Chapter 6- The First.

The SHINing Detectives. Case One.

After about an hour or two the Exo members decided that it was time to leave. They would occasionally talk to me but most of the time they actually danced. Smiling, I stood up and watched them pack up.Jonghyun couldn't stop glaring at me. Sighing, I walked out of the room and up the stairs, into the living room. I knew why he glared at me. He didn't understand anything though. He didn't understand anything that happened to me whilst I was alive or what happened in my last moments. Tears unconsciously slipped down my cheeks. As soon as I realised they were there, I wiped them away and looked at the ground.
"Are you alright?" I heard somebody ask. It was Kai.
"I thought you left," I mumbled. He chuckled.
"I'm sleeping round here tonight. We were talking about it earlier, you probably too busy watching Sehun dance," he told me. I just sighed.
"Now seriously, are you alright?" he asked me once again. I just gave him a smile as the members of SHINee jogged upstairs.
"Kai, you'll be sleeping in the guest room," Onew said he wiped his forehead.
"Alright but what about Jay? Where's she going to sleep?" Kai questioned.
"She's a dead. She doesn't need to sleep," Jonghyun replied. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"What gives you that idea?" Hades asked as he appeared beside me. Jonghyun just glared at me.
"It's alright. He's probably right," I mumbled. Hades tried to say something but I just stood on his foot. Groaning, he looked at me in pain and disappeared once again.
"Omo, have you seen the time?! No wonder I'm so tired," Key exclaimed.
"But we haven't even had anything to eat," Taemin moaned.
"You can cook yourself something because I'm going to bed," Key said before walking away. After a couple of seconds later Onew and Minho followed Key, yawning.
"If you want I'll show you the room you're sleeping in even though you've slept quite a few times before," Taemin muttered. Kai nodded before they walked out of the room leaving me alone with Jonghyun. Silence engulfed the room, drowning me in the process. He glares piercing my soul.
"Why did you say that you don't have a mum?" he asked me after a while.
"I lost my mother when she married your father," I hissed, spitting the word 'father' out like it was poison in my mouth. His glare intensified sending shivers down my spine.
"Oh. I get it now. You're jealous that she was happy. We were happy," he smirked.
"You know nothing. Nothing! And you think I'm jealous. Jealous!" I yelled, as I felt my eyes go red.
"I know more than you will ever know," he snapped.
"What do you know then? Do you know what happened when you weren't there? Do you know what I went through? Of course you don't because you don't care about it or me," I screamed. He stumbled backwards.
"So that's what you're angry at-" Jonghyun started.
"Just get out of here before I actually try to kill you," I sighed. He tried to talk to me but I couldn't. I couldn't.
"Just get out!" I screamed. He rushed out of the room. As soon as I couldn't see his body mine fell to the ground. Tears streaking down my cheeks. After a while I pulled my body towards the sofa and I laid down and stared at the ceiling. Tears seemed to be never ending. Sadness overwhelmed my body and after a while all my energy drained with my tears. Soon after I felt myself slowly fall to sleep.


I found myself in the woods. The exact same wood as the ones I was murdered in. Shocked, a gasp escaped my lips as my eyes rushed around, trying to locate him. After a while I gave up and just sat on the floor. Just then I heard a scream. For some reason I found myself run towards in it instead of running away. As soon as I arrived my stomach churned and my eyes widened in disgust. He was there with one of the girls who he had 'practised' with, the first one in-fact. A sick grin filled his face but for some reason I couldn't remember his name. It was like something was stopping me.
"I hope I did this right. It needs to be perfect. She needs a perfectly horrible death. Was it painful?" he chuckled before pushing the poor girls body away.
"Such a waste of fake beauty. Wrong place. Wrong time. I wonder if anybody loved you? Nobody loves her so I'll be doing the world a favour," he sighed before standing up and looking around. I stumbled backwards in shock causing my foot to land on a stick which made a loud crack. His eyes met mine and he rushed towards me. My screams echoed through the woods as I attempted to run away. Suddenly, I felt like my arms were being shaking and a voice bounced through my head calling my name, screaming for me to wake up. Everything went blurry and soon disappeared, leaving me in a black room.

End Of Dream.

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love the story! update soon! =)