oh sehun and lingerie

In Need

Xiumin was a good friend - a really really good friend. It's to the point Luhan couldn't ask for anyone better than him.

But that friendship was what led Luhan to the predicatement sitting in front of him right now.

Oh Sehun stared at him with those unwavering, burning, and oh-god-is-he-planning-to-incinerate-me-with-a-mere-stare eyes. Luhan has to admit, this guy's eye color was a beautiful shade of the lightest brown - like a chocolate brown colored glass.

Sitting in one of the most comfortable chair Luhan ever sat on  (I mean c'mon, it's red velvet cushions like what the hell) that was arranged across from the mahogany table that was empty of anything except an expensive looking marble plaque with Oh Sehun - President of the Seoul International Corporation, Luhan gulped rather noisily, wanting nothing more than pray to some god to open up the ground and swallow him whole now because the guy across him has not taken his eyes off from Luhan even once.

Luhan even doubted that he blinks. He'll scream if he does.

He can't wait to get his hands on Xiumin's neck. He should've known that the moment Xiumin suddenly flashed a smile - a smile that eerily reminded Luhan of his grandmama - that only trouble will come out of it.


Luhan frowned. "Why are you smiling right now?"

Xiumin grinned even wider. "i just remembered something."

"What is it?" Luhan asked, dubious. "This better help me with my debt."

"Yep! Of course it will. You see, I have a friend," Xiumin started.

"Oh my god! I knew it! You're gonna make me sell drugs, are you!??" Luhan cried.

Xiumin rolled his eyes and hit Luhan on the head. "Ow," Luhan pouted. "I'm still a customer of your bank, you know. I could report you," he muttered.

"Whatever, Luhan. What I'm trying to say is that there's this friend of mine who asked me if I knew any 'refined representative' that could help him with his problem."

Luhan's eyes narrowed. "What kind of problem?"

Xiumin squirmed. "Uh..."

"I'm out," Luhan started standing up when Xiumin's hand suddenly wrapped around his wrist in a vice grip.

"No! I mean, he's willing to pay any kind of amount! And knowing if my... friend does that, it means he's desperate. And you can't turn your back on a desperate man!"

Luhan pursed his lips before sitting back down slowly again. "Fine."

Xiumin's face lit up. "Okay! Here's the address you have to go to and you must arrive there tomorrow at exactly 9:00am. He hates tardy people. But since you're Luhan, you always wake up two hours early in any type of outings. Good luck!"


Luhan snapped back to reality when Sehun diverted his eyes from him, and for the first time since half an hour that he came, Luhan let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

Sehun did not look the least bit as desperate as Xiumin was saying. Then again, Xiumin was a liar.

All of them were.

Sehun yawned, not bothering to cover his mouth at all - the unmannered prick - and he met Luhan's eyes once more, making Luhan's eyes widen more than ever.

Luhan sat up more straighter, feeling his whole being crumble inside. He knew about Oh Sehun. Who doesn't? Especially if you're involved in the business world, you can never once pass a day without hearing his name or seeing it on some product in the market.

The Ohs were always involved in business and just recently, Sehun took over the corporation. People thought he was easy since he was young but boy did he prove them all wrong. He was ruthless in character and he was the type to think things thoroughly before taking them into action. But another thing that's interesting about him is that his looks. No one can deny that this business bachelor is very handsome, even for Luhan's standards of a male.

Luhan only met him once.

It was during a friend of Luhan's party and he was invited. Luhan was already known in the business world in a rather, ridiculed manner. Yes, he was the son of the Xi's. But he had dropped his famous status for a low marketing firm like the Lu's. And because of that, he was laughed at - albeit, behind his back, of course.

He had seen him, mingling and standing near the buffet table with wine on hand, slowly swirling the liquid surrender inside yet not once had Luhan seen him drink even a sip in it. He was a man with seldom words to say, and when he did, the first thing he said was to ask Luhan where the restroom was.

Whenever there was a client to approach him, he would just nod and didn't as much contribute to the conversation. Luhan even doubted if he was listening at all to what the old fart he was currently entertaing was saying at the moment.

But what Luhan did take note and remember about him was the tiredness evident in his eyes. Though his stoic face did not show it, the simple but subtle signs around his eyes made up for it.

He mentioned this once to Kris - the guy who invited him - and Kris could only look at him with mild amusement.

"Since he's the president of a big company, he seldom has time for sleep anymore. Since then, it slowly turned into a routine of his to sleep in a few hours before working again."

Apparently, Sehun lost interest in looking at him again and proceeded to check his nails instead. Luhan used this opportunity to observe him more. To Luhan's mild irritation, the guy grew a couple of inches taller. His cheekbones became more prominent than before, making his face look a bit more angular and refined. The area around his eyes became darker though. It was expertly concealed by cream so he at least looks presentable enough.

His hair was an interesting topic though.

It was the only sign Luhan could see that there's still that younger rebel in Sehun.

It was always a topic in the market tabloids whenever the younger changed his hair color. Not once did one color last a month with green the most ridicolous yet. It gave Luhan a laugh for quite a long time. Though, this time, his hair was colored a light shade of rainbow. Although, pink was a more approriate color and the rainbow shade only appears whenever Sehun's hair is reflected in the light. It suited him though.


That was Luhan's first impression on him and will always be.

This is gonna be a long day. Luhan thought miserably.

Thinking to just walk out the building if all they're gonna do is stare at each other all day, Luhan was about to stand up when suddenly, the door opened to reveal an immaculately flustered looking Baekhyun who was carrying a bunch of clothes in his arms and is that a wig?

Baekhyun closed the door behind him with a kick - rather echoing in the large but bare office room - smiling his puppy smile. "He, sorry for taking so long." He hurried over and deposited the bunch of fabric on the table between Luhan and Sehun. "I got everything you need for the next few months." Then Baekhyun saw the confused look on Luhan's eyes, he added, "There's more outside."

Luhan looked at Sehun before turning to Baekhyun with a question on his face. "Ummm, what?"

Baekhyun let out a laugh. "Don't worry. I heard from Xiumin that you liked pink so I personally made sure to get what you'd want. Though, I made sure to throw in some black lingerie here and there because honestly-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What?" Luhan snapped.

"Lingerie," Baek said as a matter-of-fact, looking at Luhan with a look that says, are you kidding me? Of course, lingerie. Everywhere, lingerie.

Luhan stood up from his chair. "I don't think I'm getting the flow of the conversation here. Why the  do I need lingerie for?" Xiumin did not ing say anything about this. NOPE.

Baekhyun looked at Luhan to Sehun. "You didn't tell him," Baekhyun said in disbelief. "Sehun, we talked about this. You have to be the one to tell him that-"

"I know," Sehun suddenly spoke up, making Luhan startled. You see, when people say Sehun rarely speaks, he rarely speaks. When there was something to say, he always makes his Vice President, Park Chanyeol, do it for him. So now that the three of them was alone in the room, it sounded different from what Luhan was expecting. It was deep and robotic and yet he can't get enough of it.

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. "Well? Tell him! It was your idea."

Sehun's jaw hardened, making Luhan feel like the atmosphere around the room lower yet Baekhyun seemed unaffected. "I was supposed to tell him... before you walked in."

Luhan almost laughed. Lie. Sehun might as well be another furniture within the room with the amount of silence he was making me endure.

"Oh, really? Well, I'm sorry," Baekhyun sassed and crossed his arms, "The floor is all yours then so speak."

Sehun looked torn between tossing Baekhyun out of the window and running away. Luhan was surprised he still managed to look expressionless even then. He shot a tiny glance at Luhan and at a moment, Luhan thought he saw a twinkle in them.

Luhan pursed his lips. Hm. Maybe some confidence boost may do?

"I'm listening, Oh Sehun-ssi," he smiled. "Whatever it may be, I'm yours at command." JUST PLEASE LET ME HAVE THIS JOB YOU'RE MY ONLY HOPE IN PAYING OFF MY DEBT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

Sehun, for a split second, actually relaxed. The tension on his shoulders disappeared and he turned to Luhan fully. He opened his mouth and -

ing Park Chanyeol opened the door and went in, dumping two large boxes of clothes unceremoniously on the floor before stretching his back and groaning. "Sehun and Luhan are only living together for only a month or so. Why do you need this stuff? It's not like their moving together like forever?"

After finishing his rant, that's when he noticed three pair of eyes trained on him. "Oops?"

Luhan blinked. "What?"

Chanyeol sighed and ran a hand through his messy black hair. "So I take it you still haven't...?"

"You said something disturbing," Luhan blurted.

"Well someone has to tell it sooner or later,"; Baekhyun muttered under his breath but Luhan heard him crystal clear.

"What is this about me and Sehun living together?" Luhan demanded.

Sehun cleared his throat.

"I don't really care if you're a hundred levels above me as a business man right now, or how you can ask me to kiss you with a snap of your-" Luhan pinked. "I mean- I uh- I just means I wanna know what's going on, okay?!"

Sehun just looked at him - like, looked at him with very tired eyes.

Luhan swallowed. "What Xiumin meant, are you asking me to live with you, Oh Sehun?"

Sehun nodded. He didn't even hesitate, which disturbed Luhan but appreciated it nonetheless. If there was one thing Luhan likes about a person, it's their bluntness and honesty. He likes it straight to the point.

"I can't believe this," he started mumbling incoherently, going dizzy. "You want me to what!??"

"Dress up as a girl and pose as my fiancee in exchange for paying all your debt." Like he said, blunt Sehun is the best.

"Are you even straight?" Luhan cried, instantly covering his mouth shut with his two hands when he realized what he just said to the biggest predator in the business food chain as Baekhyun and Chanyeol let out a laugh, clutching their stomachs. Chanyeol even fell on the floor, rolling in laughter and clapping his hands like a retarded seal.

"I don't really see anything funny in what he just said," Sehun said indifferently. He stood up and wow, oh god he's tall and strode towards a small glass table containing a china set. "Tea? It's Longjing."

"Won't you even tell me why I have to do this?" Luhan groaned. "But thanks for the tea anyway," he added hastily as he eagerly accepted the warm cup, smelling the scent of his motherland he sorely missed. "It's not like I'm not going to say no. If it means paying my debt that is."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol's laughter finally died down and they both looked at him before turning to Sehun.

"Later," Sehun said, his eyes unwavering from Luhan. "I'll tell you later."

For some reason, it made Luhan's eyes go wide and he patted his his cheeks with both hands. Why the hell am I feeling so nervous all of a sudden?

"O-okay. Let me just- uh, get my things. Yeah," Luhan mentally slapped himself. His mind wandered, deciding whether or not to pack his whole wardrobe instead since it wasn't that big to begin with.

"No, you don't have to. We've got it all covered," Baekhyun smiled. "It wasn't just lingerie we bought anyways."

"Oh yeah. We even got you shorts and more girl stuff," Chanyeol said in a very serious manner that Luhan was about to comment when Sehun suddenly took his tea cup away from his grasp and held out a hand to him.

"Come home with me tonight."

That sounded SO wrong in many levels.

"R-right," Luhan laughed awkwardly.

"I'll just drop off these clothes later to your place, Sehun-ah," Baekhyun quipped, referring to the box of lingerie seperated from the other normal clothes.

"I think that won't be necesarry," Luhan gritted his teeth. Nope. No way in hell is he gonna wear those. The dresses were enough.

"Are you sure? These are Victoria's Secret-"

Luhan's temper started cracking. "I said no," he said with a voice far from his usual light one.

That shut Baekhyun up. "Okay."

Sehun stared at Luhan for a moment before turning towards the door and opening it. "You coming?"

Luhan broke free from his rare temper slip and blinked many times like the disoriented but cute baby that he was. "Ah, sure."


sorry for the late update.

but now that it's christmas break... HAHAHA I'M FREE

this chapter is dedicated to the first person who upvoted this story: chayok (I LOVE YOU FOR THAT.)

and to happylacus (NAKS NAMAN MAY SPECIAL MENTION SIYAAA :"> hahaha)

COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED [i like talking to u guys okay ;w;]

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BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS. officially out of my christmas hibernation and typing away the next chapter :D asdfghjkl


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Chapter 5: lmao chanyeol o/
But this chapter are soo cute. Its like a mother bringing her son to the supermarket lol
xxxiluhan #2
Chapter 5: Author-nim, pls update TT
angel4life1123 #3
Chapter 7: Please update soooooonnn
xyxy60 #4
Chapter 7: update soon I'm literally sobbing
ExoooTic12 #5
Chapter 7: Author-nim, update poooooo.Ganda talaga ng Story!!! Two-thumbs up!
exoHUnHAnexo #6
Chapter 5: haha !!
cute ng story mo ahh :))
Chapter 4: Filipino writer... Huhuhu hello po TT TT /tears of joy
Chapter 7: Yay I was missing this!
faithlu #9
naexxx #10
Chapter 7: Gosh i thought you would never update! Thanks author nim :D