
Sweet Nothings

I can't believe I thought he was asking for my number because he was interested in me! Halmoni must be influencing my mind with her girlfriend drabble. That was disastrous.

I crossed off an other name from my call list and flipped the page.

One more contact... I haven't been able to concentrate on a single phone call all day. I also haven't gotten a single new signup today either. I need at least 11 signups a day to meet 300 signups by the end of the month, and I haven't been able to get a single person on a list of 237 people to sign up today. I'm going to have to work extra hard and sound extra zealous tomorrow.

I scooted back in my chair and straightened my back, sitting tall. I dialed the last number on the page and pressed the phone to my face, in a deep breath of air and holding it.

After the third ring a elderly male's voice answered. "Hello?" "Hello, Sir. How are you doing today?"

I cheered myself on with confidence. I can do this. Please sign up, old man, please!

"I'm doing just fine, young man. May I ask who this is?"

"Yes, Sir. My name is Do Kyungsoo and I was calling to ask if you would be interested in going on a vacation. I have a wonderful offer here that-" CLICK.

I sigh and slump into my chair. As expected. I glance at the clock. 6:47pm. Alright, time to get something to eat. I push myself out of my office chair and walk toward my kitchen. I open the refrigerator doors and my heart cries when I see that there is so little food. I really was not looking forward to an other trip today. I was hoping to make dinner and just go to bed. Maybe I should start taking advantage of gocery delivery services like Halmoni does.

No. Then I really would be a hermit.

Okay, Do Kyungsoo. You have got to go grocery shopping tonight.

I closed the refrigerator and walked to my coat rack. I chose the warmest coat I owned and threw it over my shoulders as I exited my apartment. I counted my money as I walked to the grovery store and just before I reached the third block I felt a thud. I had walked straight into someone while I was looking in my wallet. I bowed frantically and apologized.

"I'm so sorry, I was not looking where I was g-"

"It's fine. Are you getting an other fish?"

I looked up to see Kai's face staring down at me. His chest was like a rock when I bumped him. I blushed, embarrassed.

"No, I was just on my way to the grocery mart."

"Oh, do you live around here or something?", he asked.

"Er.. Yes. A couple of blocks away." Why is he so friendly now? Could he have just been in a bad mood before?

"Hey uh... Listen. I was wondering if you would turn in a customer satisfaction report for me. Chanyeol is right, I need a raise. My rent went up and I'm having a hard time paying the bills. I'm sorry go ask you for this." He rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

I squinted my eyes at him. That's why he's got a change of attitude. He's only being nice because he wants something from me.

"Uhh. Yeah, I could do that."

"Really?!" He exclaimed; "Thanks, dude! What's your number? I want to thank you some time."

My ears rang. 

"What?" My voice cracked.

"Your number, what is it?"

My mouth went dry and my hands started to tremble. "Oh, right." I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, trying to conceal my nervousness. "Er.. It's 45-" My voice cracked again. 

Oh my god, Kyungsoo, what is your problem?! Exchanging numbers is a completely normal step of socialization. Just pull yourself together and get through this confrontation.


He punched my numbers into his cell phone and looked up at me for a brief second. I noted the way a lock of hair fell over his eyes and I swallowed hard. He's so good looking.

"What's your name?"

"Do Kyungsoo."

"Right, see you around!"

He patted me on the shoulder and stepped around me; continuing on his way to wherever he was going.

I let out a huge gasp of air and let my muscles release. I had thought I might pass out.

You did it.

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littleolme #1
Chapter 3: I like your story and i love an awkward kyungsoo :)