Chapter 4


The next day, Yongsun went to his grandmother's and Yongguk sat on the edge of the bed. He held the plate of food out for you and ordered you to eat. You mindlessly shoveled the food in your mouth without tasting it and he sat there watching you. When you were done, you handed the plate back and saw the relief in his eyes. Then he went to kiss you but you turned away and laid back down, hiding under the blanket. After a minute, you heard him leave and only then did you poke your head out of the blanket.
Slowly, you sat up and scooted to the edge of the bed. Then you stood up and shuffled out of the room. It was silent as you walked around, feeling just as empty. You weren't sure why but your feet lead you to a door and you hesitantly opened it. As it swung open, your eyes roamed around the nursery. It was empty as well.
What you were expected you did know but you went ahead and took a couple steps inside the room. The crib pressed up against one wall and a dresser against another. You slowly approached the dress and ran your fingers over the top of it. Taking a shaky breath, you grabbed one of the drawer handles and opened it. Then you gasped. It was empty.
Your hands flew to the other drawers, yanking them open but each one was empty as well. Then you ran to the closet and threw it open. The shoes, the dresses, the blankets. All gone.
A choking sob caught in your throat as your hands covered your mouth and you sank to the floor. It was gone. All of it. All of her.
You curled up in a ball as you shrieked and cried from the pain in your heart.

You felt someone grab you and then you were lifted in the air. Yongguk carried you back to the bedroom and laid you on the bed. Then he went to curl up with you but you pushed him away.
You sat up and glared accusingly at him. "It's gone. All of it."
He let out a little breath and his lips. "I thought.."
"Give it back." you interrupted.
"I didn't think you wanted.."
"What I wanted?" you questioned. "I want my daughter! I want her! Give her back to me!"
He tried to reach for you only to smack his arm away. "You had no right!" you continued, yelling.
He stood up and grabbed the blanket, ripping it off the bed.
"What are you.."
"I've had enough." he firmly said. "You're getting up."
"Just leave me alone!"
You glared angrily at him and felt your eyes water again. "You don't even understand!" You placed your hands on your stomach. "I had to give birth to my dead daughter! And you're just trying to erase her! Acting like she never existed!"
He stared at you in disbelief. "How can you think that?"
You pointed towards the nursery "You can't erase her like that!"
"I'm not trying to erase her!" he yelled.
You pressed your lips together and continued glaring at him.
"You think I'm not hurting?!" he demanded, glaring at you now too. "She was my daughter as well! I lost her too! Just cause I'm not laying in bed all day doesn't mean I'm not hurting!"
You stared at him wide-eyed, his face turning red from yelling at you.
"I can't lay down and cry like you cause I'm trying to keep everything together! Working! Taking care of you!" He pointed at the doorway as a few tears rolled down his cheeks. "Taking care of our son! Who keeps asking for his mother!! You don't think he's hurting either?!" Without warning, he turned and the small, bedside table flew through the air before smashing in to the wall. "YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY ONE SUFFERING!!" he screamed at you.
Then you heard a whimper.
Yongguk turned real fast and you let out a strangled gasp when you saw Yongsun standing in the doorway. Clutching his teddy bear and tears falling from his eyes.
"Buddy." Yongguk softly said. "I.."
Before he could say anything else, Yongsun ran away and then you heard his bedroom door close.

Yongguk closed his eyes and his head dropped down. You watched as his shoulders shook as a few sobs tore from him. Carefully you stepped off the bed and gently placed a hand on his arm. Only to have him brush it off. Like you had been brushing him off the past couple of days. Then without looking at you, he wiped his face and walked out of the room. You stood there silently and heard him knock on Yongsun's door before opening it.
"Hey little man, can I talk to you?"
You moved over to the doorway and leaned against it, catching a small glimpse of Yongsun's room as Yongguk walked into it.
"You and mommy were fighting."
"I know, I'm sorry. Daddy shouldn't have yelled like that."
"Was it cause of me?"
You closed your eyes as you felt more tears form.
"No of course not." Yongguk quickly said. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"Then why were you mad?"
There was a few moments of silence before Yongguk replied. "Because daddy's sad."
"Because of sissy."
"I wish she was here too."
"I know. You would have made a good big brother."
"Yes. And I want you to remember something for me."
"What?" Yongsun asked eagerly.
"I promise I'll never hurt you. No matter how mad daddy gets."
"Or mommy?"
"Or mommy. I love you both so much, I could never hurt either of you."
"Daddy was really scary." Yongsun quietly stated.
"I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I did something really bad and I'll never do it again."
"When I do something bad, mommy makes me sit in the time out chair."
Yongguk chuckled. "Does daddy need a time out?"
"Yes!" Yongsun declared before giggling.
"Okay. Daddy will get a time out."
"Can you make me dinner first?"
"Of course baby boy. You can even help."
"Yay!" Then you saw Yongsun run out of the room and down the hallway.
A few seconds later, Yongguk appeared and he glanced at you. Your eyes met for only a second before he turned away and made his way down the hallway as well.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 5: Yongsun was too cute to handle.
Chapter 5: That was so sad...but I'm so glad everything was in like, they didnt break up and she didn't like, harm herself T-T
Chapter 5: This is really beautiful. :")
Chapter 4: Oh Yongguk. :"(
Chapter 3: Why do I feel like crying too. :(
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwww.... :"(
azskmee #7
This story have the same concept of Dramione fics named a Heavy Loss, New Beginning. However its has it owns vibe to it.
This is more light and crisp.
Good job!
Chapter 5: i love your stories... the one with angst... and the one with too much sugar too... and this one too. i read this many times but never bored... :-)
Chapter 5: Omg! I cried! The feels!!! So much feels!!! I love your stories!!!!!
Chapter 5: *crying without tears*
So she is okay? I don't know, I want her to be pregant again. But the pace will be ruined then. Just a slow pace but already make my heart sunk~
Nice work Author-nim! b(^0^)d
Keep supporting B. A. P and hwaiting for your next fanfiction ^^