Costum Game

Game Over (hiatus)

"Taehyung!" Sojin came towards him excitedly. 

"What?" He asked without any curiosity. 

"Can we practice again this weekend?" she asked hoping he said yes. 

"What? Isn't yesterday enough?" he asked trying to avoid her. " Besides, I have something to do this weekend" he explained.

"You only let me play the tutorial the whole day. It's too easy for me" 

"No. Let's do it next week!" he exclaimed and walked away, but Sojin catches up to him. 

"Please..." she begged. "If you don't, then we'll probably lose" 

"Ugh, why do you have to be so..." he stopped thinking he should said it or not, and he did "annoying..." he said in a light voice making sure she does hear it, but enough for him to let it out. 

"What?" she asked without noticing. 


"Please, I'm enthusiast about this right now." 

"Enthusiast?" he asked making sure she really said that. "Fine, but I have one condition." 

"What? What? Anything" she asked excitedly. 

"Don't call my name from across the room anymore" he sighed and continues. "Call me when you're close enough, please" he asked and at the same time begging for her to stop. 

"When did I?" she asked not remembering what she did. 

"Really? Do really need to mention when you did that?" he asked while raising an eyebrow. He sighed heavily and continued "First, you called me across the cafeteria, everyone was looking. Second, you called me across the game room, everyone lose their focus and lost the game" he sighed. "Do really need to continue?" 

"Umm... I remember now" she smiled in a guilty way. "You don't need to continue" 

"Gladly." he sighed heavily. "Okay, so there's a convention this weekend--about gaming obviously" he said chuckling. "You should come and see how the game is really played" 

"Really?" she asked excitingly, she starts to bounce up and down. 

"God, stop it!" he said making a distance. "Please don't be so overly excited about everything" he said annoyed. 

"Okay, sorry" 

"Just wait tomorrow at the bus stop in front of the school, we'll go from there. Don't be late" he explained and joined the queue in front of him. 

She sat with Hyein who was deliciously eating her lunch, but noticing Sojin who was looking at Jin intensely. 

"Hey, Sojin to earth! Are you there?" Hyein snaps her finger to get her attention. "What did you do?" she asked noticing that Sojin must've planned something. "What did you do?" she asked her again. 

"Hmm... What?" finally Sojin snapped out. "Nothing. I planned nothing. Why would you think that I planned something?" 

"It's just you've been looking at Jin for almost 15 minutes. Why?" 

"I like him that's why. I thought you knew?" 

"Yeah. I knew, but..." her voice drifted. "Nothing. Forget it" she took a spoonful of rice. "By the way. Stop imagining, eat or I'll eat it" she exclaimed. 

In the weekend she went to the bus station and saw that Taehyung was already there. 

"Taehyung!" she exclaimed while waving her hand. She ran towards him.

"Hey, didn't I tell you already? Or do you really want me to leave you here?" he frowned. 

"Sorry." she grinned, it's just that greeting people from afar is her habit. "Wow, you sure come early" she stated. 

"Of course. I won't be late when it comes to games" he explained.

"I doubt that" she said in a light voice. The bus arrived minutes later. 

They arrived in front of a huge building, in an odd shape. They stood in the lobby before getting in. 

"What is this place?" she asked, her eyes looking around the building. 

"This place? This is like a mall, but it's all about games. Please do not draw attention to yourself, because a lot of people are playing and they might lose their focus" he explained. 

She formed a zip lock in her lips, making sure he's convinced. They went inside and they arrived in the floor they were headed. 

Taehyung went to the place he headed without looking around, while on the other side Sojin was totally awestruck with the place, she looked around making sure she doesn't miss a thing. 

"I'm going to..." Taehyung looked around but Sojin wasn't there. "Where did she go?" he asked himself, why did he even take her here. 

He looked around each section, but she wasn't there. He finally found her in the car area. Looking at someone who was playing and cheering by herself. 

"Hey! What are you doing here?" he asked forming a frown on his face. "Please, I have to do something here..." he begged. "Are you having fun?" asked in an obvious tone. 

He's done waiting he really needs to do something, so he took her wrist and dragged her. 

"Hey, I wasn't finished." but Taehyung didn't care. "What are we doing anyway?" she asked. 

"I need to sign up for the match. I need to sign you up!" he explained. He went to the counter and do some filing. After he's done he took her to the convention center. "Now, this is where the real game is played" he smirked looking at the monitor. 

"Wow, it's so huge" Sojin stated amused by the technologies. "What is that?" she pointed at the dots popping out from the monitor. 

"That traces where the player came from and it's all over the world." he explained and pointed to the seat. "These are players who participated from out country."

"Are they all in one team?" 

"No. They formed their own team. 8 people max" 

"But, why are playing with three players?" she asked remembering the match. 

"This is just for fun" he stated. 

"Our match, is serious. We can get a trophy and money for prize." he sighed. "That's why, the people in the club doesn't want to join because they think that they're no good enough" he explained. 

"But, now I'm here" she said happily. 

"Yeah, now you're here" he stated. Sojin was totally mesmerized by the way people play. It's like better than working in a office. Everything can be so unexpected here. You don't know what your opponent might strike you with. 

That's why it's fun. Taehyung thought. 

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12345678910 #1
Chapter 6: Update please...
I fall in love with taehyung's character.
It's like I see my friend/crush in him.
He is the one who teach me about rpg game online T_T
Lmaomyass #2
Chapter 6: Update soon
Omg my brother plays leagues of legends hes obsessed with it.
suhween #4
Chapter 6: i think you repeated something twice like a bunch of paragraphs, but great touch!
imanezani #5
Chapter 6: great story ^.^
Omfg LoL. All of my guy friends are such nerds and are obsessed with this hame. -_- it makes me feel like I should play but then it's just not my type of game lol.
baconliner #7
Chapter 5: Please update soon authornim! :D
imanezani #8
Chapter 5: daebak !! update soon ~~~
Chapter 1: Omg I know League of legends im a lol freakkk Omg omg
Chapter 3: plss kinda exited fot the next chappie <3