Chapter 3

My Life As Kim Ohani (EXO Fanfic)
We had all finished eating lunch. Unfortunately the guys were still laughing there butts out. Which was weird. My stomach hurts, stupid chicken. I hurried to the girls restroom, which then again it was hard to find. I walked in and saw the girl with the big glasses, what was her name again? An yeah Kimberley. She was being pushed around by some girls, I was angry but at the same time I felt dizzy and nauseas.... Like if I was about to-
I threw up everywhere. 
The girls caught my attention and quit pushing Kimberley around, they walked out with a disgusted look. Kimberley on the other hand was getting her other pair of glasses since her other ones had cracked. She came to me. I was sitting there on the ground still dizzy.
"Are you okay?" Kimberley asks
"Aren't I suppose to ask you that?" I say 
"I'm used to this, I really don't care if they do that."
"You should care, you should stand up for yourself."
"I'm taking you to the nurse, you don't look to good yourself. The janitors will probably clean this up." She completely ignored what I had said
She helped me up, grabbed my arm and placed it around her neck taking the steps for me, as my dizzy self couldn't. We walked out and again walked through a maze going to the nurse. 
"We're here..." She says
She placed me on the nurses patient bed and heads towards the nurse and explains everything to her. The nurse comes and checks if I have a fever or anything else. She told Kimberley that I was okay to go to class. She handed Kimberley a pass back to class, since we were in here for about 30 minutes. Kimberley helped me up and we started going back to class. 
"So what made you get sick?" She asked
"I think it was the chicken I ate for lunch today, I was so full." I say
"Oh, now you know not to eat so much chicken hehe." She says playfully 
"Yeah, anyways are you okay? From the girls?"
"Yeah I'm totally cool with it. I'm used to being bullied in this school."
Did she just say that? That shouldn't be right? Those girls need to be taught a lesson.
"......." Don't respond.
"Well, where's your class we've been wondering around."
"I'm not sure, I'm new here."
"Ah yeah, I haven't realized you were new, I'm sorry." 
"Ah it's okay , and I'm not sure all I know I'm stuck with all boys and my teacher is Mr.Kim."
Her eyes widen..
"What?!?! Did you just say?" She said
I clear my throat "I'm not sure, all I know that I'm stuck with all boys and my teacher is Mr.Kim."
She pulls me into a hug.
"You are a gifted girl." She whispers in my ear
"Why is that?" I say
"I was expecting to meet you. I saw you today. You were explaining something to Mr.Kim and I walked in handing Mr.Kim your file. Your name is Kim Ohani, and you came from America. You were born on Feb, 18, 1997." She said
How does she know all of this?! 
"Please don't think I'm a stalker or anything. I was reading your file on the way to your classroom."
"It's fine. At least I can trust you right?"
"You sure can Hani!" She does an 90 degree bow
"Hehe, thank you uh, do you mind if we head to class now? I think my teacher is waiting." I say
"Yeah come one this way." She says
I turn around to head towards the classroom and.. I bump to something hard. I look up and see it was Chanyeol's chest. 
"Where were you? I was looking for you to walk to class. You had me worried. Anyways, we are heading to the library to check out some textbooks we need for the upcoming test we have next week. Also, to help us int he project we are doing." He says 
"Sorry I was just heading back to class." I say
"It's fine." He grabs my arm and pulls me away from Kimberley and heading to the library 
"Kimberley I'll see you soon!" I yell 
She waves.
Short Chapter. I'm sorry school has got me like a hostile. I promise I'll update soon. 
Hehe they're still in school.
Should I make her finish the first day of school tomorrow?
Anyways bye bye (; 
I hope you enjoyed
Creative Commons License
My Life As Kim Ohanie by Daniela Avalos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Chapter 1: hi, i'm new. I am interested in your fanfiction. Could I reshare your fanfiction on my personal blog (wp)?If I am allowed, I will share your fanfiction in bahasa. jebalyo :)please reply my comment :)
BeautifulOblivion #2
Chapter 1: Please update^^