Chapter 1

My Life As Kim Ohani (EXO Fanfic)
The smell of sweet cinnamon rushed against me. While the the beam of light shooting through the white soft curtains, make my eyes water a bit. I slowly got up against the big bed frame and opened my eyes a bit trying not to tear up. All this moving has gotten me sad and alone. I miss my old friends from America. Oh how I wish they were here. However, I have to make myself more sufficient and strong. Not to tear up. I know I'll find new friends, although they might not as perfect as my other friends, they can be more than that. 
The thing is.. I need more than just friends. I need my parents. I wish my Mom was here to help me out and had make me stay in America. But I couldn't... I had no more Mom or Dad since the incident that had happened 2 months ago. I couldn't help but move. Seeing where I had grew up, picturing my precious memories of my parents. Crying myself to sleep every night. My grades going lower, my social self had been gone... My close friends leaving me one by one.. The only person who was there was my best friend..
I slowly moved to the edge of the bed, while putting on my fluffy white slippers. I felt a big pound on my chest all of a sudden. I hear my phone go off. It's a text message from Jennifer. She is going to be wondering where I am right now. Should I answer her message? Should I even read it? I take my phone and unlocked it. 
From: BoomShakalaka :) received at 5:54am
Yah! Ohani, answer this message immediately.. How can you leave just like that not even say good bye to anyone. Do you know how frighten I am.?! Yes, I know I had been gone for a month sorry. You know ' Our Cafe ' needed my assistance. Where are you? I'm picking you up. I know you're reading this so hurry answer. - Jennifer
After reading that message, my eyes started tearing up immediately. I know I had to say goodbye. However, I couldn't I had to leave as soon as possible. I couldn't stay in America any longer. Should I give her a reason why I had left?.
To: BoomShakalaka :) Sent 6:01am
I'm sorry. I had to leave Jen. There was no way out of that pain full and loneliness I have been having. I'm in Seoul, South Korea. You know. Where my mom and dads' family is at. I'm truly sorry. I miss you so much. It's beautiful here. No more sadness. I'm living in my new apartment not to fancy, I still need furniture however, I have my room furniced. My apartment is close to a high school that I'll be going to starting today. So I need to get ready. Annyong best friend. - Ohani
As I had now sent that message, I knew that I needed to say that at some point. Although some of it is a lie... There is still loneliness inside me. I have to let that out at some point as well. My mom and dad are now in a better place. I now have to take responsibility for myself starting today. I have to find a decent job of course. My phone had gone off again. I unlocked and read the new message.
From: BoomShakalaka :) Received at 6:10am
Wow. Why did you leave.? You seemed fine. Is it about what happened to you're parents.? You have to be happy they're in a better place now. I'll let you go now. I have to go to school. Contact me when you can okay. So we can talk calmly I'm worried about you Ohani. Please don't do anything dumb okay. - Jennifer
That message really got me. Yes, I know they're in a better place now. Aish.. I have to get ready for my first day of school in Korea. Good thing I am bilingual.
I get up from my comfy bed heading towards the restroom to wash up. I grab my long dark-brown hair and tie it as a piggy tail. I grab my my tooth brush and paste and wet it a bit. I start brushing my teeth as the mintyness of it goes around. As I finished, I rinse. Next I turn the handle from the sink as the fresh cold water comes out. I grab both my hands for water and rinse my face. I go back to my room and towards my closet. 
I grab some light blue jeans and a white tight shirt with a soft light creamy looking hoodie and dressed up. Since, I haven't gotten my uniform yet. I went back to the restroom and placed a bit of BB Cream on my face hiding some blemishes I had. Then washed my hands so no make up stained my hoodie. I Fix up my hair to a messy bun, not to perfect but make it as comfy as possible.
I go to the kitchen and turned the stove on and grab the pancake mix I have gotten yesturday. I grab a bowl and pour the mix and stir it with a bit of water and wait till its all creamy. I get the deep spoon and grab the creamy mix. Slowly pouring it in the pan making a perfect circle. As it cooked I got my plate and my Nutella and a Banana to boost my energy a bit up. It was finished, I got a spoon and spread the Nutella all over and cut the Banana to small circles and place it all around the pancake. As I ate the pancake I was day dreaming of how it would have tasted better if my mom would have made it with some bubble tea on the side. 
I had now finished my breakfast of the day. 
I grabbed my bag, keys, registration forms, and phone. I headed towards the door and opened it. The cold breeze of the wind passes by making my eyes shut. I slowly opened my eyes and smiled. I knew today would be perfect. I lock the door and headed towards my car. I opened it and got in as I turned it on the car and also turning the heater on. I put seat belt on for saftey and had put my GPS on for help to find the highschool. It was named "Korean Minjok Leadership Academy".
I headed towards it, my head started hurting from all the turning. I had finally found the school. I parked by a side walk about 1 minute away from the school. I grabbed all my stuff especially my registration forms or it'll be a pain coming all the way back from the office. I got out of the car locking it and walked to the school. As soon as I got there, I stood back a bit and said to myself. "Wow, this is such a HUGE School.". 
As I walked in through the huge gates I saw lots of people staring at me with some unpleased looks. I fast walked to the nearest person that I could find that didn't seem mean. I remembered that from now on I have to speak Korean or I'll be looked as a freak.
" Hello?" You tapped someones shoulder
" Yes? How can I help you?"
Wow. Am I dreaming or what?! I see his soft light milky skinned face with big eyes and soft cheeks. He looks likes an angel. Am I in heaven? I ask myself. I feel my skin getting warmer and warmer. Gosh! Am I blushing?! How embaressing. I hope I'm not aish! Have I forgot to answer him. Okay okay Ohani calm down.. You straighten up and say.
" Ah, yeah. Can you show me where the registration office is at? If you dont mind?" I ask kindly
" Sure c'mon." He said with a great personality
As him and I walked we had a small conversation.
"So? Are you coming from a different school?" he asks
"Eh, yeah and I come from a different country as well." I say
" Oh really? Do you come from America? What's you're name?" He asked with a questioned face
" Yeah, I do, I come from America. My name is Kim, Kim Ohani." I say politely
" Oh so you're Korean as well? Haha at first I thought you were like different you seemed like you came from Thailand." he said joking
" Haha well you thought wrong mister. I forgot to ask, what's you're name?" I asked curiously
" My name is Park Chanyeol." he said
" Oh that seems interesting what does you're name mean? " I asked more curiously 
" My names means lots of things like Park means surname which can mean simple or magnolia tree and Chan means brilliant, vivid, illuminating, and bright. Yeol means ardent, violent, and vehement. So that's pretty much it what my name means. What does you're name mean? Ah yeah I haven't mentioned.. I'm a bit bipolar.. " He asks
"That's fine my bestfriend is like that, Well my name meaning is, for Kim it's just a surname. My name Ohani means, strong and brave, happy and succesfull." I say
Wow, I actually rememeber the meaning of my name. My parents sure did know how to name me. 
" Wow, that seems very interesting. Anywho, we are now at the registration office. Want me to come with you?" Chanyeol asks
" Sure if you want?" i say
Him and I both walk in while some girls in the corner of the office give me a bad look. We go to the front desk and I take out my registration form and hand it to the nice lady. 
"Um, mam I'm here to get my schedule and to turn in my registation forms." i say
"Ah, yeah. Your Kim Ohani right?" she asks curiously
" Yes, yes I am." i say happy
"We've been expecting you. The director and everyone are proud that you are here. I see you have met one of our finest students. You'll be in the same classes as him and his other classmates. Just don't get to excited. Okay. So here is you're schedule. You'll be starting today. You can get you're uniform at the end of school. I'll give you a note so you can show the teachers that you're new and you'll get your uniform today. Please enjoy our school. And have a nice day." The nice lady says
" Oh thank you so very much and same to you." I smile and leave with Chanyeol.
I wonder why the teacher had said not to be to excited. I wonder what would get me excited.? 
As Chanyeol and I walked, I felt some eyes staring at me like if I had killed someone. Am I not welcomed at this school? So much negativity. So then again Chanyeol and I had another small conversation while heading towards the classroom.
" Don't mind them Ohani." He had said out of no where
"Mind what Yeol?" I said
" The staring I know you're feeling like you're not wanted here, those girls.. Don't listen to what they say to you. They're just being rude and ignorant. " he said with a serious face
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind, thanks for the advice. Can I ask you something?" I asked curious
"Sure what is it?" He said
" Why would those girls be rude to me? Is it because I'm not a fashionista like them or because I am-" I said while being interrupted
Chanyeol step in front of me while I bumped my head on his back. As I peak a little bit on why he had gotten in front of me. 
"Well look who we got here gals, another little miss wanna be." Said the girl with lots of make up on and a short skirt while a lolly pop.
"Yah! What are you looking at.? Why are you with my Oppa" the other friend of the girl said
"Um, what?" You asked with a confused look and you turned to Chanyeol that had an angry face on 
"Leave her alone Hana.! She hasn't done anything to you. Stop being so ignorant." Chanyeol said with an angry voice
"Why should I? Everybody knows not to be close to-" Hana was interrupted by Chanyeol
"Not to be close to who huh? Me? You don't own me. So just back off you little-" I interrupted Chanyeol
"Chanyeol stop it. Like you said just ignore them, c'mon lets go. We are going to be late." I said 
Chanyeol nodded and we both walked towards the classroom which was 9 more steps ahead of us. I saw Chanyeol shove the girl Hana. I didn't say anything because he seemed really angry.
"Chanyeol are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah, yeah I am. Just please don't listen to those ignorant girls. If they do something to you, don't pay attention to them. It's your first day here. I don't want them to ruin it for you." He said still staring at the girls that were now 9 steps away from us. 
We stepped in the class while Chanyeol and I bowed. I saw some handsome men standing up walking towards Chanyeol and I. 
"Hey, what's up Yeol!" Someone with a big smile comes to Chanyeol and gives him a highfive.
"Hey, Lay um, this is Ohani, Kim Ohani." Chanyeol introduced me 
"Hey Ohani, wait hold on let's get the other guys to meet you." Lay said while telling the guys to come over to where I was. 
"Yah! Guys I need to introduce to someone that Chanyeol had brought." He said shutting all of the guys up
"Everyone this is Kim Ohani. I guess this is our new fellow classmate Mr.Kim had been telling us about." Lay had said
"Ah yes I'm new he-he-here. Please take care of me. I don't want to be a bother." I had said stuttering and bowing down
Suddenly I felt someone rushing towards me and I stood up, while he just comes out of no where to hug me. 
"Hello Ohani.! Omo you're so beautiful, your hair, skin, and shape is perfect! Anywho I'm Baekhyun, you can call me Bacon if you'd like or maybe Oppa." Baek had said while he hugged me tightly
"Yah.! You guys introduce yourselves Chanyeol yelled
"Aish! Okay Okay.." They all said
"Hello.! We are EXO! I'm Kai, D.O, Kris, Ximunin, Luhan, Suho, Sehun, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Lay, Tao, and I'm Chen.!"
Have they all just introduced themselves to me. Oh my, I didn't expect my class to be all boys. This is obviously the popular group of the school. I don't want to be hated. I think I should just move to a regular class. However, I just can't leave like that. I need to speak to Chanyeol about this. I feel concerned about my safety. I do remember what had happened in middle school. I don't want to hang around the wrong people again. But these guys seem like an ordinary happy group. Chanyeol seems to already show me how kind he can be. Okay, now I have to stop freaking day dreaming once again. I heard something bump into my shoulder I noticed Chanyeol staring at me with his head tilted in confusion. He gave me a signal saying to stop day dreaming. 
My face was in a sad mood, I automatically made it to a shy joyful kind
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you" I smiled at every single handsome guy in this room 
"Well what are we waiting for let's show her where she should sit." Lay had said
They didn't have ordinary desks' like the ordinary classrooms. I mean I have to admit this classroom is one of the biggest classrooms I have been in. The walls were white. There were 13 big nice and furnished desks with all there names carved in a wooden name placement. I saw an empty seat that they have prepared for me. I noticed I also had my name carved. Wow I guess I didn't have to introduce myself if they already knew my name. I was making the desk more like me I opened the little door on the right lower drawer and placed my brown autumn bag with fashioned leaves i placed the bag inside to make sure it wouldn't be taken. I took out my panda journal and my mechanical pencil to make myself prepared. 
The bell had rung and all of us were in there seats. 
Chatting and laughing is what the guys were doing while I just sat there.
"Goodmorning everyone" a strange man had said that I assumed was a teacher because he had his pointer in his right hand and a book held in his left hand. He had a nice personality as I see with my eye. He wasn't to much of a well dressed teacher. He had a black collar shirt, blue jeans, and some black converse. His hair was fully grown and his smile was nice and warming. He seems familiar as if I had seen him on T.V when I was exploring the channels the other night. 
"Goodmorning Mr.Kim" everyone had said with a lazy sleeping kind of voice
Well it's my first FanFic. 
Please Vote and Comment. 
Guess who The teacher is.! 
This story is dedicated to my BestFriend @jennifervaldez_
Creative Commons License
My Life As Kim Ohanie by Daniela Avalos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Chapter 1: hi, i'm new. I am interested in your fanfiction. Could I reshare your fanfiction on my personal blog (wp)?If I am allowed, I will share your fanfiction in bahasa. jebalyo :)please reply my comment :)
BeautifulOblivion #2
Chapter 1: Please update^^