"I'm sorry ma. I'll clean it later." I ransacked my closet looking for clothes. I saw the perfect thing.
"Minghyun you have to clean this now..huuh, I got it. And where are you going wearing that?" I put on a sparkling black dress with silver shoes. I designed myself with silver jewelry.
"Somewhere important..somewhere in my head." I actually have no idea where I'm going..but my mind does and that's all I need to know. 
I took my mom's car and speed off without thinking of anything else. I drove into a park and saw a figure standing in the basketball court. I got out the red car and walked towards the figure.  "I was waiting for you." The voice damaged the air. It's J-hope.
"I have questions for, ah!" He gently grabbed my hand and spun me around. We started to dance. I watched my feet move in specific steps. But I don't even know how to dance.
"I don't want to be alone. I wanna be with you." My eyes widen and I looked up at his eyes. I wasn't into them, instead they wrapped around me and made my troubles disappear. I let my feet float on the ground as we spun and danced. He dropped me in his left arm a swung me in the air as he lifted me up. The ground below us began to burn and smoke made a tunnel around our body's, but it smelled sweet. Red strings of light came from the ground and connected and twirled at the top and dissappears into the air..but it continues to come. He leaned in and pulled me closer. I felt his nose touch mine as our lips met.
"Minghyun, you have to choose me. I want to be with you now and forever."
"You are mine. You were always mine." I caressed his face and leaned and kissed him. The smoke stopped, the strings vanished, and I let him go.
"Wait, what am I doing..what are you talking about?"
"Kai didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what." He smirked..he had that bad boy side grin. It was cute.
"He's to sleek..too mischievous."
"Our planet..your were queen. You absorb every power you touch. You absorbed mine, Jimin's, Kai's, Amber's and you already had your own..controlling time."
I'm queen? I was a normal girl who was an outcast of every group and now I'm a queen.
"I need to go." I raced to the car and drove off. I speed off again and two streets from the park somebody ran out in the street. *screeecchh*  
"Are you okay?!" It was a female..she had short blonde hair and was really pretty.
"Hello? Are you alive? Is your arm and leg okay?" I looked at her stomach. It was bleeding and running down making a small puddle.
"Yeah, I'm fine...princess." The cut glowed a light soft blue color and started to move towards each other and heal. It was gone. Her arm glowed and twisted back into place and she lifted herself up. She grabbed her legged and twisted it back in. She can heal. Is this..Amber? When did I meet her?
"Listen princess, you don't know me but I know everything about you. We can talk later. I have to go." She ran off like nothing happened. I really do need to go home. This dress is uncomfortable.
I pulled in the parking lot and walked upstairs. I was sluggish but I put on my nightwear. I layed in bed and I felt something pull the sheets over my arms. 
"Goodnight..Minghyun." I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. I saw his face. A soft baby face. He expanded his wings and folded them back. He crawled out my window and flew away. I couldn't handle anymore. I went to sleep and let the kiss on my forehead take me away.
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