Chapter 3

What's Important

This went on for several days, neither of you willing to back down as well as finding him out later and later every night. When he first started working he would come straight home after work to gently slip in to bed with you, careful to not wake you as he cuddled with you. Then it became him staying out a little later. Now the dawn light was just barely filtering in when he showed up, climbing in to bed and turning away from you.
One morning you woke up and found him lightly snoring next to you. You watched him for a moment, your heart tugging slightly at the past memories of what use to be between you, and then carefully you slid out of the bed. You decided enough was enough. You cared too much about him to throw this relationship away and you were sure he still felt the same way about you. He was just stubborn.
You took out the crockpot, quickly filling it with chicken and sauce. It should be done just as you were getting home and him waking up. You'd enjoy a dinner together and talk. He didn't have to work so that left plenty of time to work things out.
Smiling at your plan, you silently got ready for work and thought about what you would say to him tonight.

When you got home, you found the living room empty and smiled mischievously. You quietly hurried around, boiling noodles and setting the table. Once the noodles were done, you scooped the food on to two plates before setting them on the table. You smiled at the presentation and hoped it'd make him want to sit down to eat with you.
Tip-toeing to the bedroom door, you carefully pushed it open and thought about how you were going to wake him up. Your heart sunk though when you saw that the bedroom was empty. You were home alone.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before heading back out to the living room. You grabbed your phone and called him. After two rings though, it went to voicemail. You ended the call and tried once more but this time it didn't ring before going to voicemail. You squeezed your phone tightly as you let out a frustrated growl. Then a new plan formed in your mind, easily guessing where he more than likely was.
You quickly changed out of your work clothes, throwing on a pair of jeans and a shirt, and then stomped out the front door. You were going to have this talk with him even if it meant confronting him at the club.

You walked in to the club and looked around. It was still early but there was a surprising amount of people already filling the place. He wasn't up on the stage so you made your way to the sitting area. You stopped when you spotted him and folded your arms as you observed him.
He was surrounded by people, each one working to get his attention. He certainly seemed like he was enjoying being the center of attention too. Acting very much like the 'big man on campus'. You rolled your eyes at his behavior and tried to think back the past few months. When did your cute, humble boyfriend become so macho and full of himself? You shook the thought from your head and took a step forward towards him. You stopped your approach again though when you saw a girl walk up to him. You couldn't hear what they were saying but the smirk on his face was more than evident. You wanted to be wrong but then she made herself comfortable. Straddling his lap. He his lips as his hands ran up her sides and then she was kissing him. He eagerly kissed her back and you watched as one of his hands slid down her body before disappearing under her dress.
You looked away as you felt yourself getting sick. Tears welled up in your eyes but you angrily wiped them away. Now wasn't the time to be crying. Instead you quickly crossed the distance. In one swift motion, you grabbed his drink off the table and flung the liquid in to their faces. The girl let out a squeal and quickly climbed off his lap.
"What the ?!" Yongguk shouted as he stood up. When your eyes met, you saw a small fleeting moment of surprise but it was quickly replaced by anger.
You shrugged your shoulders, not breaking eye contact. "You two were getting pretty hot and heavy. Figured you needed to cool down." Then you turned and stormed away, not bothering to look to see if he was following you.

When you got home, you went straight to the bedroom. Grabbing a duffel bag, you started stuffing his clothes in it. Then you zipped it closed and carried it out to the living room, tossing it down by the front door. Then you grabbed his laptop, put it in its bag, and set it by the door as well.
At that moment Yongguk walked in. You barely even acknowledged him before turning and walking away.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
You stopped and turned around to face him. "With me? What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"You embarrassed me! In front of my friends!" he yelled.
You let out a huff of disbelief as your mouth dropped open. "You were cheating on me!"
He glared and eyed you while shrugging. "No means no, right? So what's it to you?"
You let out disgusted gag. "Don't pin this on me. We're not in an open relationship. You were cheating."
"Well it certainly doesn't feel like a relationship."
"Again; don't pin this on me. You've been an ." you countered.
"And you've been a ing ." he said.
You glared at him and folded your arms. "I watched you at the club. You think you're some ing hotshot now cause you have people fawning over you."
"And you use to be one of them." he retorted. "But now you couldn't care less about me."
You dramatically swept your arm out and indicated the table with the food still sitting on it. "I made dinner. Hoping we could talk and work things out. Instead you left and d some at the club." Then you walked over and grabbed his plate before turning back to him. "You want to know what I think of you now?" You raised the plate up a little before throwing it down on to the floor where it shattered. "There's your dinner. Eat it like the dog you are."
His eyes widened as he watched you before he went back to glaring. " you, you crazy ."
"Just get out already." you told him.
Instead he took a few steps closer to bring his face close to yours, careful not to step on the mess. "You don't know what you're losing. You saw them at the club. I can have any I want."
"Something tells me you already have." you snarled.
He sneered at you before scoffing. "You'll come crawling back. On you knees and begging me to take you back while you on my ."
"Get out." you firmly told him, hiding the small quiver your jaw made.
"Your loss." he said. Then he gave you one last look of disgust before turning away. He paused long enough to pick up the bags and then he was gone.

You swallowed as your jaw shook again and your eyes watered. You rolled your eyes though and kneeled down, picking up the shards of porcelain from the plate. So much for dinner together.
Once you were finished cleaning the mess, you took your plate and scraped the food in a bowl before putting it in the fridge. You didn't have much of an appetite anymore. Then you made your way to the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Curling up on your side, you finally allowed yourself to break and you cried.

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 6: OMG, the OC was surely the best kind as Yongguk said in the beginning. At least, he admitted to his mistake.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 3: OMG, poor girl and Yongguk, I don’t understand why you had to be so mean to the girl. She loved you dearly.
leecika #3
Chapter 6: the biggest test for a woman in a relationship is during the hardship, and the test for a man is during the success.' After that, you will know who choose to stay and who don't.
Chapter 6: Whoah......Music producer.
Chapter 4: Awwwwww...see. you shouldn't say sonething you'll regret in the end.
Chapter 3: Tssss...what an .
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 6: This was beautiful. Short, simple and awesome. Love how it was written, i felt for the characters. :)
jongupholic #10
Chapter 6: This is such a beautiful fanfic! I would read it time and time again ~