Personal Message

I'm just a K-pop and anime lover. Maybe not just. I love a lot of genres, war, psychological, romance, action. Just all. Well, I love to try out new things(I could say) that and I'm still figuring out how in the world layouts could be coded. If you are familiar with them, perhaps you could teach me? Maybe I'm asking a little too much...

About Me

I'm always on a search for story ideas because I have the love of writing. I wish I could learn a lot from the writers here as there are always room for improvement. Well, I'll get to know you more if you wish to be friends with me but I wish you could start the conversation first.

There would be no doubt an endless conversation if we were about to talk about writing/ideas and things regarding these; I tend to get excited when someone mention them. 

Looking forward to collaborating with various writers in stories just be committed to your work:)

i ship them :p | via Facebook

Just love these two:)