
The Reason I Became A Witch


          I couldn't believe it at first, but after a while, I decided to accept it. I was a witch. Cooooool. Maybe not so cool when you think about how being a witch is why a madwoman is after my head, but nonetheless, it made me feel special.
          "Hey, Hyemi, you're smiling to yourself like an idiot again." Sehun said. "You've zoned out five times in the last five minutes." Great. I may have been a witch, but Sehun thought I was an idiot. 
          "It's not my fault! I've lived my whole life believing that I had no powers at all!" I defended myself. 
          "That's it!" Luhan snapped his fingers. Must have been a lightbulb moment. "All elemental powers are hereditary! How could I not have thought of that before?" 
          "I've never heard of that before. Where'd you get that info?" I knew that that was impossible, because even my parents insisted that I was powerless when I was younger. 
          "But I thought that was common knowledge to everyone..." Luhan trailed off, obviously confused. Sehun just shook his head,  just as confused as we were. 
          We all just sat there, so I tried to break the awkward silence. "Well whatever it is, let's just be happy that we have one more person with powers. It'll help when someone attacks us." 
          Sehun said, "Uh huh."  Luhan still looked bewildered. He nodded really slowly, then stood up and said, "Let's go." I guess he decided to drop the topic for now. 
          That night, I couldn't sleep again, so I decided to step out. Sehun was supposed to be on guard duty, but Luhan was out there with him. They were discussing something, but it didn't seem too important, so I decided to join them. 
          I tried to walk over quietly, but I guess I wasn't being careful, because some leaves crunched under my feet. Why does this keep happening to me? They both looked up immediately, and when they saw me they both shut up. I guess what they were talking about was important. I was pondering whether or not to ask them about it, but my curiosity got the better of me.
          "Sooo... what were you talking about?" I hoped they would tell me.
          "Um... "Sehun looked to Luhan for help. I think Luhan thought it was okay to tell me, because he just said it straight. "We were talking about you."
          "Okaaay." Weird. What is there to talk about?
          "Not you, actually, your powers." Sehun specified. Oh. Okay. "Do you have any idea what kind of powers you have?"
          "None at all." I said, disappointed. "Like I've said before, that was the first time that happened." 
          Luhan looked thoughtful. "I actually thought of something, but it seems impossible." 
          "What is it?" I was getting more and more curious. 
          Suddenly, my bag jumped out from our tent. The zipper opened up, and my pocket knife flew out. It zipped through the air and went for Sehun. I didn't fully understand what was going on, but I knew that the only person here who could control inanimate objects was Luhan. I couldn't wrap my mind around it, but it was the only explanation. How could he try to hurt Sehun!?
          Luhan, WHAT are you doing!? Drop the knife right now!
          The knife dropped to the floor. Luhan blinked his eyes, once, twice, then he rubbed them, stood up, and walked back into our tent.
          I immediately turned my attention to Sehun. "Are you okay?" 
          "Yeah, I'm good." He seemed awfully calm for someone who was almost knifed in the face. 
          "What's his problem?" I was still pissed. Sehun could've gotten hurt!
          "Thanks for caring, but Luhan's always like this. Don't worry about it, and just go back to sleep, okay?" Sehun said it with a sweet smile, willing me to believe that it was really okay. I decided for the moment to trust him. 
          Leaving Sehun outside, I went back in the tent. Luhan was already sound asleep, a small smile playing on his lips. 
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Lillian1997 #1
this story is quite interesting, keep it up :)
afiercesong #2
Awesome story!!
Hi, I love the plot line and the idea about this but I would suggest changing that red color that you used for the description. It is a little hard to see what you have written.