Who I Really Am



I have never really believed in the supernatural. Vampires are just a myth to me that only scared younger children or spark the interest of teen girls. But something about one guy catches my attention and I can't figure out what it is.


Short description I know >.<

I've been thinking about writing a short vampire fic with Yang Seungho, my second ultimiat bias of MBLAQ!

Disclaimer: This edit belongs to its original editor and this story will have some relations to the anime Vampire Knight. (If you have not seen the anime WATCH IT! It is worth it...)

I have a four day weekend with little amount of homework so I hope to have some inspiration with this short fic. 

Comment what you think and enjoy! :D


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Chapter 8: Simple but cute
Chapter 8: A little bit messy, but it's really simple, cute and fluffy XD I love it!
I couldn't stop giggle at the couple actions, they're soooo cute XD
Chapter 6: More please ^^ i like this!
Mblaqjjang #4
Chapter 4: More please!!!
Chapter 4: Oh! I want to be Yang vampire girlfriend too xD
ohhzuii56 #6
Look forward to next update. Interesting chapters!