Chapter 6

What's Important

Yongguk found a job a couple of days later. It was only a seasonal job but it was still work and he worked hard just like you knew he would. Often times you'd come home to find him passed out on the couch from exhaustion. It was definitely awkward having him around and the two of you didn't say much to each other. Especially him as he nodded or shook his head, only mumbling a few words when required. Looking down instead of looking at you.
Then he got his first paycheck and met you in the kitchen one morning. "Here." he said and held up the folded bills.
You took the cash from him before he quickly turned and walked away. You looked at the money and hurried after him to the living room. "Yongguk this is your whole check."
He shrugged his shoulders as he put on his shoes. "Just take it." he mumbled and then he was out the door.
You closed your eyes and sighed. Then a plan formed in your mind. You pocketed the cash and grabbed your purse before leaving the apartment as well.
When Yongguk came home from work, you were sitting on the couch with some shopping bags on the floor. He hesitated at the door before shuffling over to the couch.
"I got you some stuff." you told him and indicated the bags that held some new clothes.
He slowly sat down and bit his bottom lip as he looked in one of the bags. Then he set it back down. "You didn't have to."
"I wanted to." you told him. "Besides, you're the one that gave me all his money when he shouldn't have. You only have to pay half the bills."
He shrugged his shoulders but didn't say anything. So then you grabbed the surprise you had hidden under the pillow next to you.
"And I got you this with my money." you said and handed him the wrapped present. "Merry Christmas."
He stared at the present in his hands with shock. "What.. Why.."
"Just open it."
Instead he quickly set it down on the coffee table. "No. I.. I don't..." He went to stand up but you grabbed his arm to keep him on the couch.
He tried to pull his arm away but you held on tightly
"Do you regret what you did?"
He froze and you felt his muscles tense. Then he swallowed and slowly nodded. "Yes." he said.
"Are you going to apologize?" you asked.
He chewed on his lip before slowly shaking his head. "No." he whispered.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise. "Why not?"
He his lips nervously before turning to you, looking you in the eyes. "Because that'll give you a chance to forgive me. And I don't want you to."
"Well I don't think I could forgive you just like that." you confessed.
"Yet you're letting me stay here." he said as he looked away.
"It was better than the alternative and I can't be that cruel." you told him. "You just let everything go to your head." You grabbed the present and forced it in to his hands. "And as a friend, I want you to have this."
He held it in his hands for a while before taking the wrapping paper off. His thumb traced over the name on the cd, a new one from the group he really liked. He nodded his head a little as he squirmed and bit his lip. It was when you placed a hand on his shoulder that he couldn't keep it in anymore and he started crying.
"Yongguk." you said and scooted closer, wrapping your arms around him.
He didn't shrink away this time and let you hold him until he could force the tears to stop. Then he wiped at his face and admired the cd once more. "Thank you." he said and then he frowned. "I didn't get you anything."
"You hand me a wad of cash and didn't think I'd go shopping?" you dug in one of the bags and brought out a small box. You opened it to reveal a jeweled bracelet. "Thank you so much, it's exactly what I wanted."
A small smile formed on his face as he as he let out a tiny chuckle. Which left you breathless. It was the first time he's been here that you saw him smile.
"Merry Christmas." he said.
You smiled at him. "Merry Christmas."

"I can't do this."
"You'll be fine."
"But what if.."
"Stop." you ordered.
Yongguk swallowed and turned back to the mirror, fussing over himself again. You shook your heard and grabbed him, turning him to face you as you adjusted his tie.
"It's just a simple interview. You'll do great." you firmly told him. Then you stepped a little closer to fix his hair a little.
It was only when you were done that you realized how close your faces were to each other. Or the way he was looking at you. You held your breath and time seemed to stand still as you both froze. Then you slowly moved in and kissed him. He didn't move for a second before he hesitantly reciprocated, planting his lips on yours in a gentle kiss.
"You... you're.. going to be late." you stammered and went to move away.
He grabbed you though to keep you from leaving. "I'm sorry."
Your breath caught in your throat once more as you meet his gaze.
"I lost sight of what's important. The most important thing in the world to me. And I'm sorry."
You swallowed hard before taking a shaky breath. Then you nodded and placed a hand on his cheek. "Don't be nervous because you're perfect for the job."
He closed his eyes as he placed a hand over yours and pressed it to his face harder. Then he took a deep breath and looked at you. "Wish me luck?"
"Good luck." you told him with a smile.
A shy smile formed on his face and then he left. You heard the front door open and closed before taking in several gulps of air.

You were in the kitchen when you heard the door open a couple hours later. You turned around and saw Yongguk standing by the entrance to the kitchen with a small smile.
"I got the job."
You let out a squeal and clapped your hands. "I knew it." Then your smile faltered when he brought his arm out from behind his back.
"Uh.. I.. Um.. These.." He stopped trying to say anything and instead just held out the bouquet of flowers, his face turning bright red.
You bit your lip to stop yourself from giggling over his shyness as you took the flowers. "Thank you. And it's a good start."
"Uh... yeah." he mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck, blushing even harder.
"You're still not forgiven just yet." you told him.
"That's fine." he readily agreed. "I don't deserve it yet and I expect to sleep on the couch for a long time. I'm still... uh... 'in the doghouse' so to speak."
You blinked at him before laughing, remembering the words you had said to him when you broke up. "Yes you are." Then you smelled the flowers. "Bang Yongguk, music producer. Has a nice ring to it." you mused.
He blushed again but smiled. "I couldn't have done it without you."
You shrugged. "I know."
He bit his lip a little before taking a step forward and placing a hand on your cheek. When you didn't pull away, he leaned in and gave you soft kiss. "Thank you. For everything."

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RinaBelle #1
Chapter 6: OMG, the OC was surely the best kind as Yongguk said in the beginning. At least, he admitted to his mistake.
RinaBelle #2
Chapter 3: OMG, poor girl and Yongguk, I don’t understand why you had to be so mean to the girl. She loved you dearly.
leecika #3
Chapter 6: the biggest test for a woman in a relationship is during the hardship, and the test for a man is during the success.' After that, you will know who choose to stay and who don't.
Chapter 6: Whoah......Music producer.
Chapter 4: Awwwwww...see. you shouldn't say sonething you'll regret in the end.
Chapter 3: Tssss...what an .
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 2: Tssss.... -.-
this is getting complicated.
Chapter 6: This was beautiful. Short, simple and awesome. Love how it was written, i felt for the characters. :)
jongupholic #10
Chapter 6: This is such a beautiful fanfic! I would read it time and time again ~