Chapter 19 : He's back


So Chi Hoon and i went back to practice & we had a lot of fun together .. To be honest, its fun to hang out with this guy here.. 

We just dance for fun while waiting for my members to come to the dance studio..

After dancing to ' Mental Breakdown ' by CL, we take a rest for awhile.. I start to complain about how late they had me waiting for them.

"YAHH.. They are late for practice.. These girls are not listening to me these days.."

[ 10 Minutes Later...]

I heard the door opening.. I was just standing while leaning against the wall with my arms crossed.. Looking at the members who were very very late.

Chi Hoon had to go off because he had another schedule and i was alone for 30 mins.. 

All of them didn't say anything because they know that i'm angry and frustated. Their heads were all looking down.. I look at each member..

No one said anything for 10 minutes.. So i began to speak..

" Why were you guys late? "

[ No one answered me..]

" Tell me if not.. NO ONE is going back home & i mean it.. We will practice our dance until everyone gets it. So answer ME. "

Eun Mi said carefully, " We were late because.. we were busy with our schedules.."

" Dont lie guys.. I saw your schedules. ALL of it. Before our dance practice it was your rest time, So where did you guys go until we reach here so late? "

Each of them were nudging at each other.. I couldn't stand the slience..

" I repeat once more.. Where Did You Guys Go? "

Suddenly someone barged into the room and said, " Yahhh Eun Mi.. You forgot to take your water...bottle..."

It was Kwak Min Jun . ALPHA's Face Of The Group.

Then i asked Min Jun if he was with Eun Mi & the others. He told me that he was with the other members at Hongdae.

I thank Min Jun & he just put Eun Mi's water bottle on the floor and left quietly.

I change my gaze to the 4 other members. 

Then i heard a soft sorry from Yesul.

I just sigh and push back my hair that was disturbing me and i said " Let's start practicing our dance from the top.. If anyone makes any mistake, we will start from the top. That includes me.. To make it fair. Get in position.. 5,6,7,8.."

[ 4MINUTE's 'What's Your Name" ]


Chuyeol - Ji Yoon

Sorin - Gayoon

Yesul - Sohyun

Eun Mi - Ji Hyun

Song Hye - Hyuna


During the beginning, it went well but when it was at the chorus.. Everything was a mess..

Yesul & Sorin got confused. They miss a step and i saw it..

I stop dancing and went to the computer to restart the song.

The girls faces were looking so exhausted. My face too but this is what we have to go through. 

After trying for the 2nd time, things got better abit. They weren't confused but i was still looking at them and their steps.

I gave them a short break because they were looking so tired..

I ask them to gather around and sit down in a circle. I said, "So.. how's today practice? Still want more punishments like this? You guys know me well.. If you guys are late you should know the punishment.. " I continued " Next time.. If any of you are late, I will make sure you practice the dance and sing in front of me until i'm satisfied. I know im being harsh but i have to. I'm fun when its fun but when its serious im serious."

I was about to get out of the practice room when the door open and i saw 2PM members looking so happy.. But my face was not. It look very tired and angry. I just let out a sigh and went out of the dance studio to go to the rooftop. To release my anger and frustation.

*Chansung's POV*

All of us feeling so happy to meet the DNA members again.. So we went to Dance Studio 3 to meet them, When Minjun Hyung open the door ... We saw Song Hye looking so frustated and exhausted.. I saw the another members were looking sad and tired.. Something must have happened. So all of us went in the dance studio and we ask them..

Eun Mi said, " We were late for practice and Song Hye unni scolded us because we lied and we were late for practice. Then we have to repeat for 3 times from the top..Goshh.. I feel so sad.. "

I hugged Eun Mi who was crying her heart out.. 

*Junho's POV* 

I look at the girls who were looking so down.. I went to Song Hye to cool her down..

When i reach the rooftop.. I saw Chi Hoon with her.. She was crying loudly in Chi Hoon's embrace.

Chi Hoon was her hair and whispering into her ear.. Those two were so close that it made my heart felt hurt and betrayed. I let out a sigh and walk away from the rooftop. Friends can hug each other.. Its nothing wrong since both of them are leaders .. So Chi Hoon understands her situation.. I went down to the Dance Studio to wait for her there.

Back at the dance studio, DNA members were looking so tired, we made a plan to cheer the DNA members with all our crazyness. It works and the 4 of them were laughing like hell hahahaha..

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[ These gifs are not mine..]

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Google search

Back to the story.. Got lost in the world of AWESHUM gifs. heh xD

*Song Hye's POV*

I went back to the studio.. Feeling so down.. I felt bad for punishing them .. Then i heard laughters coming from the dance studio and i saw the whole 2PM doing some weird and crazy dances.. I saw the girls looking so happy laughing and tears of joy coming down.. I laugh too because 2PM was so funny.. After all of them notice that i was there, i went to the girls and group hug them.. I apologise to them for being harsh .. Finally i get to see my JUNHO! KYAAAAAA... I went to him and kiss him on the lips.. All of the other members went like " EWWWWWWW GET A ROOM!!!!!!" "UNNI !!!!!" "YAHHHHHH !!!!!!!" All sorts of reactions .. Hahahaha. I'm evil..



















[To be continued.]

Hehe.. heyyy my LOVELY AWESHUM Readers.. I'm backkk.. hehe.. sorry for the long hiatus.. I am busy with studies and school shyt. Excuse me for the language.. Hehe.. Now its holiday and next year is my fourth year in high sch/sec sch.. goshh.. Big national exam coming up next year.. I may not update as usual .. I just had the feeling to update today.. Pray that i can update as usual againnn.. LOVEEE YAAAA ALLLLLSSSSS *KISSES*

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11 streak #1
Chapter 22: Please update. Don't give up. It's a nice story. ☺Fighting.
khayjun-ho #2
Chapter 15: ohhh please update.... i love your story!!!
2pmbias #3
Chapter 13: Oh interesting story! :) update soon and new subscriber here :)))
lengleu18 #4
Chapter 13: Why so much cliffhangers :"(
Update soon!
Acgoo1999 #5
Chapter 9: omooo!! update this soon! damn these cliffhanger!
lengleu18 #6
Chapter 8: So cute are they!! ♥♥♥
lengleu18 #7
Chapter 7: Pabo Songhye, why would Junho lie to you?!
Pleasr forgive him and get together!!!
Chapter 6: Junho!! Don't just stay there! Go after her!
Arrgghh cliff hanger... I really like this story! Update soon!