Chapter 2

My Life As Kim Ohani (EXO Fanfic)
We all sat in the classroom listening to the teachers instructions, he hasn't quite noticed that I'm here. So I'm just going with it.
I felt as if I were hit with something. I look down.. I see a crumbled note.
I secretly open it while making sure no one was looking. Obviously the teacher doesn't even know I'm here so I really don't understand why I'm doing this, however I like being mischievous at times so this is mainly my one time try in the new class.
I open the note, and read it. 
Hey Ohani, it is I Baekhyun! So.. where are you from? Do you know what KPOP is?
Do you know me from anywhere? Do I look any familiar to you at all? Are you Korean? What's your favorite brand in make-up?
Do you like eyeliner? Do you wear any make up? What's your favorite Drama?! What kind of food do you like? Do you like Kimchi? Wanna hang out? Are you in a relationship?
Omo! What kind of person are you?
Where do you get your hair done? Do you speak English? Are you a WIZARD?!?! 
Sincerely, Byun Baekhyun ^^
I felt scared at the moment. Is he some kind of stalker? I wrote back, 
Oh Baekhyun, 
Why are you so interested? I don't even know you that well. Sorry for this misunderstanding. I'm just like knowing a person before I give my information out. Hehe~
yeah it isn't personal or anything. I'm just not to a give away person if you know what that means. Speak to me later on. It's my first day here and your already asking.
I'm sorry I'm not this rude (only if you consider it that way) I'm sorry.
Sincerely, Kim Ohani (; 
The loud noise of me crumbling the note was loud as I tried to throw it to him. I felt a pair of eyes on me.
"and who are you?" The teacher asked
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh! My heart is pounding like crazy what do I do! Great going Ohani. Already a troublemaker, I should've never crumbled that stupid note. I stood up and got ready to speak until... Someone burst threw a door.
"MR.KIM! Sorry sorry, for interrupting!" A girl with big glasses, with a lot of stacked papers held in her left arm. She rushes to the teacher handing him a file. 
She didn't seem like those other girls that had the mini-skirts and there hair done perfectly. She had khaki pants with a school shirt and a navy blue and white striped thin ed sweater wearing some converse. She had her school bag on her back it seemed like she rocks in there. She didn't have her hair perfectly done, it was a bit wavy and scattered by her left cheek while she kept settling her hair on the side so it wouldn't get in her way.
"Yes Kimberley?" The teacher asked 
"Um, here's a file you should look at I'm not quite sure what it is. However, I need to get going I have more stuff to do. Bye!" She rushed out the classroom 
The teacher opened the file. He glanced at me, he was a bit serious and a bit curious. 
"Oh, so you're the new student. I should've thought of that before. Please forgive me. Can I just ask you a favor don't pass notes. Also, can you come up here for a bit. I need a bit of information of you. So I can add you to my attendance sheet." The teacher had said
I got up, I didn't mind if I looked ugly or not, I just stood up quietly. The classroom was silent. I saw in the corner of my eye one of the guys whispering to his buddy behind him. I had finally got to the teachers desk. I have to admit his desk was freaking NEAT! 
"Okay so I need the phone number of your old school, so I can contact them and know what you already learned. I also need your parent or guardians signature here. So you can bring it to me tomorrow." He said
I don't have my parents anymore.. How can they sign this. My eyes start tearing up, I had to stay sufficient. I couldn't hide it. This devastating position is bad already. I have no choice so, I bend down to the teachers ear.
"Can I stay after class Mr.Kim. I need to speak to you about a few things." I whispered
Mr.Kim nodded 
He handed me a 2 textbooks, which seemed like 5 by just caring one. He gave me a sign which was obviously sending me back to my seat. While I was walking I threw the note to Baekhyun's forehead on accident. Which made me giggle a bit. 
I got to my seat sat down and the teacher got up from his desk and starting explaining today's lesson. He gave us a packet for a project, which didn't seem a lot for me since I was used to projects. He gave us notes to copy which seemed like forever. Just a couple of math problems as a review from my home state. We were already finished waiting to do the next lesson. Next thing I know it's time to leave to lunch. 
Didn't seem like a long day for me actually, it was easy. I got my autumn bag from my drawer and started packing all my belongings inside it, Chanyeol had come towards me and said
"Want to sit with us in lunch?" He asked kindly 
I had to respond. 
"I have to stay after but I'd be glad to sit with you guys. I can catch up when I'm done speaking to Mr.Kim." 
"Okay, well I'll wait for you. I'll just tell the guys I'll be there in a bit." He said
I nodded with an okay as he went to his friends to tell them he'll be there in a little while. 
He came back to me and I asked him 
"Yeol, I'll be right back." I told him
He nodded
I went to the teachers desk. He glanced at me and made a signal to sit down.
"So what is it that you wanted to speak to me about?" The teacher asked
"Um it's about the form you asked me to make my parents sign?." I said with a sad voice 
"I see. I'll just sign the paper for you." He said
"How did you know? I haven't even tell you. Anyways, you're not my guardian." I said confused
"Whoever walks to my classroom, becomes my child. Plus your expression says it all. I know my children very well." He said warmly
"Okay.. Just please don't tell this to anyone." I said with a sad voice 
"Don't worry. I won't say anything. You should head to lunch now." He said while placing the signed form into the file
"Okay thank you Mr.Kim" I smiled and bowed then headed back to Chanyeol who was now laughing at his phone. I have to admit, he's a bit crazy, but then very protective. I tapped his shoulder.
"Hey Chanyeol. Let's go to lunch now." I said 
Chanyeol, grabbed his backpack and pushed his chair in. We headed out the door while I waved bye to Mr.Kim while he just nodded with a smile.
As Chanyeol and I walked, once again I felt eyes just staring at me with I'm going to kill you face. I just ignored them the way Chanyeol told me to. The school seemed so confusing like a freaking maze! We made lots of turns, like a trying to find a hospital room. I got closer to Chanyeol, I felt as if I was about to get jumped by the girls that were behind us. What is it that gets them mad at me!? I hope this scandal stops soon.
We finally made it to the lunch room. Everyone was sitting down at there table. Chanyeol was trying to find where the guys had sat. Chanyeol had found where they were so from there we went to the food counter. I ordered some 'Chicken Nuggets' since I adore CHICKEN! While Chanyeol ordered some spaghetti with 3 meatballs placed on top. We headed towards the guys. We got there, eventually I had to sit next to Bacon (Baekhyun) and Chanyeol.
As I was chewing in my chicken I felt a pinch on my arm. I turned around with my mouth literally full of chicken. Once again it was the girl 'Hana'. As I do not fear the most, 
un-meaningful human creature. I cannot believe I already have one of the most hateful people against me. Why is that? I'm not sure what all this scalding about? 
And so she began speaking...
"Oh... how ugly you look in this group of handsome men. When are you going to understand that you do not belong here. Look sweetie, there's a table by the garbage can. Not to far from here." She said with a girly squeaky irritating voice
"Oh honey, as you can see. I'm eating with my dear friends. If you don't mind, will you please leave us alone? Your ugliness is tearing my eyes up." I said mocking her squeaky irrtaiting voice
"Yah, I think we should go now.." One of Hana's friends whisper in Hana's ear.
Hana walks towards me with un-closed bottled water and points it on top of my head almost pouring it on top of me until...
I grabbed her wrist, twisted her arm, and her back was towards me and a kicked her bottom while she was led to another table landing on a plate of spaghetti making all her face orangey and with cheese all over it with noodles popping out of . Also her skirt was wet from behind, obviously from the un-closed bottled water that she had on her hand. 
The guys were obviously watching all the drama going and burst with laughter spilling all there food and clapping like walruses. Clearly I just went back to my original spot and ate my delicious chicken. 
Please I beg you not to be mad at me for this short Chapter......
Wanna know if Ohani got in trouble? Find out soon hehe~ 
Let me know if my story is boring.
@danielaavalos_ wattpad
@foreverdongbanshinki AsianFanFics
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Any questions be glad to comment below thank you^^ fighting!
Creative Commons License
My Life As Kim Ohanie by Daniela Avalos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Chapter 1: hi, i'm new. I am interested in your fanfiction. Could I reshare your fanfiction on my personal blog (wp)?If I am allowed, I will share your fanfiction in bahasa. jebalyo :)please reply my comment :)
BeautifulOblivion #2
Chapter 1: Please update^^