Nosy Woohyun

My Gumiho Girl

You came back to the class but Jooyeon was missing. So u just sat quietly while waiting for her. When the bell was about to ring Jooyeon came in and u ask

You: Where did u go?


You nooded. Then the teacher came in as the bell rung.

Teacher:Hello everybody! I'm going to be your music teacher. you guys can call me Mrs.Hwang. As of right now i would like each of you to introduce yourself to the class and me.

One by one the students started to introduce themself. Soon it reach you and Jooyeon

You: Hello. My name is Mi Ho

Jooyeon: Hi! I'm Jooyeon

After introducing yourself it reach Woohyun

Woohyun: Hi friends! I'm nuclear Woohyun!tumblr_inline_mjjhwhx9sj1qz4rgp.gif

When Woohyun was throwing hearts, the girls in the class were all squealing. While you and Jooyeon just ignored it and face the front. As the Mrs.Hwang begins teaching us the minutes went by and soon the bell rung that class was over.You and Jooyeon went outside to eat your lunch under a tree with tables under it.

Jooyeon: How was the class?

You: Okay.....What about u?? How was the class?

Jooyeon: Boring

You: That's because class just started so of course it's boring on the first day.

You both then started eating but after while Jooyeon had to leave for her next class while u didn't had any classes and didn't want to go home baceause u didn't had anything to do so u stay at the campus for a while. U were about to leave when Woohyun came and push u back onto the seat again.

You: (sigh) What do u want?

Woohyun: What did u and hoya talk about this morning?

You: That's none of your business

You said annoy.

Woohyun:I just want to know!

You: That doesn't work on me Woohyun-ssi. If that's all you wanna say, I'll be taking my leave first.

You stood up and left Woohyun at the table.As you were on your way out the campus Woohyun came running to you. He held u back by holding your wrist and turn u around.


You ask Woohyun while being angry and annoyed.

Woohyun:I just want to know. Why are u yelling?

You: Why don't u just ask your hyung since he was the one talking to me?

Woohyun:I don't even know where he is....

You then showed him the phone sign telling him to call him.He became speechless since he didn't think of that and rub his neck being embarrassed.You started to walk away, since u wanted to get away from a stupid Woohyun. But he came back blocking your way.

Woohyun: Can I at least walk u home?

You:In the daylight?( you meant like when the sun is still up since most guys walk girls home when it's dark at night)

Woohyun nodded while showing his puppy eyes. You sigh since u were annoyed with him and just left while he followed u walking u home.











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