Unnie...I'm sorry..

My Gumiho Girl

You and Hoya was sitting on the bench after you were done crying. You guys were awkward while sitting on the bench and then Hoya decided to break the awkwardness by saying

Hoya: So.....How is Mi Ha??

You: Dying.

You just blurted out the answer without thinking then you gasped after realizing what you just said.

Hoya: Dying??

You: No!! Not dying!!

Hoya: Mi Ha...

You: Yea she is.......dying...

Hoya was shocked at what you were saying and without realizing a tear came rushing down his cheeck and said

Hoya: Where is she right?? 

You: Why i should i tell you oppa??

Hoya: Hurry! Please tell me where she is right now!? 

You: But.............Would you be able to give her your liver meaning.......would you died for her?

Hoya hestitated before replying but u came in and cut him up

You: Nevermind i think you cant even do that for her.

You stood up walking to class since there was like only 3 minutes before lunch was over.But when you were about to enter the building, you took a look at him and thought*Oppa,Please....* tears started rushing down when you tried to held them back but you couldnt so you slowly wiped them and went inside your school and inside your classroom. After the bell rung your Woohyun found you in your seat and asked

Woohyun: Were you crying??

Since he saw that your eyes were puffing but you shook your head no. Then the teacher cam in and asked Woohyun to sit down and he went to sit down. Your teacher started teaching but you were not paying attention cause your mind was somewhere else*Unnie I'm Sorry...*. Woohyun was observing you and saw that your eyes were red. 

The bell rung and you started packing to leave since you only had 2 class for today. Woohyun came to your table and gave you his notebook, you look up at him and asked,

You: What is this for?

Woohyun: You didnt take notes right?

You: You were looking at me?

Woohyun nodded his head

Woohyun: Take it home and copy them. You will need them for the big test next week.

You smile as a way to say thank you to him and he understood and walk away. When you were out walking to your house and had a feeling that somebody was following behind you but you just ignored it. When you reach home you rung the doorbell instead since you didnt bring your house key. Your Unnie came and open the door you were happy but she was shocked. You thought it was you but she was looking behind you

Mi Ha:Ho..Ho..Hoya

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