Chapter 2- Why?

The SHINing Detectives. Case One.

Sighing,I stared at the shocked boys.

"You're Jonghyun's sister? I didn't know he even had a sister," the youngest said.

"Well now you do," I smirked.

"Why don't you have a Korean name?" one asked.

"Because I'm not Korean. When am I going to find out your names?" I asked.

"Well you obviously know Jonghyun. I'm Lee Jinki but I prefer to be called Onew. This is Kim Kibum but he prefers to be called Key. This is Choi Minho and this is Lee Taemin," the leader smiled. I nodded and looked at the boys.

"So,why here of all places? Why not a Police Station?" Minho asked me. I glared at him.

"I'm pretty sure that I would rather go there instead. It wasn't my idea," I snarled. He stumbled back.

"Yah. Didn't your mum teach you any manners?" Key asked,crossing his arms. I made my eyes go black.

"I haven't got a mum. I never will," I growled. Jonghyun raised his eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," Key said before bowing.

"What are you bowing for? She had a perfectly healthy mum when she was alive," Jonghyun told Key. Key frowned and crossed his arms.

"Can I leave now?" I asked Hades in my head.

"Yes, say goodbye and I'll take you somewhere that you can scare them at," Hades chuckled.

"Thanks," I told him.

"Well, I'm leaving because you all bore me," I sighed. They all looked at me.

"But we have so many questions for you," Taemin shouted. Everything span and the practice room disappeared to be replaced with a bedroom. Just then someone appeared in front of me. It was Hades.

"Where have you brought me now?" I asked him. He smiled.

"How do I look?" he asked as black smoke danced around his body.

"What are you doing?" I replied.

"Becoming better," he told me as the smoke disappeared. He looked better.

"Well you don't look like a creep anymore so you look good," I smiled as he glared at me.

"If you look around you will find out where we are," he frowned crossing his arms. I started looking around the room. I could tell that it belonged to a boy. In the corner there was a table. I walked over to it.

"You can stop pouting you now, it's annoying," I told Hades.

"You can't even see me," he said as he walked up behind me,"anyway, have you got anything yet?"

"It's a male's bedroom. He is quite tidy and he shares this house,"I told him.

"How do you know he shares with others," he asked me,surprise clouding his voice.

"I don't know," I replied as I picked up the picture.

"What are you doing?" he asked me as I looked at the picture.

"What does it look like?" I snapped. Just then my eyes widened.

"Why here?" I asked.

"Why do you think?" he joked. Growling, I sat down on the bed after putting the photo back.

"Who's bedroom do you think this belongs to?" he asked me, sitting down beside me. Just then the door was pushed open and a girly scream rang threw the house. It was...

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love the story! update soon! =)