
My Gumiho Girl

Next Day

U woke up around 11 to get prepared for your first day of college. You went to the bathroom to shower. After couple of minutes u were done taking a shower then u went to the the closet to get change. After that u went to put on light makeup and did your hair.



After that u went downstairs and found a note attach to a lunch box on the table. You pick it up and read it * GOOD LUCK ON YOUR FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE! P.S. Find your 100th an over there.* Then u said in your mind *U too Unnie.* You look around and saw that your mother wasnt home either then u left the house.

On your way to the college u stop by the cafe to get a coffee. But on your way inside a guy came rushing out the door and bump into u and u fell backward onto the ground.U hurted your hand and was about to yell but he said 

Guy: Sorry! Are u okay?? 

He reach out his hand and u look at him but couldnt see the face because of the sun. Then u grab his hand and he helped u out and u said

You: Im okay. Thank you.

Guy: Sorry im late for my class that was y.

Then he left while u were looking at his back. U then check your watch and said

You: Im late too!! OMG! 

Then u started running to your college.You reach your college in 3 minutes since it was close to the cafe then u went into the college to find your class. U found your class, room 200. U then sigh and prepared yourself before opening the door. U then open the door the the teacher said

Teacher: Your late student.

You: Yes

Teacher: That's okay lots of people were late. Go sit down.

You went to sit down at an emty seat near the windows and sat your stuff down while your teacher started the attendence.While you were writing down notes u caught hold of a pair of eyes staring at u at the back but little then got distracted by the smell of raw meat(u have good since of smelling). Couple of minutes later the bell ring for either dismissed or stay for the next class but u had to stay for the next class and that was the end of today. U were taking out your lunch box and saw a girl standing beside u and u look up at her.

Girl: Hi Im Lee Joyeon. But u can call me Joyeon. Can i eat with u??

You nodded then she set her food on top of the seat before u and turned it around to face u and ask

Joyeon: What's your name?

You: Mi Ho. Gu Mi Ho.

Joyeon: Ahhhh okay. Nice name.

You nodded and open your lunch box but u saw that it was vegetables and rice but NO MEAT in ur lunch. U started started getting mad and then took the top part of and saw a note that said*Start eating vegetables and at like a human not a fox at school!* U started sighing and started eating the rice and vegetables slowly(u really HATE eating rica and vegetables) until a man came and stood next to u and said

Guy: Remember me??



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