
It Can Never Be You
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[CONTENTID2]It Can Never Be You - Finished[/CONTENTID2]


The plan was fully in place. Thunder had arranged with a couple of his friends that he could trust to smuggle the prisoner and himself out of the area. He had already planned a cabin in the woods for them, and Joon could choose from there to stay with Thunder or to venture back to his homeland. Joon hadn’t said, but he had already made his decision. He was slowly falling for Thunder – slowly, and yet so quickly given the still fairly recent occurrence that Mir’s death had been.

He certainly hadn’t gotten over the other. He was just going to seize his only chance at a possibility of a semblance of a happy life. Thunder was clearly determined to give that to him, and who was Joon to deny him when he had nothing to go back home for? Just a place full of memories.

It was the dead of night and one of Thunder’s friends was watching him until the time was right. He waited for the signal, the shouts, for the dark haired boy with the mysterious dark circles under his eyes to seize him about the middle and drag him from the cell and into the open world. Just as he was going over the next step in the plan, there was a yell. Joon bolted upright, this was too soon! He wasn’t ready! He hadn’t reviewed the plan fully – he wasn’t prepared yet! But as war often is, there is always that unexpected factor that comes to ruin everything. None of them were to know the yell was merely from a guard who had nearly gotten bitten by a snake, and not the signal at all.

But Joon was still slung over the slight boy’s bony shoulder like he weighed no more than a feather and then they were off. He heard the boy beneath him give a yelp of surprise when the scene they encountered was not what it was meant to be. Several guards, not of the ones they were supposed to be meeting, all staring at them in surprise next to the body of a dead snake. They ran, Joon bouncing uselessly like a sack of meal until he was slung into the cart.

“Joon!” Thunder shouted, racing toward him to join him on the cart as it had already begun to move. Joon panicked  - wait! This wasn’t the way it was supposed to work! Thunder was supposed to be with him before they started moving!

“Thunder!” he shrieked like a child, heart a

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There's going to be another 2-3 chappies I think


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Karenkitty1092 #1
Chapter 10: Yay i`m happy that Thunder found someone that loves him.This was an awesome story.
Chapter 10: yaaahoooooo!^^ I'm so releived you decided to make a happy ending!!! and this was really great: I loved how shocked Thunder was at Tao's manly and over confident behaviour! Tao's caring was really sweet.
what else to say that you don't already know? this story was great, very moving and incredibly well-written. you had me cry and hope and cry again. and though they've all had their happy ending, we know they aren't the persons they were in the first place. war and their own experience of it have changed them. I'm really looking forward to a sequel!^^
Chapter 10: Ha. Ha. i love the ending!! xD and yes, its really good that thunder didn't die! and because Tao is my bias in exo, i'm happy to have more mention of him. him and thunder, though, seems a tad weird. xD HAHA. but i'd love a sequel ^^
Chapter 9: their hopes seem too high to turn out right. I'm afraid Mir will find a stranger that is now going to be eaten alive by guilt and despair. they've both had traumatic experiences. please don't make them suffer anymore...
Joon is so brave. he has to heal for Thunder's sake so he won't be dead for nothing!!!
Chapter 8: what are you doing to my poor heart!?0.0
this was painful... once again it happened and Joon lost his beloved in the most violent way. they were torn apart. and knowing Mir is alive won't subside the pain. I hope he'll be able to find Mir. but then, even if he did, he's changed and can he really love him again? there's always gonna be Thunder's ghost behind them...
you didn't habe to thank me, I should be the one thanking you for writing such a great story. please, update soon!^^
Karenkitty1092 #6
Chapter 8: Joon`s gonna go crazy once he finds out that Mir is alive.Thanks for the update.
Chapter 7: Joon is gonna be such a wreck when he'll realise Mir was never gone... and at the same time, he needs Thunder and his tenderness to survive. and Thunder's determination to get him free is a precious tool too. I'm both angry and grateful at Thunder. His own selfishness is so understandable but it is still despicable. I'm afraid Joon will go insane.
Chapter 6: and I did devoure these chapters! I love the plot and as I already mentionned, your style.
but I can't help but loathe Thundet to be so selfish! is it really love when you think about you first? he should tell Joon. of course he knows that once Joon will know Mir is alive, he'll never ever have a chance to be loved back. but Joon deserve this hope to survive. he needs it to keep on living peacefully instead of having to deal with the guilt he is feeling now.
but I'm glad Thunder is taking care of Joon at least he has now a chance to survive.
Chapter 1: oh my! I just started to read the 1st chapter and this story is so gripping! I love your writing style! It is so moving and accurate! I'm sure I'll devoure the rest.
BlueChaos #10
Chapter 5: Thanks for the update! I like the little conversation about the differences between their countries, and looking forward to reading more. :D