chapter 7

Soul Touch With Fingers

Chapter 7




“Yo Waddup!” Chanyeol did a friendly handshake with the bouncer as Sehun and Chen coolly walked behind, admiring what they will enter.


“Woot woooo~” Chen whistled as ladies with tight, silky dresses pass by to get in the club.


“Let’s go inside before it gets busier.” Sehun suggested as the rest of the members followed.

Just taking a step inside, the smell of liquor roam through the building, the scene of both es sweating and grinding on each other on the floor, and the loud bass of music blasting their ears. Their voices were overpowered by everything that was happening at once so they decide to sit in a quiet, spacious room upstairs where they could watch the scenery in awed. Just to their expectations, Kai was crowded with overflowing girls on the couch. Their hands roaming his fit body yet he refused to do the same but politely push them away. three wanting to throw themselves at him like animals but in his position, he was uncomfortable.  


“Shoo shoo~” Chen shooed them away with hand gestures as they hurried along with disappointment on their faces and light groans as they walked down the staircase. Chen saw that the young one wasn’t enjoying the presences of the women, so he wanted to help. 


“Thanks.” Kai flash a smile at them, thanking that he would have suffered within that minute.


“It’s not always the first we do that.” Chanyeol sat down next to him with his pearly white teeth showing as he poured drinks for the others. 


“Say, some looked hot, why did you push them away?” Sehun never let his gaze off of Kai as he grab a drink from Chanyeol after he pour him a shot of vodka mix with soda.


“Too ty.” Kai murmured before taking a sip also.


“What girl is not ty enough for Kai?” Chen lightly laughs as the others joined.


But there was a pause of silence afterwards. In such conversations among friends or foe meant that there was someone in their mind or in their heart dearly. As Kai watched in the corner of his eyes, he could see his friends trying to figure who would summoned him. If the boys were to name all girls he has been with, it would be countless. Comparing themselves to Kai, Kai has an overflowing ego. 


“You like someone don’t you?” Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows towards Kai as Sehun playfully nudges Kai as he sat down the other side of Kai.


“Is she in the club right now?” Chen poured more glasses wanting to continue the conversation.


“No.” Kai twirled his drink and lifts his head up to see Baekhyun climbing the stairs with one hand in his pants as he placed a blank stare on his face. Everything became awfully quiet yet Chanyeol cleared his throat to start a new conversation because Baekhyun just came.


“Why so late?” Chen chortled. 


“I’m here aren’t I?” Baekhyun took Chen’s glass of liquor and drank it all at once down his throat. Every glass he has taken was more like taking a drug. Addicting and satisfying to his taste buds and offered a relief to himself. The more that the drink sinked in him, he was clearly in paradise but if only the girls that Chen didn’t shoo away have stayed alittle longer for his pleasure. 


He then threw the shot at Chen as he carefully caught it in his hands.


“Boss wanted me to give you guys these.” Baekhyun purposefully throw a large white package on the glass table clumsily, bringing curiosity into the other’s eyes. It looked like paper works to them, so they refused to open it.


“Paper works again?” Sehun whined.


“Isn’t that Chen’s job?” Chanyeol joined with Sehun.


“Don’t you guys wanna make some money or not?” Baekhyun leaned back on the patio, shifting one of his legs outwards, putting all his weight on the other with his right arm resting on the ledge.


“Let D.O. have it.” Chen threw his arms in the air as he laid back in his seat with his legs spread out.


“Okay. Don’t blame me when boss finds out you guys never did it.” Baekhyun clicked his tongue and his upper lips in need for another drink to kill his stress away.


“Say we needed a few more days to rest before working again.” Sehun’s stare then roam around the building, finding something else to watch that was entertaining.


All nod their heads in agreement except Kai. Kai was too busy in his thoughts that he forgot he was even in the club with his friends drinking. His mind was definitely thinking about Ahri. Of how she easily smiles to the littlest things he does which makes him wonder what if one day he won’t see it? It was only if he didn’t reveal his darkest secret. Kai held on to it just as Baekhyun held on to his though that was months ago. Baekhyun has long forgotten all about it because of long hours of work, pleasure from girls and addiction of drugs and alcohol. But was it that Ahri made him come to his senses for a little bit? Maybe but Baekhyun just met the girl only a few days and it just so happens that Kai does not like it.


“Kai?” Chanyeol gave a questioning brow as the others looked. Baekhyun can see in Kai’s eyes that there was some tension between them though he decide not to make a scene. Baekhyun was too drowned out from work and bickering about something silly to Kai’s behavior would only worsen his headache.


“I’m going to burn outside.” Kai stood up. Before taking a step down, Kai turned his head sideways in Baekhyun’s direction, looking if the other would respond or follow. Seeing he did not pay attention nor move in his position, Kai left the boys. It took awhile for his friends to notice that Kai was not acting the same.


“What’s wrong with him lately?” Chanyeol did not leave his eyes off from where Kai left off.


“He’ll be fine.” Baekhyun sat down where Kai sat before and poured a glass just as Chanyeol, Chen and Sehun were in silence. Just the sound of the bottle clanking against the shot as it is being filled to Baekhyun’s satisfication could be heard across the room along with the banging sound of the club’s music. Just as Baekhyun gulps his drink, they question in their minds why is Baekhyun’s presence let the almighty Kai leave instantly. Baekhyun and Kai are the ones that wouldn’t speak their troubles but let their stress go through smoking or drinking. But one wanted Ahri’s comfort. She lifts up his day and show the true colors of happiness, though who?

Just as hours pass by, Chen, Chanyeol, Sehun and Baekhyun were still in the club. Much in dismay, Kai left them with just one text saying he was too tired and wanted to go home. Truth is, Kai wasn’t that tired and left the building right after saying he would take a smoking break. He felt like going somewhere that was far from his lads and thought for a short while that clubbing is not gonna be his daily routine. 


“What a party pooper.” Baekhyun hissed just looking at Kai’s text again on Sehun’s phone.


Just looking around, the place was getting smaller and smaller within the hour. It was apparently 1 am and most people did not have the energy to dance, but leisurely talk with a glass of one or two. Baekhyun who was still wide awake, Chen and Sehun were almost getting deep into slumber on the couch on either side of Baekhyun. Their eyelids drooping down as they felt no strength in their legs to walk or in their arms to reach out for another drink on the table. Chanyeol on the other hand was throwing his coat over his right shoulder and bent down to grab his car keys on the table, hidden in between beer bottles, pair of high heels, and refreshments. 


“I’ll get the car ready and bring Sehun down with me. You can handle with Chen right?” Chanyeol taking a hold of Sehun’s arm and wrapping it around his neck. Sehun’s head bobbed in different directions that he tried to avoid being asleep as Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun for an answer.


“Sure.” Baekhyun dusted his hands off and did the same as Chanyeol. Though what irked Baekhyun was that Chen starts to blabber nonsense and let his own spit land on Baekhyun’s face with no warning. Baekhyun wipe his cheeks in disgust and glared at his friend who doesn’t know the situation he is creating.


“You got nice skin.” Chen cracks up after poking Baekhyun in the face.


“Oh god.” Baekhyun squirms his face away from Chen for a second, then made his way down the stairs and into the parking lot to meet up with Chanyeol. As Chanyeol turns around, he quickly rushes over to Baekhyun for assistance and opens the passenger door so Baekhyun can place Chen in the back. Placing Chen down, his head was then hit against Sehun’s. Baekhyun and Chanyeol watch their reaction, but both did not feel any pain yet because the alcohol in their system. 


“Weird.” Chanyeol scratched his head as Baekhyun shrugs his shoulders. A feeling in Baekhyun’s pants vibrated which became his phone when he notices it till a few seconds later. 


Get your down here immediately!


Baekhyun felt irritated, ruffling his hair as the cold wind touch his skin, giving goosebumps on his arm. He then starts to walk down the street with both of his hands in his front pockets of his pants knowing it was time for him to go.


“Where are you going?” Chanyeol chortled to see his friend leave.


Baekhyun turns his body midway and weakly smile before him. “Sorry Chanyeol. Boss wants me at work again.” 


Chanyeol blinks to only find his friend walking down the street again, leaving him with two idiotic friends who have no clue whatsoever of any memory as now. He then turns his head in their direction, seeing them sound asleep.


“Yup.” Chanyeol makes a popping sound, extending the “p” with his lips.


“Boss is nothing but all that , money, and weed.” He tosses his keys out from his jacket pockets. He closes the passenger doors loudly, letting the other two jump yet slowly falling in a deep sleep. He yanks his driver door open and closes it midway to peak through the rearview mirror.  Looking at his rearview mirror, he can see Baekhyun’s figure getting smaller and smaller after each step he took.


The boss was putting too much on Baekhyun rather than all of them only to find the conclusion that Baekhyun was indeed his best. Chanyeol seem to realize him, Chen, D.O., Suho and Sehun weren’t any need of help in most cases. What did the boss want Baekhyun to do early in the morning? Also, why would Kai bail out on such a good time with his best friends? Well, Chanyeol shook his head to wake himself from falling asleep and turn on his engine to go at his place for the day. 


* * *


“Ahri! Breakfast is ready.” Her mother shouted from the kitchen before placing a chocolate chip pancake on a plate for Ahri.


“Oh.” Her mother gasp to hear the doorbell ring. She descended from the kitchen while she threw her apron on a chair and peered in the door hole. She opens the door to see a handsome young man waiting on their doorstep. Ahri’s mom opened the door widely to get a clearer view of the man and saw a radiant smile across his face.


“How may I help you?” She grinned back.


“Uhhhh...” He rubbed the back of his neck as nervousness peeked in. It felt like he was asking a marriage proposal. Just as he awkwardly look down at the pavement floor, the mother looked at him head to toe. he goes to same school as Ahri.


The mother secretly smiled seeing how cute this young man can be.


“Are you hear for my daughter Ahri?” Her voice pitched up in anticipation.


“Ah ne.” He responded quickly, looking straight in her eyes.


“She left a few minutes ago with her father.” She pointed her index finger of the way they could have taken to her school.


Just as she said it, his face fell hearing that Ahri left.


“Just kidding.” She lightly chuckled and pat him in the shoulder for reassurance.


“Have you eaten yet?” She tilted her head in curiosity.


He shook his head.


“Well come on in. I made extra pancakes and sausages on top the table. Don’t be afraid to dig in.” She warmly said, pulling him in the house. Kai stumbled in a little but maintained his balance and saw how the house seemed so welcoming. Ahri’s mom pulled out a chair for him and patted down the cushion. He sat down in wonder to see a homemade meal before him.


Ahri’s mom watch him in daze and spoke softly, “Ahri will be down in a few minutes.” She said leaning beside to fill him some orange juice.


“Say, what’s you name?” Ahri’s mom placed down the jug and look at him to only see that his words were choke in his throat.


“My name is...”


“Omma!” Ahri cheerfully called as she walked down the stairways with her eyes gleaming, interrupting him.


“Oh Ahri, your friend is here.” Her mother lifted her chin, but due to her words, Ahri’s face changed. She couldn’t explain the feelings her daughter felt towards her friend, yet rushed over to Ahri to whisper softly in her ear.


“What’s wrong? I don’t mind having a boy in the house plus your dad left. Theres nothing to worry about.” Ahri bit her bottom lip and nodded with her lips stretched in a line. Her mother then guided her to sit the opposite side of the young man and push her chair in.


“I’ll be right back.” Ahri’s mom wiped her hands into a cloth and procceded in the kitchen.

Just as Ahri silently chew on her pancakes, the boy spoke before her.


“You look beautiful just as your mother.” He muttered though it was loud enough for Ahri to hear. Her cheeks started to have a pinch color of pink on her cheeks and it made her heartbeat thump irregularly. She quickly hid her cheeks with the palm of her hands.


Those words. You look beautiful as your mother. Never had she heard a compliment like that. Words that were whispered, thrown at her came to the point where she would cry silently in the school’s bathroom stalls in the end. Maybe once it is normal for a friend to say such things, right? 


“Ahri don’t be late for school.” Her mother spoke, waking her up from reality. She patted Ahri’s little head before pulling out her chair and help her up.


“Before you go, give him this.” Ahri’s mom carefully put the lunchbox bag in between Ahri’s hand as she tightly held onto it. She nodded as her mom lightly push her next to the boy who was ahead of reaching the front door knob. She clumsily met him halfway and bowed down to her mother just as the latter did also. 


“Be careful now.” She watched the two happily as they wait on the sidewalk for the sign to change.


Just when it turned to the walking sign, the boy looked at Ahri in anticipation yet nothing happen to his expectation and saw her walk ahead of him. He feigned a smiled though gave a pouty look and ran up to her side to only slide his arms around her left. She halted in her steps and her spine struck in a straight line.


He gave a light squeeze in her left hand for reassurance and swiftly fixing her fringe bangs that were covering her emotionless eyes. A mere second, he was already lost in her eyes. There was beauty in her eyes and it made him think that it was better for her not see what his physical features shown. As much as he wanted to touch her soft cheeks that showed a pinch of red from the coldness in the air, a car honked before them. He woke up in reality and pulled her to his side to reach to the opposite side, reaching on the sidewalk safely.


Both catch their breath and stayed there until their chest weren’t heaving up and down. 

His warm breath tingled on her chapped lips and it so happened that he blew in his hands and rubbed it against each other to only lay it on her cheeks. He repeatedly did it until he felt her temperature go normal.


Ahri felt that weird feeling in her stomach again. She ignored the fact that he was touching her and it became awkward as he let his hands rest on her cheeks.


“Here.” He wrapped a soft, comfy scarf around her neck and securing it in place.


“Just letting you know, I’ll walk you to school everyday.” A smile tugged at the end of her lips as  Kai took the lunchbox from her hands and whispered in her ear cooly.


“I appreciate for the food.”



“Don’t forget that exams are coming up!” With the teacher’s final words, class was dismissed and all students were free to go home. Exhausting as it was today, Ahri couldn’t wait to go home. She lifts herself from her chair and takes a grip of her backpack over her shoulder. 


“Walk home safely Ahri.” Her teacher spoked with a fragile smile on her face. Even if Ahri couldn’t see, she could tell by the tone of her teacher’s voice that she pitied her. In most teachers eye’s at her school, they were more aware and acted nicely towards her. A student has been always a teacher’s concern, but Ahri especially. 


Starting from the class’s doorframe, she started counting, all the way to a nearby bus stop. Making her way to sit on a bench, she patted the area to find her way down. Sitting down, she straightened her spine and left no space in between her thighs. Waiting for the bus, she knew it would take more than 20 minutes for it to come by so she decided to pull out a pair of earphones and her ipod. She was recalled in her thoughts of how Baekhyun approached her with her ipod that she yearned. It didn’t make her smile, but confused as she put in more thought of the little details. The light touches, the voice that she encountered when she dropped her ipod was not similar.   


Just as she slowly grips on the ipod, memories were recalled in her head. A mix of emotions washed over her face and she didn’t like it. It hurt her more that she could not handle the pain in her heart. Her heart saved a space for a special someone, but there was no contact with him ever since she......




The sound of tires and it’s rubbery smell brought Ahri to rememberance. 


She could still feel how she reacted to such impact that she can picture how everything went bright and white. Next she knew was she was on the pavement floor, trying to open her eyelids due to the brightness that surrounded her. She was in such a weak state that everything went mute and blurry the second, well not before she heard a concerned voice. The person was above her and she felt his palms being place on her cheeks. She faintly smiled just noticing the pair of hands that held her. When he said he would come back for her, he pecked her on the forehead and rushed over to the car door. 


“Look over here.” A group of guys from afar recognize Ahri’s petite and shaped figure sitting on the bench. The boys eyes became hungrily every step they took to reach her. She was lost in thought and didn’t notice the eerie steps coming forward her. 


“Someones alone~” One of the boys sat down and sang in her ear.


Ahri became frightened, getting up to run for it but only to be pulled by one boyswho wore a cross earring on his right ear. 


“Please let me go.” Her voice shaken as he touched her cheeks down to her neck, almost reaching to the buttons of her uniform.


“I would if I could.” He twinkled his eyes at her, seeing her helpless was entertaining to him.


“Someone help me!” She shrieked as the boys helped the leader rip her clothes apart and push her down on the bench harshly. 


She struggled underneath him, hitting his chest with her balled fist. The boys stepped aside watching her misery and see their leader do his magic. She shut her eyes tightly in fear and felt tears build up in her eyes that were already falling on her cheeks. The whole road was filled with her terrified cries and there was no one who could have witness it.


Before the man laid his dirty hands on her, he was kicked in the shoulder resulting him to fall backwards. As he tries to get up to see his attacker, he was punched across his face. He cracked a wicked smile and spat blood on his opponent’s shoes.


“Well well we got some company. Who knew you still roam around school.” He dusted himself off as his minions brought him up on his feet. 


Ahri could not comprehend what was happening that she did not notice her knight in shining armor covered her in his uniform jacket and wrapped her in his arms as if his life depended on it.


“Stay away from her. If you touch a hair on her head, you will hear the sound of your bones cracking.” He sternly said with his bloodshot eyes darting at him. As time passed by, his hands were clearly turning white; balling his hands in a fist. The person in front of him was a friend from his old high school. Though until they were introduce to a whole new world where school was not needed, they fought for money for their first job. The looks of it, who knew his friend's face can be any innocent than his other friends. Well, D.O. share the same features, but with the eyeliner, blonde hair, and cross earring made him masculine. 


With their eyes meeting, it was ironic for them to cross path one another. Though weirdly, the fellow before him assumed there was a hidden emotion behind his death glare. Perhaps love?


“Never had I see you become like this. You could have walked away like you always do when you see men act this way in the clubs.” His arm wrapped around his neck in act of friendliness. But the latter push him away in a forceful way to protect Ahri again by hiding her behind him. Her body shaking from fear brought the men to laugh hysterically. The more their laugh grew, she wrapped her arms around his right.


“Didn’t you say you hated your mom because she slept with other men behind your father’s back?”


“Oh! Did I make you more madder?” He mockingly pointed to his face, indeed making him furious with what he said earlier. Taunting him in any way.


“You better leave before I call my boys.” He continously stare at him with devil eyes.


“Didn’t you forget? I’m still stronger than you and your homeboys.” He walked up with a smirk on his lips.


“Bye bye Ahri~” He childishly wave her a goodbye yet she cringed to his voice, not wanting to be called by her almost . As Baekhyun can feel her being more shaky under his hold, he grasp on her hand and pulled his old friend by his school tie harshly and push him with all his force. The latter laughed and walked down the dark alley with his servants.It meant that the bad guys left for good and Ahri shakily pulled her grip away from him. Before she could say anything or thank him, she felt his body turn in irritation. He faced her with his eyebrows knitted together and his chest heaving up and down, trying to control his anger in the inside.


“Don’t be stupid enough to be on the streets alone again.” He gritted his teeth and left her in the cold air, not taking another glance at her as he stomped his way to his bike. The smell of the tires running against the pavement and going down the road made Ahri’s heart sink. One point he was protecting her and now, he became the cold heartless man. For whatever reason, Ahri forgotten about him as someone came to reach out to her in a concern matter.


“Don’t cry.” He held on her tightly and closed in the gap between them.


“I’m here.” Kai whispered in her ear as she let choked sobs and teared on his white sleeves.

As he allowed her to let out her cries, he innerly cursed Baekhyun for the dumbest things he did yet this was the worst of all. Leaving a helpless girl after the incident, luckily Kai came in time to save her. 


“Baekhyun you ing bastard. I’ll make you pay for the you did.” Kai spoke beneath his breath and gladly Ahri could not hear him but her silent cries as she held Kai’s body, not wanting to move in her position so no one else can see her in more misery.


To think of it, was Baekhyun that angelic person she met?    


What was she thinking?


* * * 

“Ahri? What happen?” Her mother grabbed Ahri hand in hand with a concerned look. She was trying to find the answer, but Ahri became silent. There was no doubt Ahri was accidentally hurt by the expression Ahri made. Just as the silence grew between the three, the sound of rain behind them grew louder only to make it harder for Kai and Ahri to hear the adult.


“We were riding on my bike and she fell all of sudden because I turned to quickly.” He looked at Ahri’s mother dead straight, not leaving his eyes away from her. Anytime by now, a parent can see the lie in a teenager’s word but Kai continued to make his lie make sense.


“And since it was raining, I decided to let her use my clothes for the mean time.” Kai looked at Ahri whos hair was drenched and Kai’s uniform jacket that hanged over Ahri’s shoulder down to her mid thighs. It kept Ahri from hiding her ripped clothes to her mother and luckily, her mother didn’t tend to remove it from Ahri’s body.


“Thank you so much Kai.” Ahri’s mother hugged her daughter in relief.


“If you come by our house by any chance, just come on in and make yourself home.” She pulled Ahri inside.


“And also, thank you for taking her to school. It means a lot to me and mostly her father.” She took a glance over her shoulder to see Ahri’s reaction, but it seems Ahri went upstairs to get changed.


“No problem...Ms...”


“You can call me omma.” She chuckled lightly and it made Kai happy that Ahri’s mom has put trust in him.


“Say, was today your first time coming in our house?” She pointed at him slightly.


“Yes.” He nodded.


“Really?” She assumed she saw him before, but does not know how and when.


“Weird.” She scratched her forehead, thinking it would pop in her head any minute but sadly, she couldn’t recounter a face like him.


“My pleasure.” He bowed 90 degrees before going out in the rain and riding away from the house.


“I swear I’ve seen him before. But how?” Ahri’s mom tsked and shook her head in irritation that she couldn’t find the answer to her question. Thinking too hard has made her head hurt so she decided not to think about it anymore. Just as Ahri’s mom closed the front door, Kai who was on his bike which was not far from Ahri’s house.


He relieved a sigh and muttered, “Luckily she didn’t recognize me.” He spoke before hopping on his bike again and going down the street with his hood over his head. 

I'm such a bad writer....huehue :'( But, oh wells looks like we have more tension between these two foe. Just for fun, which EXO member was introduced in this chappie? Also, who are you betting Ahri will fall more for? Hhehehe


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Chapter 5: I want ahri to be with baekhyun! I think it will be intresting...I have a question. Is ahri blind?
ainanisa #2