Chapter 2


The next morning, you and Yongguk arrived at the hospital for your checkup. You laid on the bed as the doctor came in the room to do an ultrasound.
"So this should hopefully be your last check up huh?" she asked excitedly.
You smiled and eagerly nodded. "I hope so."
"For more than one reason right?" she asked teasingly and the both of you laugh.
"She seems excited to get out too." Yongguk joked. "She certainly moves around enough."
"Well let's see what she's doing now." the doctor said and squeezed the gel on to you. Then she placed the ultrasound transducer on your stomach and moved it around. "Let's find that heartbeat first."
You laid there and patiently waited to hear it but the sound never came.
"She's hiding today." the doctor commented. "Let's just go to the imaging and figure out where she is. Then we'll listen to the heartbeat."
You pressed your lips together and swallowed. Then you felt Yongguk grab your hand and squeezed it. You looked up at him and the two of you shared a smile before your attention went back to the doctor. Then your heart skipped a beat when you saw her face and the way her eyebrows furrowed. The doctor position the transducer to a new spot and then hit a few buttons.
You glanced back over at Yongguk as he moved to see the screen but you couldn't read his expression.
"What is it?" you asked as a sinking feeling grew in your chest.
The doctor hit a few more buttons and then removed the transducer from your stomach. "I'm so sorry." she said as she turned to you with a sad look. "There is no heartbeat."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you stared at her in shock. Then you shook your head. "No. No. That can't be. She was just kicking me last night like she always does. She... She..."
"I'm sorry." the doctor said once more with a heavy finality in her voice.
Your head turned real fast to your husband. "Yongguk." you whined.
There were tears in his eyes as he swallowed and then looked at you. "Honey.."
"No." you interrupted. "No. No. No."
He quickly leaned down and wrapped his arms around you as the tears welled up. You barely even heard the doctor leave the room to give you some privacy. All you could do was repeatedly deny it and cry in to Yongguk's shoulder.
"I'm so sorry." he murmured.
You pushed him back a little so you could see his face. "Tell me this is just a bad joke. A nightmare. This can't be happening."
He swallowed and shook his head as more tears spilled from his eyes. "I saw on the screen. She wasn't moving."
"But last night. She was... She..."
"I know." he quietly said and placed a hand on your stomach. In the same exact spot from the previous night. "I know."
You closed your eyes as you cried. "This can't be happening. It just can't." Then you felt Yongguk holding you again.
It seemed like forever until the doctor finally returned, her own eyes a little puffy. "I am so sorry for your loss."
"How did... How..." Yongguk stammered.
"We can run some tests and perform an autopsy. See if it was from infection or maybe a birth defect. Sometimes there is no apparent cause though." she said and then turned to you. "Usually your body will start labor within two weeks on it's own. Or you can elect to induce. I can fit you in today."
You looked up at the ceiling in thought but the idea of waiting as long as two weeks. Not feeling her move... "I want to be induced." you quickly said.
"Alright. We'll get you admitted."

Yongguk made a couple of quick calls, including one to his mother and asked her to keep Yongsun over night so he could stay at the hospital with you. Then you were taken to a room and hooked up to an IV. They administered the drugs and a few hours later, it was finally over. You stared at the ceiling, feeling so exhausted and drained. Both physically and mentally, and you wondered how much more you could take today. Then the nurse came in, holding a bundle in a pink blanket.
You watched as Yongguk took the bundle from the nurse before they left and he held his baby girl. Then you looked away.
"You want to hold her?" he said as you felt him sit on the bed next to you.
You didn't say anything or look at him though.
Again you didn't stir and he stayed quiet for a while before breaking the silence. "She has your nose." he quietly said.
You closed your eyes and felt him place a hand on you. Taking several deep breaths, you finally turned to face him and he held her out for you. You carefully took her and swallowed hard when you saw her face. She did have your nose. And she had his chin. She looked a lot like her brother. And like she was sleeping. Then your heart sped up as your breathing became labored. Your eyes watered and you shook your head.
"It's..." he started but you didn't let him finish.
"Take her." you told him, your voice cracking. "Just take her. Please."
He quickly took her from you and you rolled over in the bed as you cried. His hand found yours and squeezed tightly but it was only a small consolation compared to the way your heart was twisting and squeezing inside your chest.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 5: Yongsun was too cute to handle.
Chapter 5: That was so sad...but I'm so glad everything was in like, they didnt break up and she didn't like, harm herself T-T
Chapter 5: This is really beautiful. :")
Chapter 4: Oh Yongguk. :"(
Chapter 3: Why do I feel like crying too. :(
Chapter 2: Awwwwwwwww.... :"(
azskmee #7
This story have the same concept of Dramione fics named a Heavy Loss, New Beginning. However its has it owns vibe to it.
This is more light and crisp.
Good job!
Chapter 5: i love your stories... the one with angst... and the one with too much sugar too... and this one too. i read this many times but never bored... :-)
Chapter 5: Omg! I cried! The feels!!! So much feels!!! I love your stories!!!!!
Chapter 5: *crying without tears*
So she is okay? I don't know, I want her to be pregant again. But the pace will be ruined then. Just a slow pace but already make my heart sunk~
Nice work Author-nim! b(^0^)d
Keep supporting B. A. P and hwaiting for your next fanfiction ^^