04 Namjoon

Kiss or Kill: Halloween Special

POV: New OC Character, Kim Harin. She is the tutor Namjoon's parents hired to help their son with their studies before he gets held back another year. Namjoon is "Rap Monster's" real name. Again, calling a character "Rap Monster" is strange in a story (to me), so I will be using his real name.

“Hey!” you frowned, “Where do you think you’re going?”

In front of you, you saw the BTS leader, Kim Namjoon, walking off down the street with J-Hope by his side. A small wave of the hand was what you saw after he called out for you to not wait for him because he would not be back for a long time.

You scrunched your face in annoyance. His parents had called you up because they wanted you to help him with studies since he was too stubborn to ask his friends about it. You had been looking for people to tutor since you needed to make money to send back home – poverty was a cruel thing in society.

It was a miracle you could attend school so often, so you did everything you could to keep your grades ranked #1 in school and took on as many side jobs as possible. Every job was important and you never gave up on them easily.

“He won’t be gone that long, will he?” you sighed, sliding down against the wall in front of his house, “…Should I wait?”

It wasn’t like his parents lived with him though they were the ones that hired you. As a result, you had no way to get into the place he lived. All you could do was wait outside while the sky slowly darkened. At first, all you could feel was irritation since the boy had completely disregarded your presence, but now, you had decided that irritation wasn’t going to help the situation.

As a result, you pulled out a notebook, a pencil, and the textbook. Flipping through the pages, you began to jot down notes and study questions that you were supposed to have covered in the tutoring session that day.

A cold breeze was felt as the sky began to darken to the point where you could no longer see what you were writing. Lucky for you, you had finished the notes you were making and heard distant talking down the street. Pulling the scarf you were wearing closer to your neck, you made your way towards the noise.

“…Hey,” you could hear J-Hope’s voice in the distance as you came into view, “Is that girl still here?”

You saw the two boys turn their attention towards you who was standing near Namjoon’s house while you held your books tight, making your way towards them. Handing the leader the papers you had been working on the entire time he was gone, you gave him a small smile.

“I took notes on the chapter and came up with some study questions,” your voice shook a bit as you spoke since you had gotten a bit chilly in the weather, “Please do as much of it as you can. It’s good practice.”

You took his hand quickly and placed the papers in his hand before taking a step back. J-Hope gave the two of you a surprised look as Namjoon stared at the materials in his hand.

“Your touch,” he mumbled, “…It’s cold. Did you not go home?”

Afraid that you would make him feel guilty, you chose not to answer the question, “…Ah, by the way. I do have a name you know. It’s Harin. Kim Harin.”

Before they could say anything, you gave them a small wave and then left, leaving the two boys a bit stunned and for a loss of words. As you walked away, however, you couldn’t help but wonder if Namjoon was actually going to do the work you gave him. To be completely honest, you believed he would just toss it away.

Once more, you sighed. Should you even have invested so much time into those papers? The side job wasn’t off to a good start at all.


“Here,” Namjoon dropped a stack of papers on your desk the next day at school before walking to his designated seat with his BTS friends.

He didn’t say anything else or look at you when he did so. His action surprised you and when you took a closer look at what he had given you, the brightest smile appeared upon your face. You never thought that he would actually do the work you gave him. He just didn’t seem like the kind of person – but then again, who were you to judge?

You wasted no time in grading the work and you found that the boy wasn’t as dumb as you thought. He knew most of the answers and made careless mistakes here and there; mistakes most people who make anyways.

When lunch came around, you had to muster all the courage you could get and find this leader and figure out why he was doing bad in school when he obviously knew everything. However, getting Kim Namjoon to part with his friends wouldn’t be easy – you knew that.

You considered asking Yujin, Yuki, and that new girl that seemed to appear in Jimin’s life, Song Minjoo, to help out, but you were too shy and meek. Sighing to yourself, you pulled out your agenda and saw that you had a tutoring session coming up later that day with him.

Unsure if you would even show up, you felt a bit bummed out. What if you went today and he told you that you were unnecessary and fires you? Your tutoring job would be crushed right then and there. Life was so unfair – you really wanted to keep this job. Tutoring was the one job you were naturally good at and helping others made you feel warm inside.

“…What to do?” your shoulders slumped over and you pressed your lips together into a thin line in deep thought, “Should I go to the session today?”

In the end, you decided that you would go and see what happens. If Namjoon left again, then you would take it as a sign that he did not need you and you would stop annoying him with your presence. You weren’t as stubborn as the other girls with BTS and you would disappear if you were causing someone else to be annoyed.


“...You’re late,” Namjoon raised an eyebrow as he leaned back in his chair, staring at you with a displeased expression, “Tutors aren’t supposed to be late.”

The boy was dressed in less street-like clothing which caused you to be taken aback since it wasn’t something usual. In addition, he had all his studying material ready and laying down on his table with a pencil in his hand. Was this a dream? The Kim Namjoon looked so excited to study it gave you a nerve-racking feeling.

“Sorry!” was all you managed to squeak out you pulled out your own materials that you thought were necessary, “…But Namjoon. You do seem like you know all of this already…”

“I don’t,” he replied bluntly, “Don’t misunderstand.”

Raising an eyebrow, obviously doubting his words, you began your mini-lecture. You started to explain how the English grammar was like and the history of South Korea. As you jumped from topic to topic, you suddenly realized that it did not seem like he was paying attention at all. His eyes were unfocused and he only appeared to be blankly staring into space.

Frowning, you waved your hand in front of his eyes, “Yah, Kim Namjoon!”

The boy did not respond to your actions which meant that he had fallen asleep with his eyes opened. You stared at him in awe – how was that even possible? Face-palming yourself, a devilish look came upon your expression as you grabbed the pen in your pencil pouch.

Smiling widely, you reached over and began to draw everything you could think of. The next thing you knew, the boy looked ridiculous and it was amazing how he didn’t stir as you decided to play around a bit. It made you laugh – hard.

“…What is it?” a mumble was heard as he blinked a couple of times, finally waking up to the sound of your laughter, “Why are you laughing?”

Your devilish side faded again and the innocence reappeared, “What? Did I say something? I just… Hey – hold on. Why is this about me? You fell asleep when I was trying to teach you the material!”

“It was boring me,” he replied bluntly, “I don’t really care about school after all.”

You wanted to lecture him more about how important school was, but before you could do, you couldn’t help but crack a smile that made him quite suspicious.

“What are you laughing at?” he asked slowly, raising an eyebrow.

Staring at his drawing-filled face, you stuck your tongue out at him, “Nothing at all. Maybe next time, you shouldn’t fall asleep during my lesson!”

The boy didn’t give up on trying to figure out what you had done. He continued to ask questions until his eyes caught the evidence. You had reached over and handed him another set of problems to do, but when you did so, he saw the mark.

“This is ink, isn’t it?” he asked, grabbing you hand and turning it so you could see the side of it where ink had stained your skin, “…You didn’t really – “

His eyes widened behind the dark sunglasses he always liked to wear and you saw him rush up and into the bathroom. You laughed to yourself when you suddenly heard a loud voice shouting, “Kim Harin!”

When you walked over to the bathroom where he had removed his sunglasses to wash off the pen marks, you could see him trying hard to remove those marks. You watched him rub the marks from his cheeks and forehead and everywhere else, but not to great avail.

“Here,” you finally softened a bit, turning his face towards you, “Let me help.”

You used a wet towel to help rub the ink off of his face gently since it was technically your fault that he was like this in physical appearance. However, since it was quite funny, you couldn’t erase that smile from your face as you cleaned the marks away.

“You better get all of this off,” Namjoon mumbled as he watched you clean his face, “How could you even think about doing something like this – “

“Don’t fall asleep when I’m teaching,” you replied straightforwardly, “Or I promise you I will do this again, alright? Besides, you’re smart. I know you can actually get this stuff.”

Namjoon shrugged a little, “Why have so much confidence in me? You don’t even know me. This is the second time we’ve talked and the first time, I blew you off. Why care so much?”

You paused for a second, contemplating a good answer that you found almost impossible to find, “…I guess that’s just how I do things? Why? Should I not care?”

Finally getting rid of the ink, you placed the towel down after rinsing it with water while Namjoon quickly replied, “That’s not what I meant.”

Glancing into his eyes for the first time ever, you found yourself admiring how beautiful they were and wondering why he had to wear sunglasses all the time. It was a shame to hide something so crystal clear.

“Wouldn’t matter if it was what you meant since I’d probably still care,” you replied honestly, stepping back out of the bathroom, gesturing towards the room where all the study materials were, “Now come on – I have to catch you up on the things you missed out on when you fell asleep!”

Namjoon didn’t move. He stared at you for a long moment which left you puzzled on if you had said something that offended him. When he finally moved, it was advancement towards you not the room. A bit surprised, you retreated back a little bit, staring back at him to see what he was going to do.

“…Why did you wait for me for so long yesterday?” he suddenly asked, “I was gone for almost three hours. You could have gone home, so why did you wait? Or rather, why did you come back?”

You tapped on your chin gently, thinking about how to answer the question, “Hm… I guess I actually cared enough about helping you, so I stayed. Why?”

“Cared about helping me… huh,” he seemed to mumble to himself a bit before he nodded a few times, “I see.”

He didn’t say much else, but when the two of you went back to study, it seemed like he was a changed boy. He was definitely much more focused and he seemed to actually want to do better and learn the material. You couldn’t be overjoyed.

Within the hour, you covered more material than you could have thought. The excitement could be seen in the warmth and brightness within your eyes. Each second caused you to grow elated, and by the time you were to leave his house due to the end of the session, you were in high-spirits.

“So, remember to do all the work I told you to do, alright?” you reminded him once more, “You did well today!”

As you began to pack your things, you suddenly heard him reply, “Of course I did.”

The short reply somewhat confused you and you gave him a strange expression, “What do you mean?”

However, like before, he just chose not to answer your questions. You shook your head, helpless, and then placed your bag on your back before saying ‘bye’ and heading out the front door, but you were stopped when Namjoon called after you.

“You forgot something.”

Quickly examining your things, you spun around, “…I did? What?”

A few seconds passed by before he came up to you, taking your hand into his and kissing it gently. Your eyes widened in shock and for the first time ever, you saw him smile with his sunglasses off.

“W…What is going on…?” you managed to blurt out.

“I have a proposal,” he finally spoke, “If I get the best score on the next test, then you have to fulfill my wish.”

You repeated his words slowly with caution, “…Your wish? Why me?”

“Because you caught my full attention,” he replied, gazing into your eyes, “Because you actually cared about me. Because you actually had the patience to wait for me in the cold outside. Because you actually chose to help me even though I left the worst first impression. Because you’re interesting. Because I like the way you smile. Because it can only be you.”

Furrowing your eyebrows a bit, you opened your mouth to ask what his wish was, but before you could get a single word out, he interrupted you – “Go out with me.”

Your cheeks flamed up with a burning scarlet red color and left you speechless. Could this have been a joke? You had no idea. All you knew was that the look in his eyes was very serious which only caused your heart to beat faster.

“I… I – “ you wanted to reply the statement, but it just seemed so sudden. For goodness sake, he didn’t even know you. The leader of BTS chose you? Unbelievable.

However, Namjoon didn’t seem like he wanted your answer now or then, “So it’s a deal.”

With a final grin, Namjoon leaned over and kissed your cheek and closing the front door, leaving you stunned at the front steps, “See you later, Mrs. Kim.”

Mrs. Kim? With those words, he left you with an extremely fast beating heart and a face red like a tomato. This boy was really something to have this effect on you. Who was he to be calling you Mrs. Kim? Was he implying that… Your eyes widened when you realized the two of you shared last names.

Your face heated up once more and you covered your cheeks in embarrassment, but at the same time, a curious thing happened – you couldn’t hold back a smile.

The brightest smile of that night.

Maybe this tutoring job wasn't going to be so bad after all.

A/N: ; n ; I will apolgize for not being able to update all 7 stories as promised before --- didn't realize I would have like 5 billion tests on Halloween -- like. Why. Stupid teachers 3 Halloween's a holiday and holdiays = rest! o n o But but. I'll update this quick, so don't kill me? OTL. I love you all <3

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missadel #1
Chapter 7: This totally make my day ;)
Cute lil peasants
kiarrahmah #3
Chapter 7: BTS are so cute with their own girls. Love it~
You're so good in writing oneshot. Thank you for writing these stories ^^
Chapter 7: Omg I really love <3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Jimin omg i'm going to die. I REALLY ENJOYED THIS SPECIAL AUTHOR <3 Another separate story especially for mijoo and jimin would be amazing... your choice tho!!! fighting!! xx
Boyinluvfire97 #6
Chapter 7: 0.0 OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AMAZINGGGG!!!!! Sadly it ended TT
It's SOO Goodd
While reading this , I'm like " omg, the feels~~~"
Sorrowablasa #7
Chapter 1: So cute....kiss n kill and this special...i love all of them...i finish reading all of it in 1 night!! Can get enough of it...
Itsfederwolke #8
Number2elf #9
Chapter 7: These were really nice to read! And good closure for the story too :) if I was in your place I wouldn't know what to write as a sequel wither
Number2elf #10
Chapter 3: Omg whats wrong with me... I was thinking that these chapters were so cute and then i realized that ive literally been thinking about food the whole time... Because of the scene where jimin was digging into his food..:/