Chapter 2

Adopted Siblings (Discontinued)

September, 30, 2013

Suho sighs, sometimes to him it seemed like it was just yesterday when he met Jimin at the orphanage, when in fact it's been 13 years. He snaps out of his thoughts when he sees Jinhee step outside the court yard instead of being in class, he frowns slightly *Is she skipping class?* Jinhee takes out her package of cigarette and puts one in before pulling out a lighter to light it.

Jinhee blows out a puff of smoke and smirks when she sees her friends approach her "You , skipping again huh? Dude your old man is going to be so pissed," Nami grins "Whatever, he'll just nag for a few days anyways, it's not like he can do anything" Jinhee replies tossing Nami the pack of cigarette. 

 "You know, I just love how badass you are" Jaehyo said slinging his arm around Jinhee's shoulder, Jinhee rolls her eyes and elbows his stomach making him release her "You're an idiot Jae" Nami said "Shut up" Jaehyo glares at her

"Anyways, do you guys want to hang after school? My place, my parents won't be home and I'll call the rest over" Choyoung said lighting her cigarette "Are you going babe?" Jaehyo ask Jinhee, Jinhee makes a face at him for calling her 'babe' but nods "Sure, just let me go home to change first" Jinhee said tapping her cigarette.

"Should I go with you?" Jaehyo ask slipping his arm around her waist, Jinhee puffs her cheeks in annoyance with his skinship, but knew she couldn't do anything about it anyway so she let it be "Whatever" she said flicking her cigarette on the ground and stomps on it "Great then I'll come by your locker after school" Jaehyo smiles.

"Then I guess we'll meet at the gates then?" Nami ask Choyoung, who nods in return "Okay, well then children, I'll be off to class" Jinhee said shrugging off Jaehyo's hold "Already? Stay a bit longer hmm~?" Jaehyo ask hugging her "Dude, what are you? 5 years old? Get a hold of yourself" Jinhee said and smacks the side of his head

"Ow! Geez woman! If I didn't love you I would've beaten you up already for always abusing me" Jaehyo said rubbing his head, Nami scoffs "right," she snorts earning a glare for the boy. Jinhee ignores her friends bickering and gives Choyoung a small wave before turning to the school and walking in. 


"Hyung what are you looking at?" D.O ask peering out the window "Ah...Jinhee's 'friends' right?" D.O ask quoting the word 'friends'. Suho sighs and looks at his notebook that was filled with notes "She skipped class again" he stated quietly "Maybe I should talk to her about it" Suho said.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

"Wait for me here" Jinhee said as she steps in the house, Jaehyo nods and shoves his hands in his pockets. Jinhee takes off her shoes and walks upstairs when someone calls her name "Jinhee can I talk to you." Mr.Kim ask while sitting at the dining table, Jinhee furrows her brows but nods and walks to the dining table taking a seat in front of him.

"What is it?" She ask, Mr.Kim takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds before looking Jinhee in the eyes "I got a call from the school today." He said firmly, Jinhee sighs knowing where this is going to lead *This is going to take a while* she thought "Jinhee, tell me why you're skipping class?" Mr.Kim ask calmly, Jinhee runs her hand through her hair and looks at Mr.Kim

"Because I don't want to go to class" she said "And why is that?" Mr.Kim ask again "Does it really matter right now? Can't we talk about this some other time? I have to go, Jaehyo is waiting for me outside" Jinhee said getting up. "No, Jinhee. You're grounded. You've skipped too many classes and your teachers said you might fail if you don't start attending class again" Mr.Kim said sternly

"What? You can't do this! Fine if you are going to ground me, at least just let me out today. I said I was going over to Choyoung's place and Jaehyo is waiting outside!" Jinhee said with a frown "Then just tell him to leave, you're grounded until your grades go up Jinhee and that's final." Mr.Kim said  and walks to his office. Jinhee groans "ing " she curses under her breath and walks to the door and opens it.

Jaehyo was leaning against the wall waiting for Jinhee "Hey you done? What the the hell, Hee? You're not even changed" Jaehyo said standing up straight "I can't go." Jinhee said with a straight face "What? Are you kidding me? Why?" Jaehyo ask with a raised brow "School called. I'm ing grounded until my grades go up" Jinhee said rolling her eyes with a scoff

"Just go to Choyoung's first. I'll sneak over at night" Jinhee said "Okay then, bye~" Jaehyo salutes to her with a smirk and turns to leave. Jinhee closes the door and walks to her room with irration and slams her door close , throwing herself on her bed "Urgh!" She groans. She lays there for a good couple of minutes before she sits up and walks towards her closet, she pulls out her black hoodie and a pair of dark blue skinny jean, tossing it under her bed.

"Jinhee?" Suho knocks on the door, Jinhee raises her eyebrow and close the closet before opening the door, she gives him a 'what' look "Can we talk?" Suho ask, Jinhee frowns a bit *Is he also going to nag at me too? Urgh my life!* Jinhee thought "Fine" Jinhee said and pushes him aside for her to walk out her room and closes the door behind her. She leans against her door with cross arms waiting for Suho to talk.

Suho sighs and rubs the back of his neck "Why didn't you go to class today?" Suho ask looking in her eyes, Jinhee rolls her eyes *I knew it* she stands up straight and smirks "How do you know I didn't go to class today? Are you stalking me?" She ask, Suho frowns at her comment "Jinhee, I'm serious." He said "And so am I, look Suho I really don't need to have another lecture from you. I'm already grounded as it is so don't pester me" She said turning around to open the door

"Jinhee-ah..." Suho calls and Jinhee stops with her hand on the doorknob, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before she opens the door and slams it behind her. Suho stares at her door, he felt pain creep up his chest *It was never suppose to be like this.*

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Zelo came home to find the house espeically quiet, and dinner was so quiet, that it felt suffocating. The only sound heard was the chopsticks occasionally hitting the bowls and the sound of food being chewed, Zelo swallowed his food uneasily and glances around the dinner table. Mr.Kim was looking at some files, Suho was only looking down at his dinner bowl and Jinhee was just poking her food not even bothered to eat it.

Zelo knew they must have gotten in another fight, he clears his throat making Mr.Kim and Suho look at him "Uhm...h-how was work today Appa?" Zelo ask with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood "Good, good, I got a few big cases today" Mr.Kim answers with a nod "What about you? How was school?" Mr.Kim ask Zelo but directed it to Jinhee. Jinhee frowns knowing he was talking about her "Ah...good! I got 82% in my last math test" Zelo said cautiously while glancing at Jinhee.

Jinhee's hands tighten it's grip around her chopsticks "Then what about you Joonmyeon? What are you getting in math?" Mr.Kim ask "9-98%" Suho said also glancing at Jinhee. Jinhee felt her anger boil up, Mr.Kim was pushing her buttons and she was a ticking bomb that will expload soon "And what about you, Jinhee?" Mr.Kim ask, Jinhee slams her chopsticks on the table and stands up, glaring at Mr.Kim

"If you were trying to piss me off and say how horrible I'm doing in school then congratulations you've done it! Now if you'll excuse me I'll be in my room." Jinhee said ready to stomp off to her room when Mr.Kim spoke up "I'm not trying to piss you off Jinhee, I want you to know you can do a lot better if you try" Mr.Kim said not looking at her, Zelo and Suho watch them with wide eyes, Jinhee's hands turn into fists and she stomps to her room, slamming the door behind her.

"Sometimes I don't know what to do with her..." Mr.Kim shakes his head, rubbing his temple. Suho and Zelo look at Mr.Kim worriedly then look at each other.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Jinhee pulls the black hoodie and skinny jean from under her bed and slip them on and puts on her black and white converse. She quietly opens her room door and looks around making sure everybody's asleep, she closes her room door and slowly creeps to Suho and Zelo's room. She walks quietly towards their room window and opens it, she looks out the window to make sure no one was around to see her jump out the window and think she's some thief.

"Noona?" Zelo sits up rubbing his eyes "Jinhee what are you doing?" Suho ask sleepily, Jinhee freezes then turns around to face them "A-Are you sneaking out the house?!" Suho ask, now fully awake "Noona! Appa will get angry!" Zelo yells in a whispering voice "Then pretend you didn't see me" Jinhee said, she climbs on the ledge of the window "Where are you going then? So we know you'll be safe" Suho said. Jinhee ignores him and jumps out the window landing on her feet with a thud.

"Hyung," Zelo turns to Suho with worried eyes, Suho sighs "Just go back to sleep, we have school tomorrow. Jinhee will come back later so don't lock the window okay?" Suho said and Zelo nods slowly laying back down and closing his eyes to sleep.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Jinhee presses the doorbell and stuffs her hands in her jean pockets "Babe~! You made it!" Jaehyo smiles while holding a bottle of beer, Jinhee steps in the house and Jaehyo swiftly snakes his arm around her waist pulling her close. "Where's everybody else?" Jinhee ask as they walk in "Living room and kitchen" Jaehyo said sipping his beer "Hey~! Our precious Kim Jinhee is here~!" Kwangho shouts "Shut up! God you're so wasted Kwangho" Choyoung smacks his head "Ow~" Kwangho pouts and rubs his head.

"Beer?" Jichul ask opening a bottle of beer, Jinhee nods as thanks and takes a chug "We thought you weren't going to show up when Jae said you were grounded" Jichul said. Jinhee throws Jaehyo a look and he shrugs "I said I'd be here" Jinhee said plopping down on the couch between Shinyeo and Nami. Jaehyo pulls Shinyeo of the couch making her land on the floor with a thud so he can sit beside Jinhee "What the ? !" Shinyeo shouts, chucking a bag of chip at him.

Jaehyo catches the bag and smirks "Babe you want some?" Jaehyo ask turning to Jinhee "No" Jinhee shakes her head, Jaehyo shrugs and opens the bag, popping a chip in his mouth. Shinyeo scowls and stands up to sit on Jichul's lap "So how long are you grounded for?" Nami ask slurping her cupped ramen "Until my grades go 'up' he said." Jinhee grumbles "ing old man thinks he can tell me what to do." Jinhee scoffs chugging down the rest of her beer.


Suho turns in his bed for the umpteenth time, sighing in irritation, ever since Jinhee left he wasn't able to fall back asleep. He looks over at Zelo and see him sleeping peacefully "Aish..." Suho ruffles his hair, it was already 2:30am and Jinhee was still not back yet. Suho stands up and walks towards the window, he paces back and forth worriedly and sighs again. He runs his hand through his hair and looks at the clock on his bedside table "Jinhee where are you?" Suho mumbles. 

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Jinhee quietly steps down from the window ledge trying not to wake up Suho or Zelo, she slowly closes the window and walk towards the door "Jinhee?" Jinhee turns around to see Suho awake "I was waiting for you all night. You didn't come home to sleep" Suho said rubbing his sleepy eyes "I never told you to wait for me" Jinhee retorted "I was worried about you Jinhee." Suho said standing up "Why? I'm old enough to take care of myself, I don't need you to worry." Jinhee said with a frown

"How can I not worry?! You snook out the house! Then you don't come home to sleep! Jinhee tell me how can I not worry about you?! I'm your brother!" Suho said angrily in a whispering voice, trying not to wake up Zelo "You're not my brother! I'm adopted remember?! WE'RE not blood related! So don't act like you care!" Jinhee snarls and stomps out the room to her own room across the hall. Suho runs his hand through his hair frustratedly and takes a deep breath to calm himself down.

Was this really what Jinhee felt about him? That he was just acting like he cared? Or was she saying that just out of anger? Was he not showing enough love and care for her? Did he make her feel like she wasn't part of the family? Suho felt his chest clench, the words Jinhee said felt like bullets to his heart. He couldn't reassure himself that the words she said were just out of anger, because every word she said was dipped with hatred.

"Was what I give you not enough...?"

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MyMark #1
Chapter 9: Great story! Suho is so sweet... Please update soon!
this story is great!
update soon please ~
Yoe_chan #3
Chapter 5: It's fine Author-nim...
I'm glad to see your update... ^^
Yoe_chan #4
Chapter 3: It's been a long time...
But I really enjoy your story...
Update soon okay...
Yoe_chan #5
Chapter 2: Maybe she felt no one really care about her cause even her parent put her in a orphanage TT^TT
Yoe_chan #6
Chapter 1: Update soon author-nim....
Aishh I have same thought with suho...
I'm curious too ^^