

They are in the middle of performing "MAMA" when Jongdae's mic stops working. The 6 members of EXO-M are some place in China - Jongdae can't remember where right now -, and it's one of those rare times when they are using hand-held mics. A hint of panic starts to simmer in his stomach, and he has to concentrate on keeping a straight face as he lip-synchs the rest of his line before moving to the back. He kind of wants to throw the stupid mic away, but knows he will have to keep lip-synching the rest of the performance. He hates to lip-synch.
His mind occupied with this new problem and his body moving purely on mucle-memory, it's something poking his arm that brings him back to the present. Startled, Jongdae looks to his left to see Luhan holding out his mic, and he grabs it without thinking, handing the other mic automatically to Luhan. Then it's suddenly his part again, and Jongdae thinks his brain is lagging behind because he's not sure what just happened, but the sound of his own voice loud and clear finally forces the puzzle-pieces together in his mind. Surpressing the urge to turn around and thank Luhan right then and there, Jongdae waits until the performance is over before approching the older man.

"Luhan-hyung"? He calls when they're safely backstage.

The blonde turns towards him, smiling. "Hmm?"

"Thank you for giving me your mike." The short sentence comes out sounding a lot weaker than he had intended, and Jongdae hopes his face doesn't look as red as it feels.

A second passes in silence, and Jongdae wonders if he really saw that glimt of something in Luhan's eyes. But then Luhan grins at him, and nope, he probably just imagined it becaues he's tired.

"You're welcome. We can't have our main singer out of commission, can we?"

Jongdae isn't quite sure how to answer that, so he just smiles hesitantly, and the grin he gets in return is so bright he wonders if he should shield his eyes. But then Luhan takes a step closer to him, and the smile turns almost ... predatory?
And Jongdae thinks his brain must be lagging behind again, because Luhan suddenly has him backed up against a wall and he's not sure how they got there or where everyone else is or what is happening. Luhan seems to be watching him closely, and Jongdae blinks back at him, confused. The lack of alarm in his expression is good enough for Luhan, who leans forward and presses his lips to Jongdae's. The kiss is short, lasting only for a second, but Jongdae looks like someone just smacked him in the head with a steel pipe when Luhan pulls away.

"W-w-wh-wh-" he stammers, unable to form a coherent sentence.

"It was my thanks for helping you out," Luhan answers, tone light, but eyes careful. There is silence for several moments.

"... Okay."

Luhan's jaw drops in surprise, but he quickly schools his face back into a more neutral expression, not saying anything. Jongdae feels like his brain is finally catching up, and he thinks he might be beginning to understand. The two vocalists stare at each other for another few seconds, before Jongdae pushes himself off the wall and slides past Luhan. A few steps away from him, he turns around and meet the blonde's gaze once more.

"Let me know if there's anything else I have to thank you for another time, yeah?"

It's Luhan's turn to look gobsmacked, and Jongdae turns around and strolls away, a grin nearly splitting his face in two.

Luhan: 1 - Jongdae: 1. 




A/N - Okay, so I kinda loved the "plot" when I began writing this, but I absolutely hate how this story turned out. I was like -> <- that close to just deleting everyhing and pretend this never happened. But I figured that maybe, someone else might enjoy it, and it's just a drabble, so here it is?
Ugh, gonna go somewhere and hide now >-<

Yixing - Lay
Jongdae - Chen



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nightingalesatnight #1
Chapter 6: Yixing you tease
nightingalesatnight #2
Chapter 4: Oh my God they are so cute!
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 1: Yixing you're so sneaky.
parvitasari #4
Chapter 6: Chenlay foreva..!!
parvitasari #5
Chapter 4: The confession is just so sweet..
parvitasari #6
Chapter 1: Lay u are such a naughty guy.. But I think it's cute..
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Chapter 6: I ing love LayChen with A teasing lay !!
mikazuki_angel #8
Chapter 6: Oh gosh, Lay will always give those unnecessary feels, ALL THE TIME!! It happens, I know. They make everyone do things unknowingly.

This was really a drabble, it left me a little at the edge because I wanted something to happen, but it was still enjoyable to read. ^^

Chapter 4: Awwh, the picture was so cute! <3 I think I'm loving LayChen now, haha. Thanks to you :*