
My Gumiho Girl

You look up and saw that the guy was smiling at u and u were scaning his face while he stared st you and said

Guy: U still here??

You then snapped back and said

You:Sorry and i dont remember seeing u somewhere.

Guy: I was the guy who u bumped into at the cafe this morning. Don't u remember?

You: Sorry i couldnt see your face beceause of the sun......and u are??

Guy: Im Woohyun. Nam Woohyun. Nickname are either namstar or gresy nam/woohyun.

You: Im Mi ho.

Woohyun: Gu??

You: Yea

Woohyun: Sounds like gumiho.....are u.........a gumiho??

You were shocked and said

You: No....... Im not one. Why would u think like that?

Woohyun: Cause your name sounds like that.

You shaked your head acting like it was nothing and moved your head to look outside so they wont see your anxious and worried face.Jooyeon kept on staring at u while you were looking outside.

Jooyeon POV

* What if she really is a gumiho?? NO NO i have to find it myself.....then i can tell her. I knew she was weird.*

Your POV

After u were done worrying u pack up your lunch and said to Jooyeon that u will go take a walk and will come back in a bit. You left the room and went to the field to take a stroll around the field but then a guy came running from behind and grab your shoulder to make u turn around and gave a tight hug. You were shocked and pull him back while he had a smile on his face and said

Guy: Don't u remeber me?? Im Hoya as in Lee Howon....

You titled your head to the side.....


During sophomore year......

You:" Oppa, Unnie where is she??"

Hoya: IDK

You: What kind of boyfriend are u if u dont even know where your girlfriend is??

He just laugh and roffled my hair as he was giggling but he treated me as his little siter. I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes.Then Unnie came in with her friends and we both made eye contact while smiling.(TBH we both were the same age but 3 minutes away) I walked to her and hold her hand and ask

You: Where were u Unnie?

She said she were at the teacher's office and met up with her friends along the way but then Hoya came and snatch her away from me as she was still explaining and then she look back me and i smiled back at her but....Hoya looked back and gave me an evil smile and i glared at them as they walk out of the claasroom. After sophomore ended, they both broke up and sepreated their way. Unnie cry all day and night as i look at her through a peek at the door. I asked why they broke up but she never told me about it ever again. So i never knew the reasons why ever since now. Because she couldnt handle it at all we decided to move far away until she could handle but she liked him and had true feelings and wouldnt even snatch his liver away,all she wanted was him to live.

End of Flashback

U looked up at him and scaned his face closely and noticed it and said,

You: Oppa.......

In a disappointed voice

Hoya: Y?? Arent u happy to see me again??

You looked at him and sigh* Y would i oppa... U were her everything and wouldnt harm u at all but u decided not to contuine anymore. Now she have 29 days left to live oppa......helped her.......if u truly......loved her.* You wanted to say that to him but couldnt. Instead tears were coming and u couldnt stop it at all. He gave u a hug. Then u even cry harder.

Somebody's POV

I was walking along the other side of the field and saw u and hoya together. I was string at both of u then....u started crying.. I was about to run u but then......he pulled in for a hug and saw that u even strted to cry harder.I was just standing there looking at both of u....hugging and crying. I hold my heart thinking* Y am i feeling this??* You thought.

Jooyeon's POV

I was walking along the side of the field waiting for Mi Ho and saw Mi Ho at the other end of the field and was about to run to u but then i saw Hoya in front of u and thought*They both know each other or something??* I was thinking about that and the next thing i knew i saw u crying and Hoya hugging u. I was about to run to u but saw Woohyun right there in front of me holding his heart and thought* Y is he holding his heart?? Is he sick or have an illness or something??* I panicked but then saw that he was staring somewhere at the far end of the field and thought* Love triangle?? Interesting....*



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