Chapter 4

Adopted Siblings (Discontinued)

A/N: Sorry but I actually don't know anything about wrestling so I'm just making everything up ^^ 

October, 10, 2013

Jinhee walks into the familiar bakery and was greeted by the smell of cake, she strides to the front counter as her eyes skim the menu board "Welcome to Sweet Honey Bakery may I take your order?" The worker asked with a polite smile on her lips "Can I have--" Jinhee was cut off when Woohyun walks out "Cream puffs dipped in chocolate?" He ask with a knowing smile, the worker bows when Woohyun approaches them, Jinhee scoffs and rolls her eyes "Aesook don't let her pay, it'll be my treat" Woohyun said with a sweet smile

"Woohyun--" Jinhee opens but Woohyun sends her a glare making her close with a huff, Woohyun smiles and pats Aesook's shoulder "Also add a cup of espresso and a cup of black coffee. Oh, and bring the orders to my office okay?" He said with a wink, Aesook blushes and nods. "Now come Jaygi, we have a lot to catch up on," Woohyun said walking from behind the counter and pulls Jinhee to the back of the store where his office was.

Once they step in the office Jinhee's eyes land on the black leather couch on the side of the room, she walks towards it and jumps on like she was at home and crosses her legs as she sat comfortably. Woohyun rolls his eyes but joins her and takes a seat beside her. Jinhee looks around the office observing the place. The room was painted white and the furnitures were modern, and much like the store up in the front it was coated with the sweet scent of cake. "You like my office?" Woohyun ask with a smile as he glances around the room before his eyes land on Jinhee again. Jinhee nods "It suits your taste" She stated.

There was then a knock on the door and Aesook comes in with a tray, she walks towards them with their orders placing it on the coffee table in front of them "Is there anything else Sir?" Aesook ask shyly "How many times have I told you? Call me Woohyun Oppa okay? And that'll be it thank you" Woohyun flashes her a dazzling smile, Aesook's face turns bright red and she quickly bows and leaves the room. "Are you like that with all your employees?" Jinhee ask grabbing a cream puff and puts the whole thing in and chews happily

"Calm down you'll choke! No one's going to steal your food geez!" Woohyun scolds with a frown ignoring her question, Jinhee just rolls her eyes and puts a cream puff in front of him, motioning for him to take a bite. Woohyun shakes his head and pushes it away, Jinhee shrugs and shoves the treat in "So...why did you call me?" Jinhee ask taking a big sip of her hot black coffee,

Woohyun looks at her like she was crazy before shaking his head "Like I said earlier, we have a lot of catching up to do." Woohyun said taking a small sip of his espresso "So tell me Jinhee, have you already lost your ity yet?" Woohyun ask with a curious look, Jinhee chokes on a cream puff and starts coughing, she quickly grabs her coffee and drinks it to flush down the food and pats her chest "Holy , that was a good way to start a conversation" She said sarcastically.

"I'm curious. I mean you teenagers now and days have at such young age, who knows right? I'm only asking because I care" Woohyun said with a serious face, Jinhee raises an eyebrow at him and smirks "What about you Oppa? Did you have already?" Jinhee ask with mischievous eyes "Yes, it was before I went to England. I was at a party and I meet this girl and she was a good--" Jinhee covered her ear and puts a hand up "Stop! Stop! Stop! To much infomation!" She shakes her head making Woohyun smirk "You wanted to know" He shrugs,

Jinhee frowns and punches his arm "Jerk..." She mutters. Woohyun looks at Jinhee with anticiapation as he waits for her to answer "...Yes" She said after taking a deep breath. Woohyun nods as he rubs his chin, Jinhee scratches the back of her head wondering what Woohyun would say next "Who?" Woohyun ask emotionlessly, Jinhee blinks "What?" She ask "Who did you lose your ity to" He ask looking her in the eyes.

Jinhee swallows the small lump in as she stares back at him "...That's something I know and you will never find out" Jinhee winks with a smirk, Woohyun scowls "I knew you would say that" He grumbles making Jinhee laugh. Jinhee wraps her arms around Woohyun and leans her head on his shoulder "Eh, Oppa" She nugdes him "What?" He asked with a small frown "Let's go for a round" She wiggles her eyebrows, Woohyun looks at her and slowly smirks "Right now? You sure? I won't be gentle" He warns, Jinhee smirks "That's what I want" She whispers.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Jinhee pants heavily as Woohyun slams her down "I told you I won't be gentle" He smirks, out of breath. "Don't get so cocky Oppa" Jinhee said grabbing his arm and flipping him over making a loud thud noise as his body slams against the wrestling mats "Your skills have improved" Woohyun said flipping her over so he was hovering above her "But you've gotten a bit rusty Oppa" Jinhee said gripping his arms and kicks his stomach so he flipped and lands on his back, Woohyun winces and Jinhee quickly pins him down "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! I win!" Jinhee cheers standing up

"You lose!" She points at Woohyun as he just laughs tiredly "Now you owe me a BBQ dinner!" Jinhee said happily, she sits down beside Woohyun with her legs crossed "When are you free hmm?" Jinhee ask grabbing his arm, shaking it lightly "Calm down you hyperactive kid" Woohyun said shaking his head, he sits up and wipes his sweat with a towel nearby and ruffles her hair "Go shower and I'll drive you home, we'll go eat some other time" He said standing up and offering his hand to help her up,

Jinhee grabs his hand and he pulls her up to her feet "You know where the bathroom is right?" Woohyun ask chugging a bottle of water down "I'm going to wear your clothes!" Jinhee shouts as she runs to Woohyun's bedroom, Woohyun chuckles and shakes his head "My shirts are on the top drawer and my new boxers are at the bottom drawer!" Woohyun shouts "I know that!" She shouts back and next he heard the bathroom door slam close.

Woohyun smiles to himself as he plops down on his couch, he looks around his huge living room and sighs, the house where he grew up, the place where his Dad trained wrestlers, the place where he met Kim Jinhee. 


April, 13, 2007

"Remember when your opponent tries to grab your head you grab their leg and flip them over okay?" Mr.Nam explains to the wrestlers. Woohyun stood by his Dad's side and nods "Woohyun can you show an example with Sungyeol please?" Mr.Nam asked tilting his head slightly, Woohyun and Sungyeol nod and stood in the middle of the mat and bow to each other before they got in position. Just when they we're about to start wrestling the door bell rings turning everybody's attention to the front door "Continue" Mr.Nam said and heads towards the door, they nod and continue where they left off. 

Sungyeol advances towards Woohyun first and tries to grab his head and Woohyun ducks down and grabs Sungyeol's leg, lifting him up and over his shoulder making Sungyeol land on the mat with a thud, Woohyun quickly turns around and pins Sungyeol down on the mat and the rest of the wrestlers count to 10 "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ,8 ,9 ,10!" They shout and rings the bell " Woohyun wins!" They cheer, Woohyun stands up with a smile and offers his hand to Sungyeol, Sungyeol smiles and grabs Woohyun's hand "Good match" Woohyun pats Sungyeol's back "Good job" Sungyeol smiles.

"Guys!" Mr.Nam calls for their attention as he walks towards them and the wrestlers notice a girl following him "I want you all to meet Kim Jinhee" Mr.Nam motions to the girl beside him "She will be wrestling with us but won't be joining any competitions, and I hope you guys will all treat her like you would treat any other wrestler and not go easy on her because she's a girl. Understand?" Mr.Nam asked and the boys nod.

"Introduce yourselves" Mr.Nam motions the boys, Woohyun steps up first with a friendly smile "Annyeongahseyo, I'm Nam Woohyun and I'm a senior wrestler" Woohyun said with a friendly smile. Jinhee eyes Woohyun up and down with an emotionless face and gives a curt nod in acknowledgement before looking at the person beside Woohyun. 

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Jinhee sat quietly on the sidelines as she watches the guys practise for an up coming competition "Annyeong" Woohyun sits beside Jinhee, she turns to him and nods politely before turning her attention back to the wrestling match, Woohyun bites the inside of his cheek and taps her shoulder "So...when did you start wrestling Jinhee-ssi?" Woohyun ask trying to start a conversation "Today." Jinhee replies making Woohyun tilte his head in confusion "What? Today? Are you saying you've never wrestled before?" Woohyun ask 

Jinhee nods her head and turns to Woohyun "Are you Mr.Nam's son? You both have the same surname" Jinhee points out, Woohyun nods "Yup" He smiles, Jinhee nods her head "How old are you Jinhee-ssi?" Woohyun asks examining her from head to toe "12." Jinhee answers simply "Really?! You're so young!" Woohyun said with wide eyes "How old are you Woohyun-ssi?" Jinhee ask "I'm 16 years old" Woohyun smiles "That means you need to call me Oppa from now on" Woohyun said excitedly while Jinhee gives him a weird look.

"You don't talk much do you?" Woohyun ask ruffling Jinhee's hair, Jinhee glares at him and fixes her hair "Don't do that" She scowls, Woohyun chuckles softly and pats her head "You're cute" He coos, Jinhee blushes at the genuine compliment "Don't say that, it's weird" Jinhee mutters as she shifts a bit farther away from him "You know...I think we're going to be close friends" Woohyun said and lightly pinches her cheeks.


October, 10, 2013

"I'm done!" Jinhee strides out the bathroom wearing Woohyun's spiderman boxers and his long sleeved striped shirt and she plops down beside him "Oppa go shower you stink" Jinhee said pinching her nose while making a face, Woohyun scowls and lightly pushes her head " brat" He grumbles, he eyes her outfit then his eyes widen before he pouts "I was going to wear that boxer after I showered~!" He whines,

Jinhee sticks out her tongue and pushes Woohyun "Grab another superhero boxer, you have tones of those! Now go shower you stinky ! Go!" She said and lightly kicks his , Woohyun rolls his eyes and walks towards his room.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  

Suho turns his head to look over at the clock for the umpteenth time that night, again it was past midnight and Jinhee was still not home. Mr.Kim sat there on the couch with a deep frown imprinted on his face and his arms crossed, Zelo was just staring into space as the three of them waited for Jinhee. Suho sighs quietly and glances at the clock again *Jinhee where are you?* Suho bites the inside on his cheek, they then heard the front door unlock and Jinhee steps in the house.

Suho and Zelo quickly stand and walks towards Jinhee as she walks in the living room "Noona where have you been?! It's past midnight!" Zelo said worriedly, Suho gently grabs Jinhee's arm "Why didn't you call to at least let us know wher--" Suho was then cut off when Mr.Kim walks towards them with his arms crossed "Where have you been?" He asks, his voice stern and low. Jinhee frowns at his tone "At a friend's house" She said calmly.

"You're still grounded Jinhee. That means you're not allowed to leave the house unless you're going to school." Mr.Kim stated firmly, Jinhee stares back at him before the right corner side of her lips tug up into a smirk , she clears and her smirk disappears "I'll make sure to try to inform you next time." She said "Now I'll be heading to my room" She said turning around and heads upstairs to her room "Kim Jinhee" Mr.Kim calls her name with a firm tone but Jinhee ignores him and continues to make her way to her room. 

Jinhee drops her bag beside her bed and laids down, she was physically tired after wrestling with Woohyun and all she wants to do was sleep "Jinhee" Suho knocks on the door, Jinhee ignores him and closes her eyes "Jinhee, open the door we need to talk. Please" Suho said softly, soon the door opens and Jinhee appears with an irritated face "What do you want?" She asks rudely with her arms crossed "Can I come in?" Suho ask "Why can't we talk out here?" Jinhee asks with an arched brow, Suho sighs and nods "Fine we'll talk out here." He said taking a deep breath

"Since you weren't at school today" Suho starts "Principal Cho told me to tell you. Since you're failing your classes, he said you have to get a tutor if you want to graduate" Suho said making Jinhee frown *A tutor? Is he kidding me?* Jinhee scoffs softly "And he suggested that I should tutor you because we're siblings and we have the same classes this semester" Suho explains, Jinhee scowls "You? Out of all the people out there, it has to be you?" She snarls, Suho felt hurt by her harsh words but instead flashes her a small smile

"Look at it this way Jinhee, once you pass the classes you won't be grounded anymore and you can go out without sneaking around. It'll be a win-win situation" Suho persuades. Jinhee thinks it through for a few minutes as Suho waits patiently for her answer *If he tutors me the school will get off my neck, the old man won't nag and I won't be grounded anymore* Jinhee looks up at Suho and nods in agreement making Suho smile widely "Okay, you can tutor me. But, on one condition" Jinhee said sticking up her index finger, Suho nods hesitantly making Jinhee smirk.

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MyMark #1
Chapter 9: Great story! Suho is so sweet... Please update soon!
this story is great!
update soon please ~
Yoe_chan #3
Chapter 5: It's fine Author-nim...
I'm glad to see your update... ^^
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 3: It's been a long time...
But I really enjoy your story...
Update soon okay...
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 2: Maybe she felt no one really care about her cause even her parent put her in a orphanage TT^TT
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 1: Update soon author-nim....
Aishh I have same thought with suho...
I'm curious too ^^