Two Pieces

Finding My Missing Piece
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(Kai’s POV)


I was actually grateful that this was actually a quite long break from school. I really really need time to think and clear my mind. It has been a while since I got myself hooked to a girl… The last one was Sungmi and it was already years ago…


All these years, my one true friend has only been Sehun. He was there through my lowest point in life. He was the only one who really knew what I felt about the whole ordeal, even my parents did not know. Everyone else always thought that I’ve gone on and forget about the grave mistake that I’ve done to Sungmi. That was practically impossible, it would haunt me forever. If I said sorry to her, none of this would have happened…


But then, Hyojin came. She came unexpectedly like a hurricane, so sudden and left such a big impact. It was surprisingly so easy opening up to her. I mean, I barely knew her and I already talked quite a lot to her, which was really something because I usually chose to just shut myself from the rest of the world. What made her so different? Was it because she’s Sehun’s cousin? Or was it because, deep inside, I knew that she was my kind?


Argh, why was this so difficult?! This was even harder than the Math questions that our school gives!


(Hyojin’s POV)


Jongin and I hadn’t talked again since the day of the accident. I guessed, it was actually a good thing that now was a holiday. We need to sort our feelings. Everything was too sudden. We were slowly building our friendship again but the blasted incident must happen. Without that, we wouldn’t have to open our old wounds again. But then again, we wouldn’t be able to understand each other better than ever if we didn’t share our tragedies.


It was comfortable talking with him; it almost felt like we were old friends. I really didn’t want to get too comfortable, though. I was scared that our friendship would develop to something more. And I did not want that. But with us already sharing our deepest se

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_Aecha #1
Omggggg what is thissssss
kaiixes #2
It was a nice story to read good job for your first fanfic