Chapter 1

Adopted Siblings (Discontinued)

May, 05, 2001

"Joonmyeon-ah~ come here," Mrs.Kim motions Joonmyeon over, Joonmyeon takes small steps and walks towards his parents, standing beside them quietly as he glances shyly at the kids in front of him. Boys and girls from ages 1-10 years old crowd around, trying to get Mrs and Mr.Kim's attention. "How about we go to my office and talk? While this little guy stays around to play with the kids?" the orphange owner, Eunbyul said, looking down at Joonmyeon with a friendly smile.

Mr.Kim nods and ruffles Joonmyeon's hair "Go on, be nice okay? Umma and Appa will be right back," Joonmyeon bites his lips nervously and nod, Eunbyul smiles and turns to the orphanage kids "Be nice and share your toys okay? Show Joonmyeon around and don't break anything alright?" Eunbyul said and leads Mr and Mrs.Kim to her office, once the door to the office closes the children crowd around Joonmyeon with warm smiles.

"Annyeong~ Joonmyeon right? I'm Taejoon, but you can call me hyung," Taejoon said patting Joonmyeon's head. Joonmyeon nods "Come on let's go play! we have a lot of toys here!" one of the younger girls said excitedly and pulls Joonmyeon to their toy box with the rest of the children follwoing behind.


"Mr and Mrs.Kim please take a seat, would you like something to drink? Tea? Coffee? Juice? Water?" Eunbyul ask as Mr and Mrs.Kim takes a seat on the small leather couch "Water is fine, thank you" Mrs.Kim smiles, Eunbyul nods and pours two cups of water and places it on the glass table as she takes a seat across from them. "So you want to adopt? Do you have an ideal child?" Eunbyul ask, walking towards her folder cabinet.

"We just want a child that listens well and would be a good influence on our son" Mr.Kim said, Eunbyul nods, taking out a few files "Well I can assure you all the children in our orphanage are great kids and will be a great influence on your son." Eunbyul grins placing a few folders in front of them.


Joonmyeon watches in amusement as some of the older boys start blowing bubbles with his bubble gum "How do you do that hyung?!" Joonmyeon ask, Taejoon chuckles "It's bubble gum, have you never tried one before?" Taejoon ask tilting his head, blowing another bubble unit it pops and he the pieces back in his mouth to blow another one.

Joonmyeon shakes his head "Here try it, but don't swallow it! Or else the gum will stay in your stomach and grow into a tree!" Taejoon warns and Joonmyeon swallows with a nod, Taejoon takes out another piece of pink bubble gum and drops it on Joonmyeon's palm.

Joonmyeon looks at it curiously and gently unwraps the wrapper, as if it was a fragile glass, when he sees the pink solid rectangle he takes a deep breath *Remember, don't swallow* he picks up the gum with his index and thumb finger and pop it in his mouth and chews it slowly, he smiles when he taste the flavour "I'll teach you how to blow a bubble" Taejoon said and Joonmyeon nods excitingly.

"Watch" Taejoon smiles, he spreads the gum on his tongue and takes a small deep breath and blows air into the gum making a bubble, the bubble grew bigger and bigger unit it popped and Taejoon chews it back in his mouth "Now you try" Taejoon encourage "It's fun try it Joonmyeon" some older girls cheer, Joonmyeon nods and follows Taejoon's steps and was able to blow a small bubble "Good job!" The kids all praise and Joonmyeon smiles widely. 

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Joonmyeon walks down the empty hallway, with multiple pictures and awards hanging on each side of the walls. Joonmyeon stops in front of a flight of stairs and wondered if he was allowed to go upstairs, he looks around and made sure no one was there before he quickly ran up the stairs. He quickly turns the corner and stops, he peeks his head out to see if anyone has caught him, but no one was there. He sighs in relief and continues to walk down the hall, he stops in front of a door that was slightly opened and he peers inside.

He couldn't see anything so he pushes the door open and was surprised to see a little girl sitting by the window. The little girl turns to his direction and narrows her eyes "A-Annyeongahseyo..." Joonmyeon said shyly, the girl ignores him and turns to look outside the window again. Joonmyeon pouts and raised his brow, curious to know what she was looking at. He walks towards her and looks out the window, sitting down in front of her beside the window.

Joonmyeon looks around and sees nothing but the parking lot, trees, and the sky, which was a bright baby blue with a few clouds floating here and there "What are you looking at?" Joonmyeon ask turning to her, tilting his head to the side. The little girl ignores him and just continues to look out the window, making Joonmyeon pout more "My name's Joonmyeon. Kim Joonmyeon" Joonmyeon said with a friendly smile, determind to get her to speak "What's your name?" Joonmyeon ask.

The girl continues to ignore him and Joonmyeon puffs his cheeks frusterated, no one has ever ignored him before, people always come up to talk to him, and having someone ignore him for the first time bothered him.

"What's your name?" Joonmyeon ask again, giving her a light poke on the cheek. She turns to him with an annoyed look and Joonmyeon swallows "Han Jimin." she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest, Joonmyeon grins widely hearing her voice "What are you looking at then Jimin?" Joonmyeon ask tilting his head slightly. Jimin rolls her eyes "Why are you so nosy?" she ask with a raised brow, Joonmyeon huffs and pouts, he was just trying to be friendly but here she is calling him nosy.

Jimin 'tsk' and moves closer to Joonmyeon and turns his head facing the sky. Joonmyeon furrows his brows "" he ask "No pabo," Jimin said and Joonmyeon purse his lips "The sun." Jimin said and hugs her knees resting her head on top "Isn't it pretty?" Jimin ask, her voice much softer, Joonmyeon turns to her and sees her eyes closed with the sun shining brightly in her face, Joonmyeon smiles and he couldn't help but stare at her.

The corner of her lips tug upwards forming a smile as she feels the warmth of the sun sink in her skin, she opens her eyes and turns to Joonmyeon with a small glare making Joonmyeon's eyes widen in surprise "What are you doing up here anyways? You should be downstairs with everybody else" Jimin said coldly sitting criss cross, facing Joonmyeon with her hands on her lap as she eyes him.

 Joonmyeon frowns and rest his head on his hand "Why are you so mean to me? Or are you mean to everyone?" Joonmyeon ask with curious eyes. Jimin wrinkles her nose and stands up and starts walking towards the door "W-Wait! Where are you going?!" Joonmyeon ask, quickly standing up to follow her. Jimin walks down the hallway and Joonmyeon follows beside her.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

"Joonmyeon-ah it's time to go home, we'll come back tomorrow" Mrs.Kim calls Joonmyeon, Joonmyeon runs to his mom and hugs her leg "Umma will we really come back tomorrow?" Joonmyeon ask with hopeful eyes, Mrs.Kim chuckles and nods "Yes, now go say goodbye" she said nodding to the kids all standing in a straight line, waiting for them to bid goodbye "Hyung I'll come back tommorrow and we can play!" Joonmyeon smiles "Let's build a fort tomorrow and we can be superman who saves the town!" Taejoon suggests with a bright smile.

"Thank you, we'll see you tomorrow Eunbyul-ssi." Mr and Mrs.Kim shook Eunbyul's hand "Take care, see you tomorrow" Eunbyul smiles and bends down to Joonmyun's eye level "You too Joonmyeon, see you tomorrow" Eunbyul said and ruffles his hair, Joonmyeon smiles shyly and nods.

While Eunbyul gives Mr and Mrs.Kim her card and talk a bit more about adoption, Joonmyeon looks back at the kids he had been playing with for the pass hour, they all were still wearing bright, big, friendly smiles.

Joonmyeon then wondered what it would feel like to have another person living with him, sharing the same mom and dad, sharing his toys, sharing his room, sharing anything as in everything, of course Joonmyeon didn't mind, in school and at home he was always taught that sharing was caring and he promised his parents he would care about his future sibling. 

"Alright then, goodbye" Eunbyul smiles with a wave "Goodbye~ have a safe trip home~!" the kids chours with a polite bow, Mr and Mrs.Kim smile in approval at their manners "Goodbye everybody, see you all tomorrow." Mr.Kim said and they wave. Joonmyeon follows his parents out to their car, he looks back at the orphanage one more time to see Jimin sitting beside the window upstairs again, looking up at the sky.

He looks at her curious, why wasn't she downstairs like the rest of the orphanage kids? why didn't he see her at all when the kids all introduced themselves? Jimin turns to look down and their eyes meet.

Joonmyeon flinches in surprise while Jimin just kept her straight face, after a few moments Jimin stands up and walks away from the window disappearing into the room. Joonmyeon frowns and pouts his lips, he hopes he can see her again tomorrow and hopefully she'll be nice like all the other kids.

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MyMark #1
Chapter 9: Great story! Suho is so sweet... Please update soon!
this story is great!
update soon please ~
Yoe_chan #3
Chapter 5: It's fine Author-nim...
I'm glad to see your update... ^^
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 3: It's been a long time...
But I really enjoy your story...
Update soon okay...
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 2: Maybe she felt no one really care about her cause even her parent put her in a orphanage TT^TT
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 1: Update soon author-nim....
Aishh I have same thought with suho...
I'm curious too ^^