Chapter 4

My Life As Kim Ohani (EXO Fanfic)

This Chapter is dedicated to my hardworking editor Yolanda. 

   Chanyeol seems kind of different on my perspective, I have a feeling he's going to be like this for the rest of the school year I'm here. He isn't talking. Seems weird. He's also gripping on my arm pretty harshly. Why is he reacting this way after I was with Kimberley?

" Chanyeol can you please let go of my arm?" I ask nicely

"Yeah." He says 

It's just my first day here and all of this is happening. I wish my best friend were here. I wish my mom and dad were here. Now, they are watching over me. All day and all night. I have a neck less of my mom and dads ashes inside it. I shouldve bought it for better luck. Now, look what happened. A girl dislikes me. I have an over protective friend. I'm stuck in a room with all boys for 8 hours max. I need to find a job. I need to concentrate in school. 

"Yah! Ohani! Stop day dreaming again!" I here yelling from someone and that some is Chanyeol.

"Ah yeah sorry."

"Are you okay? You seemed upset." He says 

"No, I'm fine." what a lie.

"Alright then seongsannim told us we need to find textbooks of korea's past history and check them out."

"Arasseo." I walk away 

The library seems so huge. It's so peaceful and quite to do some homework during lunch. So I wouldn't be in the same room as Hana. I would be alone and quite and concentrated. Like how I was when I was in America. I need to start knowing I'm not in America anymore. I'm in South Korea.  I haven't quite got experience in Korea before. I mean when I first got out of the plane. I needed a tourist. I can't believe I actually call my self Korean. 

I walk to the computer to search up some books. 

"한국의 역사" (Korean History)


Sources of Korean Tradition, Vol. 1: From Early Times Through the 16th Century (Introduction to Asian Civilizations) 

Escape from Camp 14: One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West (Hardcover) 

Hmm, this seems pretty hard, I'll just check out the first one. If the other guys have something else. I'd have to ask for it. Maybe I'll take both. Yeah, I should. 

I go and find the books. 

Aish, why does this library have to be this complicated. 

Ah yes! I find the  Yongho Ch'oe section. The authors name. 

I try to reach it. But it's so high! I think that's why we have tippy toes. I use  my other option on grabbing the book. Sadly it didn't work. I'm going to try jumping. 

-starts jumping-

I feel a warm sensation behind me. I slowly get back to the floor. I love you gravity. I see someones hand grabbing the book. I turn around yet again and find myself bumping into someones chest. I look up and it's the life saver Chanyeol. He looks down. I can feel his breath hitting my nose. Okay okay this is to much. I look back down and taking the book and walking away. 

"your welcome." Chanyeol whispers

Crap! Did I not say thank you. 

I walk to the other book I'm also checking out and I have this weird feeling that someone is watching me. I turn around it's a handsome guy. He looks squishy to me. Haha. Wait, oh no he's coming towards me. 

"Hey, do you need help?" He says

"I don't know. I'm fine."

"Oh okay, if you need any help we are here to help." 

Then, he walks away. 

I get back to the book I'm also checking out. I hate this freaking library why are the books to high! I guess I need help. I call the squishy guy over. 

" I guess I do need help. Can you please hand me that book for me?" I say politely

"Of course." He reaches towards the book and hands it to me. 

Oh my gosh his smile! It's so beautiful. Ohani quit it. You are here to learn, you've never had a boyfriend experience before anyways. 

"Thank You" I bow 

"No problem." he says with his cheesy smile. 

I go up to the check out station. The librarian looks really nice. 

"Hello, I came to check out these books."

"Do you have your school I.D.?"

"No, I'm new here. I came today."

"I'm sorry you can't check out these books."

"Oh ok. Thank you." I walk away.


"Yah, Ohani." Chanyeol comes

"Yeah?" I answered

"Are you alright? Where are your books?" 

"I can't check them out since I'm new."

Chanyeol walks away from me and goes to the librarian. He comes back with the books. 

"I checked them out for you. Don't worry I have my books too." He pats my head. 

"Thank you" I say 

"No problem Ohani, you can always count on me!" 

The bell rings, I guess it's time to go home. Ah yeah before I forget I need to get my uniform. I just  hope it's not a skirt. I make my way to chanyeol. 

"Chanyeol, can you show me where the front office is?" I ask

"Yeah, just hold on. I'll go tell the boys I'll catch up to them later." He says

I just nod. 

Chanyeol comes back. 

"Alright then, lets go.!" He says

I go with him. I feel weird, I've never trusted someone I recently met, it's strange how Chanyeol gained my confidence. Wow, now that I think about it. Chanyeol has done a lot of things for me.  We head towards the main office. I need the little slip paper, to say that I go to this school now. 

We arrive. We go in. I head towards the secretary.

"Hello, I came to pick up my uniform." I hand the slip.

"Ah yes. Your here." She hands the uniform

I see a skirt.

"Saesangnim, can I wear pants please?" I beg

"Thats prohibited to normal students in this school. You have to be in Class A."

"I am. You can check. I'm with Mr.Kim."

She glances at me and turns to her computer. Her eyes widened. 

"I guess your right. My apology. Here are the pants."

"Thank you, Thank you!" I leave and head towards Chanyeol. 

"Hey Chanyeol!" 

"Hey Ohani, did you get your uniform?" 

"Yes.!" I start showing off my new uniform

"What? Why do you have pants?"

"I asked for them."

"I thought that was prohibited to... wait your in our class."

"Yes, I am."

"Why don't you like skirts?"

"It makes them seem like a dress, and I do not like dresses."

"You are really weird."

"Haha, thanks. Anyways where are the guys waiting for you?"

"I think at the car."

"Oh okay, well I will be heading too.."


We wave. We start heading the same way. Wait, his friends..  I'm so dumb. Did I just say bye when the exit is clearly in front of the school. 

"Yah, Chanyeol wait up." I walk to Chanyeol

"Hehe, I guess you go out this way too. Should've thought of that earlier."  

We start walking our cars are far so we started a conversation.

"So what made you come to Korea?" Chanyeol asks

"I didn't find a reason to stay in America." I say 

"Why is that?"

"Its a long story.."

"We got time our cars are far anyways." 

"I was living as happy as I can be. My friends and I always hung out after school at the park doing homework eating snacks and spending the day together. I always went back home and smelled the delicious dinner my mom was making. I'd go and check what my father was doing after. As usual he was painting or making art. After we would all gather around the table and eat. We would have all these delicious food my mom made. We would make food sculptures sometimes. My dad and I were always fooling around. My mom yelled at us after. When we finished eating I'd help my mom clean up. We would have these talks where she would tell me she wants me to find a boyfriend already and that I better do good in school. So I did, everyday I would hang out with my friends and study as hard as I can. She would want me to go to private dates. My dad will always approve because he also wanted me to find someone. Also, at night my mom would come into my room and give me a little ritual her and I made (tears up) she'd tell me. Always try your best. Later you will become something to someone one day. Everything will be like usual. We all love you. But the thing is when some thing is a miracle its beacause you worked hard for it. I want you to always do that. I fall asleep quickly. Then a day came by when all those things I used to do stopped. When my mom and dad were in a tragic accident. I ran to the hospital just to find out they didn't make it. The day of the funeral I slept with both of my parents on there grave. I would cry myself to sleep everynight. My friends would always worry and ask if I was fine. I would lie to them and act cheerful. Only one person knew how I felt which was my closest friend. I would go home after. Drink up and not even study, she (jennifer) would come bursting throught the door stopping me from drinking anymore. I am underage but I found a couple bottles my dad collected and some wine. I was almost going to drug myself until my mom came into my mind stopping me. I cried everyday. So I decided to come here. To my parents family. Sadly, they dont know I'm here. Due to the life insurance my parents had I was able to come to this school and find a place to stay. I need to find a job and wait until my furniture from the states arrives. (wipes tears away) I told you it was going to be long. I bet the guys already left from keeping you waiting." I look to Chanyeol

 He still quite. He pulls me into a hug. 

"I will be here for you, I promise. I won't leave your side. I'll try to be like your best friend Jennifer." 

I hug him back . "Theres no need to do that. I'm fine. I already have enough on my hands haha"

Chanyeol walks to where the guys had parked. 

"They aren't here." he glances at me.

"I'll give you a ride.C'mon" I say

I got my keys and unlocked the car. We both hop in and I turn on the car. 

"Nice car. You have a great taste Ohani."

"Thanks Chanyeol" I smile and drive

"So where do you live?" I ask

"I live in 도곡동길 (gangnam-gu) on the house that has 4 cars by it. It has a huge tree in front." 

"You can put some music if you'd like." I say

"Ah yeah thanks."

He touches the radio and finds a song I'm not quite sure who's singing it. I'm not really into music. Unless it's a musical or piano just instrumental songs. The song keeps repeating "Why so serious." The song is really nice. 

"It's our hyungs." says Chanyeol he's smiling and just dancing

REAL Streets, Not a real Location.

I drive, yet again a lot of dizzyness awaits me. 

He looks like a kid dancing haha. He's so nice to me. I don't get what he meant by hyungs but he's so adorable..However, did I just tell Chanyeol about what happened. I'm like an open book this can't be. I feel stupid. I'm not like this. Why am I like this. It's so strange how something like this can possibly change so fast. 

 I arrive at his home. It's so beautiful. I see the guys playing something inside. 

"I guess we're here." I say 

"Yeah, anyways thank you for the ride. Don't do anything dumb, I would like to see you healthy from now on. Promise me that." He said

"I promise you. Now head on in." 

"Alright, see you tomorrow." He says smiling and pats my head.

He heads out.

I check the time. It's 6:21pm!

CRAP! I need to find a job! 

I head by all the shops that were around. I parked by a cafe since I love coffee. It was nicely detailed. The name was " Coffee LEC " It's so beautiful. I walked in and the scent of coffee ran through my nostrilis. I go to the cashier. 

"Hello is the manager or the owner here today?" I ask

"Yes, I'll call them right up for you." 

Why is the barista so handsome....

The cafe manager came. She seems really nice. The guy tells the manager where I am and heads towards me. I didn't come professionalized gosh I'm really bad at this. I get up and bowed at the manager.

"Hello, you must be the girl asking for me right?"

"Yes, I wanted to ask if I can join this job. I haven't quite expirienced this. I'm willing to try hard. I'm in Korean Minjok Leadership Academy. I will work the nights I have to." I say

Good thing I have my school paperwork in my bag. I handed her the paper work. Her eyes widened. 

"We've never had a smart intelligent girl like you. We'd be glad to have you here. I just need you to sign this job application. Your work shifts depend on your school hours so I'll figure that out with the boss. You will need a uniform, you don't need to purchase it. You just need to dress professionally. In that case, not something like you are wearing now. Make sure it's appropiate. That's all. Also, your paycheck will be mailed. Your shift hours will be emailed to you. You start next week. "

I started finishing the application. I can't believe I already found a job! 

"Thank you so much.! I'll be sure to be great. Can I ask will I be trained?" I asked

"Yes, the cashier over there will train you. He's our best one here. He's very nice." She says

"Oh okay thank you!"

I get up from the seat and handshake my new manager. 

"Annyeong!" I say

"Bye my new employee."

I head towards my car. My life is slowly repairing itself. 

*message recieved message recieved* my ringtone goes off.

From: BoomShakalaka recieved 8:37pm : 

I'm so sorry, I was taking care of some stuff. Mr.Robins held me after school. I had to go to my mom and tell her what happened. After I had an appointment with the doctor. Now, I'm Free. Why is it a nightmare? Don't tell me it's so confusing, you don't know what to do. It feels like a maze. Yes, we've been through that on our freshman year. Hehe, remember when you slipped on that banana and everyone thought you fainted. Also when you got up they yelled "It's the rise of the Dead! Everyone RUN for your lifes!" That was funny. Anyways I answered so what's up? -  Jennifer

To: Boomshakalaka sent 8:41pm :

Yah! That isn't funny! Everyone thought I was a zombie after. Anyways, the reason I messaged you was because I made a new friend named Kimberely. She's really nice. I have this overly protected friend named Chanyeol. He's really handsome. Ah yeah, I'm in Class A. Which means I got to go to an advanced class. Everyone is really nice there. But the strange thing is I'm the only girl. I was expecting the girl Kimberely to go there. However, she doesn't. I have an enemy that dislikes me for being in that class. She tried pouring water on my head until Chanyeol shoved me away and got himself wet. It's really nice here. You should come visit on winter break. Let's spend christmas together. - Ohani 

After reading that message Jennifer sent me brightened up my day more. That day of the dead thing was awesome. Everyone forgot about that in Junior year. Anyways, I headed towards my car and lead myself home. The night is so beautiful I lowered my windows to breath the fresh air to clean my mind out of things. I thought of nothing and it felt so good to do that. It felt like when I was in the family vacation I went with my mom and dad to the beach. That day was awesome. I was relaxed, I had no pressure towards me. I was school-free and free from everything else. I had my mind empty. I thought of nothing. I just layed on the sand. The skys were blue. The air was fresh. The weather was cool.. 

I haven't realized I'm home already. Wow, to much day dreaming for me. I need some rest. Lots of things happened today. I got out the car, got my stuff and locked it. I went to my apartment number. I see a sign on the door. 

Hey Ohani, it's me the owner of the apartments. I had to let some people in your apartment. They came from the states I think and they had lots of packages for you. I think from your old home. So, if there's anything wrong, please contact me. You know where I am. Sorry for letting them in and not contacting you. Nothing got damaged in your home. I was there to take cover for you. - Owner

That's really nice of him. I guess more unpacking for me. I walked in my apartment and everything was arranged. I looked at the note again.

Ah yeah, I had some speacialist to arrange your stuff. Came out good right? Then again I'm sorry. Your new and you seemed really sad when you first came in. I was also covering for you in case they stole something. 

Wow, I can't believe he actually did that for me. I wasn't even here that long. That's so nice for him. I owe him a big one... I start looking at everything all the plates and dishes were arrange beautifully, the couches of my mothers where were I had thought of placing them. My dad's T.V is in the living room. The bathroom was arranged as well. My room was C.L.E.A.N. That's so nice. I got ready for bed and washed up. My day got better. I day dreamed of my mom again. She did the ritual.... 



Why does she keep day dreaming? You'll know later in the story.

Should I keep updating? Let me know in the comments below. 

ForeverDongBanShinKi | asianfanfics

Kpopforeveer_ | Instagram (not personal)

Danifeer_ | wattpad

My Life As Kim Ohanie by Daniela Avalos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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