Chapter 5

What's Important

You woke up in the morning, yawning and stretching a little. Then you quickly climbed out of bed and to the living room. Yongguk was still soundly sleeping and you quietly set about making pancakes. You were just about ready to pour the batter in the pan when you heard movement in the living room. You set the bowl down and walked out of the kitchen.
He froze for a moment before quickly finishing folding the blanket. "Morning." he mumbled. Then he set the blanket down and picked up his backpack. "Uh.. t-thanks." he stuttered and then turned to walk to the door.
"What are you doing?" you asked.
He hesitated at the door, looking down at the floor. "I... Uh... Um... I should.."
"I'm making breakfast." you stated as you walked across the room to him. When you got close, his shoulders slouched more and he took a step back. "It'd be rude of you to just leave without eating what I make." you finished.
Then you watched as he took in a shaky breath and closed his eyes, his grip tightening on the bag. "Stop." he whispered.
You let out a small sigh. "Yongguk.."
"No." he quickly said, his voice straining. "Don't. Please. I... I don't..."
Before he could think of it, you hurried past him and to the front door to block his way. "It's freezing outside. I'm not letting you leave without a place to go."
"I'll be fine." he stated.
He winced a little and swallowed. You let out an loud huff and crossed your arms. Then the two of you stood there for a while, neither one saying anything or backing down.
"Why are you doing this?" he whispered, breaking the silence.
You sighed and shook your head. "What kind of person would I be if I let you go freeze to death?"
He his lips before replying, barely loud enough for you to hear, "You'd still be the best kind."
Those familiar words played with your emotions as you closed your eyes. Then you took a step forward towards him only to have him take a step back. Always shrinking away from you.
"Look at me." you said.
Instead his eyes went everywhere else but look at you.
"Yongguk." you firmly said. "Look at me."
Slowly, he brought his head up to finally meet your gaze as he nervously his lips.
"It's a couch and some food until you get on your feet." you offered. "You're a hard worker, I know it won't take long. You just need a helping hand right now."
His head drooped back down once more as he stayed silent.
"I cheated on you."
You jerked a little in surprise at the unexpectated declaration. "Huh?"
"It wasn't just that one girl. There were others." he continued.
You took in a slow deep breath. "I figured you had but the offer still stands. Nothing you can say will change my mind and let you walk out that door."
You could easily tell he was hoping for something different with the way he fidgeted. He took in a shaky breath and blinked his eyes rapidly. It didn't stop a few tears from falling though.
"Yongguk." you softly said and walked up to him.
He shook his head and tried to take a step back but you grabbed him. He let out a little whine and resisted you as you pulled him towards you, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing his head on to your shoulder.
"Please let me help you." you said.
His body shook and then he was crying. You ran your fingers through his hair as a few of your own tears rolled down your cheeks.
After a minute, he pulled away and furiously wiped at his eyes. "Okay." he relented while nodding his head. Then he looked up at you and he face went slack when he saw your wet face. His hand came up to wipe your cheek but then it jerked back as he caught himself. Instead he rubbed the back of his neck and looked away. "T-thanks." he stuttered.
You wiped at your face and turned away as well. "Of course." you said, collecting yourself. "Now, how about some pancakes?" Then you headed to the kitchen to cook.

After breakfast, Yongguk insisted on doing the dishes while you got ready for work. When you came back out to the living room, you found him digging out his laptop and charger from his backpack.
"Going job hunting?" you asked.
"Yeah." he answered before heading to the door.
"Then why are you taking your laptop?"
He stopped as he blushed a little and fumbled his words.
"Are you going to pawn it?" you questioned and walked up to him.
He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't need it."
You let out a sigh and rolled your eyes. Then you grabbed it and yanked it out of his hands. "Don't worry about it."
"But then I can buy my own food instead of.."
"I said don't worry about it." you reiterated as you set it down on the coffee table. "Get a job and pay me back when you can."
He chewed on his bottom lip before looking down and nodding.
"And here." you added, walking back to him. "You'll need this." You held up the spare key to your apartment. His old key.
He hesitated before slowly reaching up and taking it from you. Then he stuffed it in his pocket before quickly putting on his shoes and opening the front door.
"Wait." you said and he turned to you. You ran your fingers through his hair to fix it a little. "There. Good luck" you told him with a smile.
He blinked in surprise at you for a second before nodding. "Thanks."

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 6: OMG, the OC was surely the best kind as Yongguk said in the beginning. At least, he admitted to his mistake.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 3: OMG, poor girl and Yongguk, I don’t understand why you had to be so mean to the girl. She loved you dearly.
leecika #3
Chapter 6: the biggest test for a woman in a relationship is during the hardship, and the test for a man is during the success.' After that, you will know who choose to stay and who don't.
Chapter 6: Whoah......Music producer.
Chapter 4: Awwwwww...see. you shouldn't say sonething you'll regret in the end.
Chapter 3: Tssss...what an .
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 6: This was beautiful. Short, simple and awesome. Love how it was written, i felt for the characters. :)
jongupholic #10
Chapter 6: This is such a beautiful fanfic! I would read it time and time again ~