Chapter 2

What's Important

Weeks turned in to months and you felt the distance grow between the two of you. What time spent together was so few and far between that it was starting to feel like you were living with a stranger. Not to mention nights like tonight when he wasn't suppose to be working and yet he was fixing his hair in the mirror.
"I thought you didn't work tonight?" you asked him.
"I don't." he informed you. "Just going to hang out at the club with the guys. Maybe have a couple of drinks."
You didn't bother hiding the sigh that came out of your mouth. "Do you have to?"
He stopped fussing over himself and raised an eyebrow at you. "You don't want me to go out and have fun?"
"It's not that." you quickly said. "It's just we never spend any time together anymore."
He let out an exasperated groan. "I asked before if me working nights was going to bother you and you said no."
"It doesn't." you told him.
"Good cause I'm not quitting my job." he informed you and walked out of the bedroom.
You stood there in surprise before following him out to the living room. "I'm not asking you to quit. I'm asking for some attention."
"Then come to the club with me." he casually stated as he slipped on his shoes.
You rolled your eyes. "I have to work in the morning. I'm not going out clubbing and drinking with you."
"Then stop nagging me already."
Your mouth dropped open in shock and looked incredulously at him.
He noticed your expression and rolled his eyes. "Fine. You want me to stand everyone up and stay here, then I will."
You crossed your arms and shook your head while glaring at him. "Forget it. Just leave."
"Thank you for giving me permission." he said sarcastically and then he was out the door.
Anger and hurt welled up inside you but you swallowed and forced those emotions away. Then looking around the empty apartment, you decided it wasn't worth staying up the hour or two until you normally went to bed. You shut the lights off and headed to the bedroom.

You stirred awake when you felt a hand slide down your side. You didn't bother opening your eyes, intent on falling back asleep and ignoring him. Then his hand ran to other parts of your body as his body pressed up against yours. You let out a little whine of protest and tried to move away from him but he held you tightly against him.
"Baby." he murmured and kissed your neck.
You wrinkled your nose at the heavy reek of alcohol on his breath. "Stop." you mumbled and tried to go back to sleep.
He didn't stop though as he grinded his hips in to you and his hands fumbled to slip under your pyjamas.
"Yongguk, no." you reiterated and tried to push his arm away.
Again, your protest went unheeded as his lips continued kissing your neck. "I'm your man aren't I?" he huskily asked. "Your hot boyfriend." Then he tried to take your pyjama bottoms off.
You opened your eyes and this time pushed him away forcefully with all your strength. "I said no!"
He fell back and stared at you in surprise as you sat up, glaring at him.
"You don't get to act like an and then come home, drunk off your , and expect me to be okay with it!" you yelled. "I'm trying to sleep. I have to work in a few hours. And no means no!"
Neither of you said anything as you sat there seething and him staring at you in shock. Then his face twisted and he was glaring as well.
"Fine. I'll leave." He got off the bed and went to walk out of the bedroom.
You glanced at the clock. "It's three in the morning. Where are you going?" you demanded.
"Why the do you care?!" Then the bedroom door was slammed behind him.
You stared at the door in disbelief before closing your eyes and letting out a scream of frustration. Then you threw yourself back on to the bed and tried to force him out of your mind so you could fall back asleep.

When your alarm clock went off, you quickly shut it off and stifled a whine of protest. It took forever for you to get back to sleep and you weren't ready to get up. You rolled over and felt a little jolt of surprise when you noticed you were the only one in bed. You got up and went out in to the living room but the apartment was empty. Closing your eyes and letting out a huff, you went about getting ready for work.
It was just as you were about to leave that Yongguk walked in, looking a little worn and ragged from being out all night.
"Where were you?" you asked him.
"Out." he curtly told you.
You bristled a little at his tone but didn't give in. Instead in a soft tone, you said, "I'm sorry for last night."
He grunted in reply as he slipped his shoes off and walked past you.
"Yongguk." you said.
With an exaggerated groan, he turned to face you and gave you a disgusted look. "What?"
To hell with being nice. "Can you stop acting like an for two minutes so we can talk?"
"Sure." he said with a shrug. "When you stop acting like a ." Then he turned and walked away.
You gritted your teeth and promptly turned away as well, making a point to slam the front door behind you.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 6: OMG, the OC was surely the best kind as Yongguk said in the beginning. At least, he admitted to his mistake.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 3: OMG, poor girl and Yongguk, I don’t understand why you had to be so mean to the girl. She loved you dearly.
leecika #3
Chapter 6: the biggest test for a woman in a relationship is during the hardship, and the test for a man is during the success.' After that, you will know who choose to stay and who don't.
Chapter 6: Whoah......Music producer.
Chapter 4: Awwwwww...see. you shouldn't say sonething you'll regret in the end.
Chapter 3: Tssss...what an .
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 6: This was beautiful. Short, simple and awesome. Love how it was written, i felt for the characters. :)
jongupholic #10
Chapter 6: This is such a beautiful fanfic! I would read it time and time again ~