
How to Exact Revenge in Slow and Subtle Ways




“Changmin, you should stop grinning so wide, you’re starting to drool.” Seohyun whispers. I snap my mouth closed and glare at her.
“I was not grinning...and I was not going to drool.”
“Riiight.” She laughs. “Just like you weren’t staring at unnie.”

Okay, I was not staring. That is the most outlandish, ridiculous, most far off thing I have ever heard. Me? Staring at Sooyoung? That’s like saying tomatoes aren’t vegetables and Pluto isn’t a planet.

“Tale as old as tiiiiime!” Yonghwa croons loudly, bringing our attention to the front.  
“Song as old as rhyyyyyyme!” Sooyoung warbles.
“Beauty and the Beast!” They finish together before collapsing into fits of laughter.
This, of course, made me smile even wider. So much that my cheeks start hurting.

“Okay! My turn!” Seohyun says jumping up.
“Wanna duet?” Yonghwa asks. Seriously? Does this kid have endless supplies of energy? He’s been singing since we started.

We were in a karaoke room. Yonghwa had randomly popped up at our home and told us he was bringing us to karaoke. I didn’t want to go, but since both Seohyun and Sooyoung were going I decided to be nice and not kill their fun by not going.

The things I do for these people.

“Wooh,” Sooyoung exhales and slumps on the couch next to me. She begins to fan herself with her hand, “Ah its hot!”
“Karaoking takes a lot of energy.” I hand her a glass of soda.
“Thanks,” She smiles at me and takes a gulp from her glass. “Aren’t you going to sing?”
My stomach starts flipping around and I stand up abruptly. “Actually, I just...I have to...I need to go somewhere.”
She gives me a confused look as I high-tail it out of the room.


“Noona!” I pound on the door. Forty five minutes and three buses later and I find myself in front of my noonas house.

“What!?” The door flies open.
Wait that wasn’t noona...
“Jaejoong hyung?” My mouth opens wide.
“Changmin!” He flails his arms out wide and wraps his arms around me.
“Guys! Guys! It’s our Minnie!” And just like that three other guys appear and join our hug.
“Hyungs,” I say, but I don’t think anyone hears me since my voice is muffled by the arms and bodies around me.
“YAH!” I screech.
They all detach themselves from me.
“God, can we go inside before we start our awkward love fest?” I rub my now sore body. Next time four muscular men try to give you bone-crushing hugs, don’t let them.

“Oh! Are you cold?” Jaejoong places his hands on my cheeks. “Ah you’re freezing!” He pulls me inside the warm house.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask, “I thought you were in Japan!”
“We just came back!” Yunho answers.
“Well, last night...” Yoochun adds.
“But we were too tired to go all the way home...”Junsu says.
“And Boa lives closer to the airport.” Jaejoong points out. “So we crashed here!”
My head is spinning. “Can one of you guys talk?”

They ignore me. “Oh we brought presents!” Junsu exclaims.
“And my god, Justin Bieber is cooler in person!” Jaejoong fan-boys.
“But we missed you alot.” Yoochun says putting an arm around me.
“Mostly because you speak Japanese.” Yunho mutters.

I clutch my head. They always finish each others thoughts. Idiots are on the same brain frequency.

“Can you just tell me where noona is?”
“She’s in her room.” Jaejoong says.
“Had a headache.” Yoochun frowns.
“But we don’t know why.” This from Junsu.

“I think I know why.” I mutter. “NOOONAAAAAA!” I scream and everyone covers their ears. My screams aren’t world famous for no reason.

“What?” Boa asks stomping out of her room. “Oh! Changmin!”
“Noona!” I bend down and hug her, since she’s so short.

“Hey Minnie, what’s the problem?”
“What problem?” How did she know there was a problem!?
“Please, you only visit me when there’s a problem.” She pouts. Okay that was sort of true, well I’m a busy man! Or...I was a busy man.

“Let’s go to the living room.” She says, ushering us in.

We enter the living room, which automatically makes me feel all calm and serene. That is the effect of Boa’s amazing interior designing skills.

“Something happened.” I start, a grave expression on my face.
“What?” Jaejoong, ever the mother, grabs my hand.
“I got fired.”

“GASP” The whole room collectively gasps. I put on a pitiful look on my face.
“How?” Junsu asks.
“Well, they said I was costing them too much money and blah blah blah.” I sigh. Funny thing is I couldn’t tell my best friend Kyuhyun about these problems, but I was perfectly fine telling these guys. Maybe its because they’re all so ridiculous I won’t really feel embarrassed telling them.

“And then?” Boa asks. Yoochun, who had left the room, comes back with mugs of hot cocoa. I take a gulp then restart my sad sad tale.
“Then they kicked me out of my apartment!” Their eyes widen. “That’s why I called you guys. I didn’t have any place to go...”
“Oh Changmin!” Jaejoong cries. “I’m so sorry! How have you been? It couldn’t of been easy living on the streets, completely open to fangirls and hobos and I’m so so sorry. We should’ve been there for you!? Did you at least find a comfortable box to live in?”

I roll my eyes at his dramatics, “I do not live in a box.” I clear my throat. “I live with Sooyoung.”

“SOOYOUNG?” Yunho gasps.
I nod.
“Who? Whose Sooyoung?” Boa asks.
“Sooyoung is his personal assistant.” Yunho’s eyes widen. “I met her before. But I thought you guys didn’t get along well?”
I smile, “Well we didn’t get along well...but now...”
“Now what?” Junsu asks.
“That’s the problem!” I grab my hair. “I think I may be sick. Every time I’m with her I end up doing and saying the dumbest things.” I blush red remembering the incident that happened a week ago. When we were walking and it started snowing, I basically told her we were destined for each other. WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME?
Boa starts laughing and grabs Junsu for support who is also laughing.
“Go on,” Jaejoong nudges me.
“And...well when she smiles at me or something my stomach! It starts...going crazy! And my heart rate goes up!” I rub my temples. “What do I do?”
Boa stops laughing. “Oh Minnie! You’re in love!”
“In...love?” I gasp. “No no no! She...how could I? I mean...it’s totally not right and she’s just...not my type.”
“Riiight.” Yoochun grins. “Face it man, you are in loooove.”
“Am I?”
“YES!” Everyone in the room screams.


Why was I here? Seriously, this was a bad bad bad idea. Maybe to get over my ridiculous infatuation with Sooyoung I should stop seeing her. Which wasn’t easy considering we lived together. But now I’m going to her place of work?

The bell atop the door chimes merrily as I enter the diner.
“Welcome!” A pretty blond lady greets in slightly accented Korean.
I bow to her and crane my head around the diner.

“Are you looking for Sooyoung?” The lady asks.
“Yeah...how did you know?”
She smiles. “These days every time a handsome young man comes he’s looking for Sooyoung. She’s in the kitchen, you can go in if you like.”
How many young me came for Sooyoung, this didn’t sit well with me.
The diner was quiet even though it was now late afternoon. I use my mad ninja skills to sneak into the kitchen and there she is. Sooyoung.

She’s bent over the counter and focusing all her attention on a brownie. Her tongue pokes out of as she carefully places multi colored chocolate kisses on it. I smile softly at the sight. Lately, it doesn’t matter what state she’s in because she always seems pretty.

I see a whipped cream container on the counter and my evil instincts start kicking. I sneak behind her and put one hand on the counter beside her. She still doesn’t realize I’m there so I bring my other arm around her and pshhhhhht spray whipped cream on her face.
“What!?” She gasps and turns around and I nearly die laughing. There is whipped cream everywhere, on her eyelashes, on her nose.
“You butthead!” She screeches grabbing the container from my hand and spraying it on my face.
By now both of my hands are on either side of her on the counter and I still can not stop laughing. She, however, is completely still.
“What?” I ask, I flick some whipped cream out of my eyes so I can see her better.
Then I realize whats made her so quiet. We are hardly two inches apart. My eyes widen and before I know it my eyes are closed and my lips are on hers.

AN: Todays the last day of vacation. :( waah I’m gonna cry! Updates may be less frequent since my new years resolution is to ACE EVERY FREAKIN CLASS I TAKE. lolol (asian pride?)
And oh my gawd I love you guys! Has anyone ever told you how amazingly fantastical you are? And no I’m not buttering you up so you’ll comment and subscribe even more. PSHH WHAT WOULD GIVE YOU THAT IDEA? (sorry, just ate, a bit hyper...)
but yeah! Happy New Year! Comment and Subscribe.

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Chapter 1: update soon please
Chapter 11: What a good story :)
Chapter 11: Kekeke your story is funny.... and yes i watched tne rooftop prince since i am a big fan of jyj.... i love when yoochun speak in historical language... i dunno what we call that... by the way, good job author nim

This is amazing! PLEAAAAAAAAAASE update <:D
Jealous Changmin. :>

Update soon. I love your story. <3
HAHA~~ so cute :3 Minnie is jealous of Kyu, and that "We need to talk"..... I sense something happening :DD HAHA

Update soon :)
kekekeke Changmin really really annoying. i'm pity for Kyuhyun but also happy for it (lol i'm such a meanie like changmin)
sooyoung have a feeling for Changmin, right? XD
OMAAGAAAH KYU WAS ABOUT TO CONFESS!!! Aighhh, Changmin the er -___-


Update soon~
tthnguyen #9
Why would they need to talk?? Talk about what??
Update Soon!! ^^