
How to Exact Revenge in Slow and Subtle Ways


Oh god! What now? I groan and get up from bed, my joints creaking painfully.
“What?” I ask, walking into the kitchen where Sooyoung stands.
“Are you using a tone with me?” She snapped.

“What? No...”
“Good, then why aren’t the dishes washed?”

“I was taking a break!”

I was taking a break.” She mimics in a high pitched voice. “Well hurry up and wash them! I’m leaving.” She snaps before stomping out of the apartment.

What a tyrant! I sigh and start scrubbing dishes. This . I never did a bit of work in my entire life. And now I was working so much that I hardly got a chance to sit! At all!

And the things she makes me do are ridiculous! Besides the regular household chores she treats me as her personal lab rat/monkey.

Like when she tries to cook something new! She makes me eat it. What if it’s poisonous? And once she was cooking and she needed to know if the vinegar was sour enough so she made me drink like...half a cup. Of vinegar! My mouth was puckered for about two hours! She is really really psycho. I’ve heard people expressing their love in strange ways but by causing me pain? She must be a sadist.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I sigh and pull off my dish washing gloves. “Hello?” I croaked.

“Minnie!” It was Yunho.
“HYUNG!” I am so relieved I almost start crying. “YOU’RE BACK IN KOREA!?”
“Huh? What? Oh! Aieru!” He says to someone.
Aieru? THAT’S JAPANESE. “Hyung! You’re still in Japan?”
“Yup! We decided to prolong our vacation. Why?”
“No reason.” I grumble before hanging up. There is no point in talking to him if he can’t get me out of this hell.

“Hello Changmin.” Seohyun say’ skipping into the apartment.
I grumble in return.
“Whoaaa, you look pissy.” She says politely before going into her room.
My phone starts ringing again.
“What?” I say harshly.
“Whoa, Changmin what’s wrong with you?” Kyuhyun laughs.
“What is it now Kyuhyun? I don’t wanna play video games.” I rubbed my forehead, there is no other reason why he would call me.
“Aw come on man! I was just wondering if you wanted to go get a bite? I’ve been so busy with my schedule I haven't seen you in a while.”

Ugh, is he rubbing the fact that he has a schedule in my face?

“Fine.” I say, rinsing off a cup.

“Great! Should I come get you or...?”

“Oh, no I’ll get you. Your in front of the SM building right?” I say quickly, wiping off my hands and walking out the door.


“So where are we going?” I ask after Kyuhyun and I finish autographing this girl’s face.
“Oh, this really awesome place around here. They sell the best hash browns in the world!” He says waving his arms around rapidly.
I snort and we continue walking till we reach a cozy looking diner with the words CHARLIE’S PLACE on the front window.

As soon as the doors open we were hit with the most delicious smell ever to grace my nose. “What is that?” I ask, as we sit at a table by the window.
“Their world famous cake.” Kyuhyun says, taking the seat across from me.

A girl with dark black eyeliner, chunky combat boots and multiple piercings walks to our table. She has pink streaks in her hair and is wearing a red apron over her school uniform.
“What can I get ya?” She asks, chomping on her gum.
“Ah, I’ll have some coffee, hash browns, macaroni? Oh yeah, get us some cake? And maybe some meatloaf, oh! You guys sell muffins right? I’ll have, the ones that taste like bananas? Fries! Yeah...” I trail off surveying the menu. “And coke? Actually make it a diet coke, I need to watch my weight”

Kyuhyun raises an eyebrow at me. “You eat like a starving pig.”
“Hey! It takes a lot of energy to maintain this awesomeness.”

After Kyuhyun gives his order we wait around for the food to cook.
“Sorry it’s taking so long.” The girl says after waiting on another table. “We just got a new worker and she’s not too familiar with the kitchen.” She points back with her thumb. “But she’s almost done.”

“Who ordered so much food anyways!” I hear someone exclaim from the back. Wait... I know that voice. My eyes widen and I turn back and oh my god it’s Sooyoung!

I really need to applaud this girl. She was so in love with me she had figured out before hand where I was going to be eating so she could get a job at that diner!
And yes I realize how ridiculous this sounds but unless you’re as famous as I am you won’t understand how desperate and determined fan girls can be.

I try to hide behind a napkin as she comes closer, she hasn’t looked up yet because it seems she’s too focused on not dropping the heavy trays in her hand.

“Here we go!” She says, placing the trays on our table and then finally looking up. Oh here we go, she’s going to see me now.
“Kyuhyun oppa!”
Wait, what? Kyuhyun? OPPA?
“Sooyoung!” Kyuhyun says happily looking up at her. “You work here?”
She smiles and nods, “Yeah!”
“Changmin, doesn’t she still work for you?” He asks me.
Sooyoung whips her head around and glares at me. I can read in her eyes: What are you doing here? The dishes better be washed!
I gulp, “Um...no not really.”
“Oh...” Kyuhyun turns back to her. “So how have you been?”
“I’m good, are you going to unnie’s dinner party?” She asks him.
“Oh I was invited but I’m not sure if I should...” He trails off.
What? What party? Why am I not invited? I angrily turn to Sooyoung.
“Oh you have to come! I’m the one making dinner!”
Kyuhyun smiles, “Then I will definitely be there.”

Excuse me while I barf.

Does Kyuhyun...like Sooyoung?
I look at the way Sooyoung is smiling at Kyuhyun.
Does Sooyoung like Kyuhyun?

My eyes almost pop out of my socket. NO. That can definitely not happen. If Kyuyoung happens it will ruin the balance of the world! Day will become night! Land will become sea!

Kyuyoung will bring about the apocalypse!

When I look up Sooyoung is back in the kitchen and Kyuhyun is eating my food. He just loves taking what’s mine.


“WOW!” Seohyun jumps up, pumping her fist in the air. It’s been two days since me and Kyuhyun had lunch and I have been in a bad mood since.

“It wasn’t that good.” I grumble.
“Are you kidding me!? Did you not see that goal?” Yonghwa screams at me. I grimace and wipe spit off my face.
“Dude! Say it, don’t spray it!” I say disgustedly.
He ignores me and him and Seohyun turn back to the TV to watch the totally boring soccer game.

“Sooyoung!” Yonghwa calls when she comes out of her room. “Where have you been!”
She smiles and walks into the living room. She’s wearing a coat and has a grocery bag in her hand.
“Hey Yong, when did you get here?”
“Just a while ago. You never told me you and Changmin-sunbae were ‘friends’” He puts air quotations around the word and waggles his eyebrows at her. I sigh, Seohyun had told him that me and Sooyoung have something going on so he wouldn’t get mad that his girlfriend was living with a random dude.

“Huh? What?” She scratches her head. “Whatever, you guys are coming for the dinner right? I’m gonna go now and help make it.” She holds up the bag which is full of ingredients.

“Yup!” Yonghwa smiles,
Seohyun grins, “Ooh Yongy Seoul is totally going to kick Busan’s .” She cackles pointing at the TV.
“Whaat? No way!”
Sooyoung smiles and heads for the door. “Bye Seohyun, Yong...” She looks at me and says, “Clean the dishes.”

AN: ‘TIS LAME D; But I just wanted to give you something! School started so the update schedule has been totally wacked out. :( So sorry, so sorry.



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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 11: What a good story :)
Chapter 11: Kekeke your story is funny.... and yes i watched tne rooftop prince since i am a big fan of jyj.... i love when yoochun speak in historical language... i dunno what we call that... by the way, good job author nim

This is amazing! PLEAAAAAAAAAASE update <:D
Jealous Changmin. :>

Update soon. I love your story. <3
HAHA~~ so cute :3 Minnie is jealous of Kyu, and that "We need to talk"..... I sense something happening :DD HAHA

Update soon :)
kekekeke Changmin really really annoying. i'm pity for Kyuhyun but also happy for it (lol i'm such a meanie like changmin)
sooyoung have a feeling for Changmin, right? XD
OMAAGAAAH KYU WAS ABOUT TO CONFESS!!! Aighhh, Changmin the er -___-


Update soon~
tthnguyen #9
Why would they need to talk?? Talk about what??
Update Soon!! ^^