05 Suga

Kiss or Kill: Halloween Special

POV: New OC Character, Jang Eunmi. She is Suga's Childhood friend who just recently returned to Korea.

“Yah!” you frowned, “You promised!”

The boy just gave you an innocent smile, with his arm crossed, leaning back against a wall, “I said maybe. You thought I promised you. It’s not my fault that you misunderstood.”

“SUGA!” you flailed, “This is unfair! You told me if I told you my ideal guy, you’d tell me who you liked! Don’t back out on me now!”

He chuckled at your actions and looked down at you, “Why do you want to know? Do you have a crush on me or something, Jang Eunmi?”

You furrowed your eyebrows, “What? Is it wrong to know who my best friend likes? Maybe I can play matchmaker or something. Now tell me!”

Suga blinked at your words, “Who says I like someone?”

“I just know it! It’s in your eyes,” you nodded firmly.

Suga and you had always been close friends ever since you had met him when you were young. He was fun to be with, funny at times, and very kind. He was always there for you when you needed him, and you were always there for him if he needed you. The two of you were almost inseparable – You had left to study in America due to a transfer program and had just returned a week ago.

After seeing Suga’s friends get involved, you wanted to see when he would get involved with a girl as well. You, on the other hand, didn’t have anyone you liked yet, but you knew what you’re ideal guy would be like: cute, smart, fun, nice, and able to take initiative.

“Fine, I’ll give you three clues to help you find my crush,” he chuckled, “The first is that she’s in our grade level.”

You pulled back your sleeves with a determined grin, “Alright! You better not be lying or you may end up waking up on the other side of the world or something.”

Reaching over to grab his hand, you began to lead him throughout the building, pointing at random girls here and there causing Suga to laugh at your complete random guesses. You were definitely determined – that was for sure.

“It’s not any of these girls?” you asked, pointing at each girl that passed the two of you.

Some of them flashed you weird looks as if you were crazy but neither Suga nor you seemed to care. The boy just continued to shake his head, grinning to himself in amusement.

You frowned a bit, “Give me the second clue! There are way too many people in our grade! I need to narrow down the list of people.”

Suga paused for a few seconds, contemplating what a good ‘clue’ would be to give, before chuckling and replying, “She has long, brown hair. It’s kind of like yours.”

His hand reached over he let his fingers run through the strands of your hair. The expression he held as he looked at you was almost indescribable. His eyes drew you in slowly, but as the strands of your hair escaped his grasp, he pulled away and smiled, “Start guessing.”

You blinked a couple of times as the peculiar moment passed. What just happened? What was that look he just gave you? Suga was acting a bit different, and you weren’t sure why. However, you decided to disregard it. It was possible that you were thinking too much, so you shook your head to clear your mind and then started to look for long brown-haired girls.

After a few minutes, you remembered there were people outside playing sports. Pulling Suga up to a window, you started pointing at each girl outside.

“The girl who has the ball right now, is it her? I think her name is – “

“Kim Harin,” Suga interrupted you immediately, “Our leader has his eyes set on her. Apparently, she actually showed care and affection for him unlike any other girl he has met.”

A sheepish smile appeared on your face and you awkwardly replied him, “Oh right. Kim Harin. Hey, in my defense, I haven’t met her yet, okay?”

“Whatever you say,” Suga patted your head a bit, making you feel like a kid.

You swatted his hand away lightly with slightly puffed cheeks, “Will you ever tell me if I get the right person? I’ve guessed like a hundred people so far and you said I’ve gotten none of them right! This is just plain ridiculous!”


You knocked your head against the window frame twice before Suga pulled you away, slinging an arm around your shoulder, “You know, the answer may be right in front of you. You just might not realize it.”

“What does that even mean?” you looked up at him, still confused, “Don’t you dare become a genius on me now. I mean, I know you’re really smart, but please speak normal Korean without all these cryptic messages and whatnot.”

Suga started laughing, “Alright. I was just telling you it’s not impossible to find out who I like. Just open your eyes and you’ll be able to see soon enough.”

You let out a small sigh, getting back your fiery determination with a smile, “You know I don’t give up that easily right? I will figure this out. Just watch me.”

Then you stuck out your tongue at him, and you started scanning the students in the hallways. Suga walked up beside you, ruffling your hair once more which you immediately smoothed out. You turned to tell him about how he should never touch your hair because it took hours to perfect it, but you froze in your tracks.

In was in that second when you suddenly realized how tall he was. Your eyes slowly turned to look up at him. You immediately started seeing each of his perfect features. From head to toe – had he always been this perfect? No wonder the girls fawned over him.

“What is it, Eunmi?” Suga looked down at you.

You quickly averted your eyes and cleared your throat, “N-Nothing!”

You couldn’t tell if he was suspicious towards you about if you were telling the truth or not, but you didn’t care. Even you yourself didn’t know what you were doing. To avoid the strange atmosphere, you told Suga you were heading to the restroom. Once you were there, you leaned over the sink, splashing yourself with cold water.

“D-Did I just see Suga as my ideal guy?” you shook your head, “No way. That can’t be right. He’s my best friend and will be my friend only, nothing more.”

You muttered some more and then looked up at your reflection. Get it together Jang Eunmi. Suga already has someone he likes.

With that, you turned to leave the restroom. But as you did so, around the corner, you saw Suga talking with someone. You crept closer to get a better look, but you didn’t forget to stay hidden. You couldn’t stop the curiosity and the urge to know who he was talking to. Was this the person he liked?

Getting a better look, you recognized the girl immediately. It was no other than Lee Suha, the new Queenka of the school after the previous girls had been expelled. You weren’t really sure what happened since Suga refused to talk about it with you, but whatever it was, it definitely impacted Jungkook’s girlfriend immensely. You could tell since Yujin always stiffened up when the subject was brought up.

Suha’s long, wavy, brown hair flowed down beneath her shoulders. It also held a beautiful shine. Her jewel-like brown eyes with dark blue contacts helped draw boys to her if her sweet personality didn’t. In addition, her long fingernails were always coated with a light pink polish with a floral pattern. Her long legs made her seem extremely gorgeous since she was amazingly tall, not to mention she had a near perfect body. She was like a goddess.

You watched Suga talk with her and a strange feeling started growing inside of you. You wanted to run up to the two of them and push them apart, announcing that Suga was yours and only yours. Was this a best friend thing? Or something more? You couldn’t differentiate. You just knew you hated the idea that Suga was acting so close to someone who wasn’t you.

You tried taking a couple of deep breaths to calm yourself.

You watched as he laughed at whatever Suha said, and the two of them seemed to enjoy each other’s company very much.

When you saw Suha walk away, you headed out of the bathroom towards him, “Hey, I’m back.”

You tried to act normal in front of him, but you felt like you couldn’t do it. It didn’t take long for Suga to notice your change in behavior and your change in tone. Something had definitely happened; he just couldn’t figure out what.

He reached over and touched your cheek, “You okay, Eunmi?”

On instinct, you jerked backwards, “I’m fine!”

The boy wasn’t stupid. He didn’t look the least convinced. To be honest, you weren’t convinced either. Putting that thought aside, you then gave him the smallest of smiles and then stuffed your hands in your pockets.

With a soft voice, you told him, “Let’s stop here. I don’t think I will be able to guess who you like anyways. So, good luck with her!”

Seeing that there was a large possibility that the one he liked was the Lee Suha, you knew that you would never have a chance at… You froze. A chance? A chance at what? What were you really thinking? Hearing yourself think about all of these things in your mind seemed to puzzle you even more.

Immediately, you turned around to leave, but he blocked your way, “Eunmi, what’s wrong? You just told me a few minutes ago that you won’t give up that easily. What happened?”

“Nothing’s wrong, nothing’s happened. I just... I finally opened my eyes.”

Your response wasn’t like you. You knew that too. It was like a different side of you was showing, a side that the two of you had never seen. That gave it away to Suga. He knew now that something was definitely wrong with you. You were just being difficult.

“Jang Eunmi,” he reached out towards you, taking your hand into his, “Look at me.”

You refused to look up. Seeing you weren’t obeying him, he reached over to tilt your chin up. At his touch, you felt yourself weaken. When did you get so sensitive towards skinship with Suga?

Your eyes met with his and then quickly looked away. You couldn’t help but wonder why he was acting so close to you. He was your best friend and you knew he cared about you but... you didn’t even know what to think. Taking a deep breath, you found one phrase echoing in your mind.

It’s all Lee Suha’s fault...

Your eyes widened at that thought. You’ve never blamed someone else in your life.

“Yah, Eunmi,” Sugakept repeating your name, “Jang Eunmi, are you listening?”

“...I think I need to go to a hospital,” you muttered, “I’m not in my right mind.”

Suga looked shocked, “What? Are you sick?”

You ruffled your hair and then looked up at him, “Is there something wrong with me? I’m having strange thoughts and weird feelings, and I don’t like it at all.”

He tilted his head a bit in curiosity, “What kind of feelings? Anger, love, hate, annoyance, or perhaps… jealousy?”

You thought about it, “I’m not sure. I haven’t had this kind of feeling. Let’s see... It’s kind of like the feeling when you get something valuable taken away by someone else.”

“What kind of an analogy is that?” he laughed more, “but it does remind me of jealousy. When your loved one is taken, you’d feel jealous. Either that or you’re just being possessive.”

JEALOUSY?! You almost felt your heart jump out of you in shock. There was just no way you were being jealous. Maybe you were possessive though...but possessiveness is part of being jealous too. You furrowed your eyebrows at the complex idea of feelings.

“...So what was taken from you?” Suga suddenly asked, “A thing? Or… a person?”

You almost choked at the idea, “I-It’s no one!”

“No... one?” he raised an eyebrow, “So it’s a person?”

You waved your hands in front of his face and then scrambled backwards, “No it’s not! I mean, it is! But not...” you couldn’t find the right words. “Just forget about it!”

“What if I can’t? I’m very curious right now as to who would be of such value to you,” he replied quickly, “Tell me.”

He walked closer to you, which made you feel extremely nervous. The feeling was new to you which caused it to be weird; this had never happened before. You were always comfortable around him.

“Don’t be so curious,” you managed to say back to him, “It’s not good.”

“Not good for you because you don’t want to tell me,” he replied promptly.

You knew you wouldn’t win against him. When it came to stubbornness, he would win. So, instead, you decided to make a run for it. But the moment you attempted to run, he grabbed your wrists, keeping you from leaving. Did you mention he was strong too?

“Eunmi, you don’t understand. I need to know.”

You blinked, “Need?”

Why would he need to know? You didn’t understand. Perhaps you were just too innocent to understand. I mean, doesn’t he like Lee Suha? Why does he care about what you thought?

His eyes widened at his mistake in words and quickly pulled away, muttering, “Because I need to know who I’m up against.”

You didn’t quite catch on to what he said, “What?”

After a moment, Suga, who had avoided meeting your eyes, turned back to face you, “Sometimes, it’s just so blatantly obvious that you just miss it. Clue number three – I’m looking at her.”

Your eyes widened, “Wait, so it’s me? I’m the one that you – ”

“I’m sorry,” he suddenly blurted out, out of nowhere, leaving you completely confused until you realized what had happened in that instant.

His lips had suddenly pressed against yours, sweet as honey. You wanted time to stop so you could cherish the moment longer. It almost seemed surreal to you. Your eyelids began fluttering closed and you felt the most beautiful sensation in the world.

“She’s in our grade level. She has long, brown hair. It’s kind of like yours. Our... Yours...”

The words echoed in your mind.

When he pulled away from the kiss, he smiled, caressing your cheek, “You said you liked guys who are cute, smart, fun, nice, and able to take initiative. Do I fulfill those qualities?”

You couldn’t stop the smile that had begun spreading on your face, “You passed with flying colors.”

The two of you gazed into each others’ eyes, unable to stop smiling. Rewind to the years that you had spent as children and neither of you would have ever guessed that you would slowly choose to fall for one another. Fate was sometimes quite spontaneous.

“Guess what?” you nudged his shoulder, glancing into the distance.

He glanced at you, “What?”

“… You know, it’s possible that I might be in love with you.”

Hearing the phrase, he smirked, “Well I guess I need to make sure you know it.”

With that, he leaned in and kissed you once more, this time longer and sweeter. You didn’t even know that was even possible a kiss like the one you shared with him.

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missadel #1
Chapter 7: This totally make my day ;)
Cute lil peasants
kiarrahmah #3
Chapter 7: BTS are so cute with their own girls. Love it~
You're so good in writing oneshot. Thank you for writing these stories ^^
Chapter 7: Omg I really love <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Jimin omg i'm going to die. I REALLY ENJOYED THIS SPECIAL AUTHOR <3 Another separate story especially for mijoo and jimin would be amazing... your choice tho!!! fighting!! xx
Boyinluvfire97 #6
Chapter 7: 0.0 OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZINGGGG!!!!! Sadly it ended TT
It's SOO Goodd
While reading this , I'm like " omg, the feels~~~"
Sorrowablasa #7
Chapter 1: So cute....kiss n kill and this special...i love all of them...i finish reading all of it in 1 night!! Can get enough of it...
Itsfederwolke #8
Number2elf #9
Chapter 7: These were really nice to read! And good closure for the story too :) if I was in your place I wouldn't know what to write as a sequel wither
Number2elf #10
Chapter 3: Omg whats wrong with me... I was thinking that these chapters were so cute and then i realized that ive literally been thinking about food the whole time... Because of the scene where jimin was digging into his food..:/